Author Topic: Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY  (Read 8238 times)

Offline GuyNoir

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #60 on: September 06, 2004, 03:53:04 AM »
Lets see.....eny limiter is suppose to force me to either switch sides or log off in frustration. Hmmm since I'm not going to do either, apparently it isnt working.

You rooks can stay on as long as you want, but you won't be able to fly your la7's and such if you do... :lol

That's what the limiter does.  If you want to be unfair to the other teams, you will be handicapped so that they have more of a chance.

Offline Goobman

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #61 on: September 06, 2004, 03:53:04 AM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
OK then, so why isn't the reverse happening.
Try to stay away from the country (chess piece) loyalty BS we all hear about.
Our squad has flown all countries and still have great buds in all three.

You need to elaborate more on your question. I'm not sure what your'e asking

Offline Kev367th

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #62 on: September 06, 2004, 03:57:20 AM »
Simple - When the Rooks were in the hole, Knight and Bish squads moved across to balance numbers out.
It wasn't a Rooks did all it by themselves which seems to be the common misconception out there.

Simple question then - why isn't the reverse happening?
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Offline Goobman

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2004, 04:03:09 AM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
Simple - When the Rooks were in the hole, Knight and Bish squads moved across to balance numbers out.
It wasn't a Rooks did all it by themselves which seems to be the common misconception out there.

Simple question then - why isn't the reverse happening?

It was happening, slowly. It just wasn't happening fast enough for HT and the whiners. Like Zazen says, eventually the game balances itself out. It did in AW and its done it in AH. The eny limiter, if anything, will make it slower to happen. Now there are a bunch of pissed off players who take offense to being forced or coerced to switch. They will not switch now just for spite.

Offline Zazen13

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #64 on: September 06, 2004, 04:03:34 AM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
OK then, so why isn't the reverse happening.
Try to stay away from the country (chess piece) loyalty BS we all hear about.
Our squad has flown all countries and still have great buds in all three.
Zazen, you dug your way out with help from squads who changed sides to balance the unequallness out.

Rooks were outnumbered by a vast margin 7 days a week 24 hours a day, it was an entirely different situation. I know from first hand experience how harsh this was, I was new and learned Aces High during the Rooks' most desperate period (my 2 year AH anniversary is today), talk about a  'steep' learning curve...sheesh. Rooks do not consistantly outnumber anyone by even a statistically significant margin at any time except Sundays and even  then only during a 3 or 4 hour window in the evening. The disparity on Sunday night is becoming less acute as we have not held an RJO and squadrons are moving their squadnights off Sundays to other nights of the week of their own volition to help ease the problem of generally Sunday-centric squadnights in Rookland which is simply a carry-over from our outnumbered period that out-lasted its usefullness.

 I only recall a few entire squadrons switching en masse to Rooks , one stayed Rooks less than a full camp then went back to Bishops, another stayed Rooks but basically disbanded shortly thereafter its members going to the four winds. Some individuals switched as those who enjoy helping the underdogs always do, but this is not what changed Rook fortunes most profoundly. Superior organization (out of sheer necessity) is what finally brought us out of the bucket and continues to make Rookland appealing to fly for to this day. People were naturally switching to even things out as they always do, as they did for over a decade in AW, and always will. It's simply a fundamental manifestation of human nature.

This heavy-handed approach actually makes people NOT want to switch whereas they very well might have before. People don't like to feel 'coerced' into doing something, it makes them even more resistant, it's just human nature. I think what happened is HTC heard all the Sunday RJO whines, lost a few customers and hit the 'panic button'. All that was really required was for the natural course of human nature being allowed to unfold. This just takes a little more patience and fore-sightedness than HTC apparently has.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2004, 11:52:30 AM by Zazen13 »
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Offline Kev367th

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2004, 04:05:55 AM »
Try thinking harder Zazen -

I know our squad and the AKs just to name a few, switched, then left AFTER the numbers swung the other way. So that makes at least 4 now, doesnt it, and I know theres more out there.
So please give some credit where credit is due, enough of this superior organization self ego stroking, without help you may well would still be in the bucket.

Any other squads who switched care to chime in here?

Re-read your post about your squad going from Bish to Rook Goobman. What was wrong with Knits?
Instead of helping the problem, you became part of the problem.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2004, 04:16:19 AM by Kev367th »
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Offline Goobman

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #66 on: September 06, 2004, 04:06:31 AM »
Ohh and by the way I'm one of those people. I use to talk this game up to my friends and co-workers and get them to come and join. Not now. Any advertising I do now is going to be on the other end of the spectrum.

