I didn't read the last 2 pages of this thread so something like this might have already been mentioned. It may be true that most Americans probably have never left the country. Though I'm sure many more have than some will give credit for. I've been to Mexico, Jamaca and Hawaii (ok still USA but on the others side of the ocean ya know
) I'd almost be willing to bet that I was exposed to more cultures by the time I was 5 years old than most of the people on this board have in thier entire lives. Yup you got it right here in good ole Tejas. The reason we don't have to go to other countries is not because America is so great and big you could spend a life time here (this is true but not the reason) The reason is that all the other cultures come here.
Heck, in my first grade class we had Indians (from India and American Indians), African Americans, African Africans, even a white African, A kid from Iran, I had a British teacher once in school. The list goes on and on and on and that was just one little neighborhood in Houston. In 3rd grade my best friend was Japanese and his mom brought the culture over here with them. We had to take off shoes in the house and everything and I got to eat all that cool rice candy stuff as a kid. On the other side of my block there was Johan and his little brother Englebert. His family had just moved here from Norway, they were very nice people. In highschool my best friends were from Iran and I learned a whole hell of a lot about thier culture from thier parents. To this day I still want to be able to visit Iran one day to see all the history they told about, maybe one day it will be safe enough.
Sure you can sit there in your country and say "America is a bunch of uncultured rednecks" but if you really believe that you're more ignorant than what you accuse us of being
Rednecks are just one culture in America. We have 50 states and each have thier own cultures and each have imigrants who have brought thier cultures with them and assimilated into ours. Some states have many more than one type of culture and some states share cultures with others states. You should see the looks I get in California or New York when I say "y'all"
Like wise you should see the look a Yankee gets here in Texas when they start talking with a thick New York or Mass. accent. That's part of what makes this country so great it's the "melting pot". **** man I can drive 15 minutes from my apartment here in N. Austin and go to towns where people still speak German (Edbert will back me up on this) Where they still play oompah music (you know that German music with the Tuba and stuff like that
Europe, you think you have a unique history that's not part of America's history? Well guess what? IT IS AMERICA'S HISTORY and we were taught it in school, at least the schools I went to. How many of you there in England got American history or Texas history or New York history or civil war history in school?
LOL some of you have never even been here and you think you know what makes up my country. That's just being as ignorant and bigotted as you claim Americans are. But hey if you want to live your lives being ignorant, fine by me. And dont' think I'm talking about anybody in particular here, I don't know who of you have been here or not.
funny and enlightening thread....