Author Topic: Vote Bug  (Read 5123 times)

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #30 on: August 03, 2004, 01:07:42 PM »
Originally posted by Slash27
Since january 1

TheBug has 179:31:32 in the CT.

Slash27 has 189:03:29 in the CT.

Did I win?

Sorry I win Just for January alone : 142 hours in the CT
Damnn I need a life :rolleyes:

Offline Edbert

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« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2004, 01:18:42 PM »
I may be sticking my nose in where it aint asked for but that never stopped me before...

I think if you are a CT staffer you need to be in the CT not the MA. When I log onto AH I look at the number of peeps in the CT. If it is under 20 I go to the MA, if it is over that I'll take a look at the planesets. If there are Jets enabled I'll go to the MA.

I'm not even beginning to suggest you change anything to tailor to my ilk, just giving you some feedback.

I prefer fighting historical matchups, I also prefer fighting with multiple bandits and wingmen though.

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2004, 02:04:38 PM »
I think if you are a CT staffer you need to be in the CT not the MA

At what point would we be able to be in the MA?

Offline B17Skull12

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« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2004, 02:46:34 PM »
edbert, remember once a wise man once told a young grass hopper.  "It is your $15 month do what you wantwith it"

Offline Edbert

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« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2004, 04:10:11 PM »
I'm just saying that nothing will attract folks to the CT as much as seeing folks in the CT will. I'd be happy to spend the majority of my time in it but sometimes its...well...boring and empty. It just seems that if you are so dedicated to the CT as to become an elected official then you should be one of the bodies that are in there. As far as what proportion of your time should be spent where, who am I to say? Perhaps 50% would be a reasonable amount, I dunno.

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2004, 04:20:27 PM »
If a CT Staffer wants to fly in the MA he should be able to IF he keeps checking that the CT is playable. If the CT staffer hate ETO, he should not be made to fly in it....but he should check on the CT and make sure it is playable if the staffer for that week is unable to attend the arena's settings.

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #36 on: August 03, 2004, 04:25:48 PM »
BTW edbert,
If there are others that think the way you do, what if there were 19 players in the CT, 10 more logged on, 5 seconds apart,  but only saw the 19 and then logged out before the 21st player logged on? If all stayed for 15 minutes, there would be 29 players instead of 19.
Instead of using the number of players as your rule to play or not, why not try a time limit. Play for 15 minutes no matter the number that are logged on. If this would happen, more would show and keep showing.

Offline Soulyss

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« Reply #37 on: August 03, 2004, 05:03:20 PM »
Just like to toss my views into the mix while I'm thinking of it.  When it's my week I try and make it a point to check in on my setup periodically, usually when I get home from work (5:30-6:00 pm pacific time) Hoping to catch any problems before primetime.  I also try and spend as much flying time in the CT as possible during my week.  In my "off" weeks I tend to fly both MA and CT depending on planesets and where my squaddies are.  I monitor the BBS but not nessesarily the arena unless asked to do so by someone.  

I would also like to add that since I do like to fly with my squaddies this means that lately more and more of my time has been spent away from the CT since that is where the squad seems to fly.  Once Slash gets up to speed and we add another staffer, perhaps a result of the community vote I plan to step back my role on the staff to make room for someone who can devote the time and energy I think the CT deserves.
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Offline Ghosth

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« Reply #38 on: August 03, 2004, 07:22:25 PM »
Allright I'm going to put my spin on this.

While I'm not in the CT that much I'm in a similar position with the TA.

I fly the main an hour or 2 in the morning, typicly when there is no one in the TA.

At every other point in the day if I log on, I check the TA first. Then if there is no need/problems, I'll move on to CT, main etc.

Dedication is whats needed. However, without support from the people, and with poor organization people WILL burn out quickly.

I doubt that there is a quick easy fix.
While I'm sure thebug & slash have good intentions, unless the underlying problems are solved they'll run into the same problems as their successors.

Best of luck guys

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #39 on: August 03, 2004, 07:43:18 PM »
Originally posted by CurtissP-6EHawk
If a CT Staffer wants to fly in the MA he should be able to IF he keeps checking that the CT is playable. If the CT staffer hate ETO, he should not be made to fly in it....but he should check on the CT and make sure it is playable if the staffer for that week is unable to attend the arena's settings.

too better explain the above.....What Ghosth said!

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #40 on: August 03, 2004, 07:57:55 PM »
It just seems that if you are so dedicated to the CT as to become an elected official then you should be one of the bodies that are in there.

Well dont let The Bugs propaganda fool you.I am and have been a dedicated CTer. If you would like go back and check my stats/scores for the last few years. Bug posting my time for one month and then implying Im not good enough to be a staffer is crap. I contacted the CT staff to see if I could be of help. They gave me a shot and Im glsd they did and Ill do my best for the CT. I am open to new ideas and suggestions, Im not open to bull****.

BTW Edbert, If you have any ideas let me know, and you also can join the CT development group if you want to get more involved.

Offline o0Stream140o

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« Reply #41 on: August 03, 2004, 08:15:53 PM »
Originally posted by Slash27
BTW Edbert, If you have any ideas let me know, and you also can join the CT development group if you want to get more involved.

What's it entail Slash?

Offline TheBug

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« Reply #42 on: August 03, 2004, 09:03:41 PM »
Originally posted by Slash27
The Bugs propaganda

I like the sound of that.

Let's see how many you log as a staffer prior to that will soon become meaningless.

Once again I wasn't referring to you I was referring to the SELECTION of you.  This was pointed at the current CT staff, I don't find fault in you wanting to be a CT staffer.

But as many of us found out not having a CT regular on the staff is very detrimental to the CT.  And as of late, you Sir are not a CT regular.
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Offline B17Skull12

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« Reply #43 on: August 03, 2004, 09:11:00 PM »
bug give it up fast or you will be losing votes.  Slash is a good guy who loves to fly in the CT.  also pays $15 a month and so he can fly in the MA when ever he pleases.  So could you but no you kick and scream when a CT Staffer is not there.  You should try the MA in a CT plane.  It is fun you will see.

Offline TheBug

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« Reply #44 on: August 03, 2004, 09:14:39 PM »
No thanks.

I find greater joy in attempting to squeeze an ounce of dedication out of the CT staff.

Appreciate the offer though Skull.

Btw, couldn't agree more with you about Slash.  You seem to be missing the point, but don't worry you're not alone.
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