Apparently, the "angle" we can twist our heads, is more realistic in Aces High than Forgotten Battles.
However, the circumstances are not - the way how we can view our 6 in a panoramic wide-view in a single flick, how we can move our head position back to bring out that wide-view, and how we can cross from looking over left shoulder to right shoulder directly.
The limited view angles in FB is terrible, but once you get used to it, it is very exciting and heart pounding, to have to check left shoulder and then right shoulder and vice versa again and again to check enemy position.
In a previous incarnation of this dicussion, these were my suggestions:
AH2 as of now

IL-2/FB: Severe limitation in angles

Suggested: Looking over each shoulders

"Look Over Left Shoulder" view, will be engaged when the hat key moves from
to position.
"Look Over Right Shoulder" view, will be engaged when the hat key moves from to position.
In essence, we will have two 6 views we can map separately, in order to check both sides of fuselage in turns, not at a glance. Thus, we will be limited in head positions, but not angles.