Author Topic: Crash on startup (solved)  (Read 206 times)

Offline Cloud

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Crash on startup (solved)
« on: August 22, 2004, 03:09:07 PM »
EDIT: resolved this through quig's post in the following thread (taking a copy of his freq.cfg and putting it in the settings folder):
Apologies for the fragmentation :)

The background upon launching looks ugly/broken though (it's all black-and-white?) unless it's supposed to look like that :p


Just installed AH2, brand new XP setup, DX9.0b, latest Detonator drivers yada yada.  Unfortunately I can't start AH - it just pops up with the standard Windows "We're sorry but this program needs to close" dialogue box about 2 seconds into launching, just as it goes fullscreen before it gets to the login screen.

DXDiag report (awkward setup lol... couldn't post or attach it):

Any ideas appreciated!
« Last Edit: August 22, 2004, 03:28:42 PM by Cloud »