Author Topic: AHII gunnery, in bombers...  (Read 368 times)

Offline Overlag

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AHII gunnery, in bombers...
« on: July 29, 2004, 08:45:43 PM »
image my joy....and my dismay that AHII brought.

in AHI i couldnt kill fighters with fighters because my aim sucked, so i generaly flew bombers, with 8 months of bombing i could knock out single buildings from 30k etc etc, and i could even land sorties of 4-6 kills (landed 7 in a ki67 once 5x163s 2x109.......) great.

So gunnery in AHI = Fighters i suck, bombers i be "ok".

Along comes AHII, and suddenly i can aim, fighters fall out of the sky in front of me, and i start injoying it, other than the ctds etc etc.

I up my bombers and yes the zoom on the bombsite is reduced, not so bad...takes practice and im on par as before (ok ok i never go up to 30k anymore its boring). But as soon as a fighter comes up on me, i might as well do a "Whels" and bail out or alt f4, because my chances on knocking out that fighter, even if he hangs at 200 yards out dead 6 is ZERO.... i just CANT consistantly shoot planes down from bombers anymore.  Which means i dont really want to bomb

so Gunnery in AHII = Fighters YAY!!!!!!! i can aim, bombers ARRRRRRRG YOU B*****Ds!

I tested bombers offline, checking convergance settings etc, and i found they had VERY little (err no) effect on where the bullets land and spread, i set convergance to 200 in lancs, fired at a target 200 away, and sure enough my plane hit right where it was supposed to. My drones however was lucky to hit the outer rings on the target. Alittle more testing showed the drones seem to converge on a target 1k away. and of coarse 1k away is too far for most 303s/50s and you end up with 50% failing to even register with the target.

 Is this supposed to happen? How comes other buff pilots made the transfer over ok?
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
This post has a Krusty rating of 37

Offline Adogg

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AHII gunnery, in bombers...
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2004, 09:52:57 AM »
Making fighters fall.

It depends on where you're being attacked. Personally When i get slashed from above, I don't do well. And that's not suprising You've got to work a lot harder to kill a bandit.

However most of my encounters with fighters still occur on my six.
I'm assuming your problem is from all angles.

I drag quick bursts across the target (with appropriate lead) not with the expectation of killing but simply making the incoming bandit move out of the way.

Usually though the dummies flying up my six will take hit after hit due to their target fixation.

Also ... how much zoom are you using? I'm fiding zooming in is less effective than in AH1.

Offline Overlag

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AHII gunnery, in bombers...
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2004, 11:31:29 AM »
normaly use max zoom.

today topped it off for me

a p47 came dead 6, auto leveled and fired his 3400 rounds at me dead six. could i shoot him down? no constant hits on wings, engine, cockpit, he didnt move...just auto level constantly firing at me. Once he got 200 yards away my rounds didnt even register hits anymore.

But, its not broken, its still possible. I BnZ'ed a B17 with a TA152, and 2-2.5k out (after pass) he hit my fuel :confused:
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
This post has a Krusty rating of 37

Offline Puck

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AHII gunnery, in bombers...
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2004, 02:01:02 PM »
Interesting you should mention that.

I was dogfighting my TBM last Friday during SquidOps, and ended up with a B5N or whatever it was behind me.  Jumpped into the lower gun position...and could NOT hit him.

We were both straight and level, he was dead six.  I fired my entire clip at him in bursts; some a bit high, some low, some to the left and right, TRYING to figure out HOW I was missing from an absolutly steady gun platform at a range inside 400 at a steady opponent.  It was so entertaining I forgot to maneuver and he finally pecked my wing off.

I'm still unsure how I was able to miss so much.
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