Author Topic: TrackIR settings  (Read 312 times)

Offline Yippee38

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TrackIR settings
« on: July 12, 2004, 10:12:02 PM »
You guys who use TrackIR in AH2, how do you have your set up?  I'm having trouble getting it set up decently.  It's far too sensitive in the entire range, and I'd like to make it much less sensitive in the center region.

Offline Edbert

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TrackIR settings
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2004, 11:13:19 AM »
My TIR3-pro was just delivered today, I am at the office holding it now. According to the manual there is a sensitivity adjustment in the software.

It is the "speed slider" under the "motion tab". Do you have the latest software?

Offline Yippee38

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TrackIR settings
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2004, 10:45:27 PM »
I have the latest software that works with the TIR1 which is what I have.  It has the same adjustment.  The problem with that is that it adjusts it uniformly throughout the entire range.  It doesn't help me set a bit of a dead zone in the middle.


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TrackIR settings
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2004, 11:56:00 PM »
I have 3.11 software and TrackIR2.  I set both axis at

Offline AV8ER

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TrackIR settings
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2004, 12:48:23 PM »
Aces High really needs TrackIR, come on guys.
Mine arrived last week and it works great in WWIIOL, I just wish that it would work as well here.:(

Offline bustr

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TrackIR settings
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2004, 05:26:58 PM »
Just got my TrackIR 3D Pro. It's a gas. But here are some issues. Mostly on my side and a bit funny. Oh I'm using the keymapper. You have to really play with the zones to get compatible with your personal physical head motion. Setting the size of the center "Dead Zone" is important. Too small and you can't hold center. Too large and your other views won't be holdable. Of the 3 Zone styles the rounded square is the most forgiving.

1. I never understood how being able to lock a view in place with my thumb kept me from realising how much I moved my body or head out of center to adjust for the tilt in the horizon. This makes the track dot go places that can give you virtigo and ruin your piper alignment at the last moment. I catch myself turning my body opposit of a 45 deg tilt trying to account for gravity. This is a computer sim and I'm unconciously adjusting my body to the screen.;)

2. I almost had to tape my thumb away from the hat switch. The little bugger kept hopping up onto the switch. It's got a mind of it's own. Guess I will have to enroll in "Thumbs Anonymous".:)

3. I actually got neck strain controlling the motion of the dot so I could hold views steady. Now it's more like real flying. I had trouble reading icons because I couldn't hold the view for very long. But my trusty thumb would come to my rescue. Gotta unlearn that tumb.

4. Only one time last night was I able to follow a con through 360deg and not slip into a view I didn't want. But DANG IT WAS SWEET. If I can get this worked out, it's gonna be great.:aok

5. In the TrackIR software I've had to slow the pipper speed down to about 15 to get control over my head motions in the Keymapper grid. I have trouble with not being able to stop in a view at the moment of transition into it. I've been over shooting by the time I can control my heads motion. I think I may need to go back to the larger dot on my hat brim with very slow motion set.

6. The hotkeys for enableling TrackIR and centering it corrispond to 2 hotkeys in AH. F9 and F12. I though it stopped working while looking in my up right. I had just pressed my mapped F9 and turned off the TrackIR. Oh! And I just got my thumb to play nice for once.:p At least the ground enjoyed my impact. You can remapp these either in TrackIR or AH. I'll pick one eventually.

7. There is a tendancy when you are banked and looking out of the top side angle of the canopy at a con to start pulling the stick to bring your nose around at the con. I did not realise that in most cases for a moment we release the view back to center for an instant to orient ourselves to pull the nose around. That way we don't climb into a stall pulling too sharp or nose into the ground. Well blind turning with your head "virtually" over your shoulder has risks that open a whole new need to go back to basic flight school.:confused:

It will take time and practice to use the view mapping grid from the Keymapper app. It is not intuitive at first because of the years using a hat switch. I have to think about not moving my head around too much so I can read instrument details, have the time to look at ground details, or keep the gun sight centered in the CRT. In the excitment of following a con, there's a tendancy to try and see too much which moves your head too far or too fast. I have to keep reminding myself its "views" Im changing, not fluid moving of the 360dg sphere.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.