yassir Ho ... the level of competition in the Arena's is everything AW was

Ground war is fun ..taken a lot further than anything AW ever had

Flight dynamics are comin into line with the old AW 'feel' .. not nearly as bouncy as the early days here and in WB .. trim is still required to shoot straight, and there are stick stirrers who will point the nose of the plane up to 60 degrees off flight path to blast yas in a pray and spray move.
Kinda funny that a lot push for the head on . . or think BnZ is run 2 sectors then come back .. -evil grin- .. can grab nana's purty easy sometimes

Then again .. lotta great fights ..real 'white knuckle' into the tree tops action from 30k an such.
The Scenarios rock .. much more realistic IMHO than AW due to all the toys the designer can play with.
I haven't been on in awhile .. cancelled my acct an such .. gettin into spendin my time at the race track, or cruisin, or plannin what mayhem to commit on the Vette next . . I am captured by the black bullet.. its an excellent automobile

-GE (1998 Z-51 Coupe, 3.15 gears, black-on-black, just a gas to drive)