There are several major reasons why there are so few in the CT.
1. Numbers
This itself has several reasons but one being that; "Why go to the CT and try to do what we do in the MA when the plane I like isnt there?"
a. See above; "...what we do in the MA..." What do they do? All three countries do the same thing. Hord over to a base, blow it up, vulch for a while then capture it....move on to the next base.
b. BASE CAPTURE is the HEART of the MA. WIN WIN WIN is the objective!
c. Then there are those that follow the hord to do some furballing
d. Mindset; You can not perform a, b and c without numbers
2. Plane Set
This is a tuff one and is in the top two complaints in the CT and devides the CT player comunity. However, this was one of the reasons for openning the CT. The planes enabled for a week are suppose to be Historical Matchups. Thats kinda hard to do in modern times. We now know how to fly each plane to is strengths so guys dont want to fly anything that is inferior to what they want to fly. Why fly what I dont want to fly in the CT when I can always fly what I do want to fly in the MA?
3. Arena Settings
Most do not like the histroical radar settings, downtimes, item hardness, low range icons etc. Sorry but thats why its called the CT. Well actually the Combat Arena should be called the Historic Arena. If the CT was truly a combat arena then you dont need HISTORICAL SETTINGS. You can combat in anything...even GVs
4. Players Time
You said it. Some guys only have a few minutes to fly so they want to get right to it. No delays, no planning. Get right to the vulching, capturing, dogfighting !!!!! Cant do this in the CT cept on tuesday and thursday nights
The CT comunity has formed it into what it is or what some think it is. "Historic" is the name that most comes out when you mention the name CT.
On a personal note, this is what I vision in a Historic Setting
1. Dated matchups
2. Limited icons
3. limited radar
4. Wind
4. Fog
5. Clouds
6. Haze (limited visability)
7. Limited base captures (historic remember?)
What I dont like
1. Base Porking -very touchy subject right now. This really hurts when trying to plan a Historic Mission or just a mission that relates to the theme for the weeks map when the base needed has been porked, captured etc. The current CT staff refuses to reset the map theme for squad nights. Porking the third country also screws up the settings as well as planes and can even shut down the arena.
2. Furballing However, due to numbers sometimes this is the only thing to do.
3. 10 mile visabilty 24 hours a day. Chasing a dot that is actually 10 miles away heading away from the fight. Being able to see a plane on the deck when yourself is at 30k. Not very realistic
4. Limited maned ack. This goes both ways. If a base is being attacked, there should be several maned ack as well as the GVs to help defend it. Defended HQ with vast amounts of manable ack and AAA. Manable ack in cities if the capture bunker is there.
...and more but nobody wants to here them again