Junky little cars don't belong on the road. Look at how the mini-SUV just instantly flipped over. If that had been a car which was actually SAFE for the road instead of a poorly-designed POS, then he would have not flipped and probably would have had enough control to MISS the walker (probably would have bounced over the curb and hit the poles for the light instead). Of course that would have required the driver to be paying attention, which apparently he was not since he managed to both run the light and not see the walker. Even if he had green he still didn't see the walker.
So, WHICH car was actually running the red light? You can't tell for absolute certain based on footage alone because you can't SEE the light.
Interestingly, it is possible--depending on the timing of the lights--that the PT was running the red (this would require the walker to be blatantly jaywalking). Of course anyone witnessing it would have known WHO had the red light. An interesting flaw of that particular traffic cam, that you can't see the lights. IF you take the opposite traffic's stopping (note their nosedives) to mean that the light had just turned to red for both lanes (assuming no left-turn light, or equal-timed ones on both sides of road), then BOTH the Suv and the PT were running a red as it would not have turned green for the Sub by that time yet.
Interesting footage.
EDIT: Information you could not possibly know based on the cam footage alone:
"Pollice say the light had been red for 28 seconds when the PT Cruiser entered the intersection."
"They say Tegtmeyer should not have been crossing the street at the time because the crosswalk signal was red."
The guy lived BTW.