I am posting in the hope of making HiTech aware of a serious bug concerning bomber gunning. This may have been brought up before, but I am not aware of any responses from HiTech management or support.
Basically, if a fighter closes within about 400 to 600 feet of a bomber, he becomes extremely difficult to hit. This has been happening since the debut of AH-2, but now I am noticing that savvy fighter pilots are becoming aware of the bug and are exploiting it. (I suppose this post will just make the problem worse for us buff pilots
Case in point . . .
Last Sunday I was flying a mission to pound a Bishop base when a Spit climbed lazily up and made his attack run at my 6 o'clock--never a good choice for a lone fighter pilot taking on three undamaged B17s.
Prior to AH2, I would have poured lead from my tail guns and that would have been the end of him in most cases, but this fellow obviously knew about the bug. He hurriedly climbed my six, bobbing and jinking all the way, until he was within 600 feet. To my amazement, he throttled back and just sat there with his guns blazing.
All three of my B17s were filling my gun sight with tracers--dead on target--and only one or two touched him. Desperately I began panning my guns back and forth, hoping to find the magic spot in the hit bubble. Too late; I was down in flames seconds later.
I'm not asking for an unfair advantage, just a return to a more historically accurate gunnery response. It is difficult to imagine that a Luftwaffe pilot could hover 500 feet behind a B17 formation and hardly suffer a scratch.
Aces High is a terrific sim, and I enjoy the community, but if this bug isn't recognized and fixed, there is little point for a bomber pilot to remain. There is no use struggling to reach a target if you can't defend yourself when attacked.
Thanks . . . Zooty