Offline Shane

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #67 on: September 06, 2004, 07:58:04 AM »
Originally posted by Goobman
So this is different than before Eny limiter? Seems like we're back in the same situation. My squad was originally Bish. We moved to Rooks a few months back. Getting your butts beat? Then do something about it!  It never even entered my mind to ask HT to "even" up the sides for us. Thats a weak mans way out.

almost[/i] as weak as switching to the side with the #'s.

man, my irony meter just pegged out.

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Offline Jackal1

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Re: Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #68 on: September 06, 2004, 08:03:10 AM »
Originally posted by TBolt A-10  But, we STILL made it happen tonight.
[size=8]WTG ROOKS![/size]  :) [/B]

  Gee, I wonder how that happened. :D
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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #69 on: September 06, 2004, 08:11:38 AM »
Originally posted by Zazen13
I think what happened is HTC heard all the Sunday RJO whines, lost a few customers and hit the 'panic button'.


I think the Panic button part of this statement is alot closer to the truth as the eny idea to me seems more of a kneejerk reaction then anything the was seriously thought through.
  My feelings and I've said so right from the beginning was it wasnt gonna work. At least not to the extent it was intended to.

 Your right. people who are loyal to the rooks are not going to change sides no matter what the eny system is.
And the vast majority of rooks are loyal to the rooks same as they are in the other countries.
 It wont matter what the eny is as I have said all along and will keep on saying " a Horde is a horde is a horde" 200 of anything is still a hell of alot of aircraft to deal with. Be they dweebfires, La7's & P51Ds
 or P51bs ,Jugs and mossies

  Now I'll be the first to say that I hate the horde and thought something had to be done because its gotten to the point of being rediculous. And quite frankly I wouldnt want the knights to be the horde any more then I do the rooks.
What the ultimate solution is Im not sure. but its more then obvious that this aint it.
  Now Im sure someone is bound to say that the rooks even with numbers have had less then their typical success as of late.
But what they would be failing to recognise is the fact that as last sunday for example the only reason the rooks werent as successful against the Knights is because there were a handful of us that were going around the better part of the night porking all the barracks at rook bases.
  I know I myself was porking them to a depth of two bases deep.
Even though there are alot of knights fighting. they spent entirely too much time fighting over their own bases or just furballing.
Had we not porked troops at so many bases. I have no doubt that the steamroll would have been on

I've seen you make another good point also.
I cant say for bish but I know as a knight that the knight teamwork can be pretty poor at times. Often to the point of nonexistance.

There are some who co-operate yes. but not nearly enough to make a difference
and by teamwork Im not just talking about the wannabe Napoleons. Im talking about working well together and helping one another out.

I've said before I dont see the rooks as a whole pilot for pilot as being any better quality wise then either of the other two teams.
And I still wholeheartedly beleive that
But they do one thing,Even when outnumbered you dont see enough of on the other two teams. And that is help one another.
Again there are some yes. But not nearly enough.

To get back on topic. WTG rooks on proving me right on the eny thing. Im sure you will continue to do so.

Does something need to be done with the rediculous horde? Yea

Is the answer to it eny?  Without a shadow of a doubt No
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Offline jbnace12

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #70 on: September 06, 2004, 08:43:19 AM »
I swear to God Ill go back to War Birds, I mean it!!

Offline jbnace12

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #71 on: September 06, 2004, 08:47:31 AM »
And one other thing, I spent quite a bit of money to upgrade my system to run AH2 just to run into this pile of crap!!! Complaining is just the best, I love it!! I hope Air Warriors is Radeon compatable!!

Offline killnu

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #72 on: September 06, 2004, 09:01:10 AM »
the only thing i have against this eny thing is when the ONLY P38 is not enabled.  it kills me to 51 not being happy about not being able to fly the D model.  they can fly the B model.  I wish my squad had that choice.  There is only one model 38 to choose from, if they put another one in, i would fly it when the other was disabled, and i would be just fine with this whole thing.  

these 2 cents wont get ya crap.
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Offline Goth

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #73 on: September 06, 2004, 09:09:53 AM »
Just had to enter my 2 cents above the normal $14.95 a month here. My squad and I have been rook since day one many moons ago.

What irritates me the most about this ENY limiter, I often hear from other countries, "Well, you rooks brought this on yourselves." What a cload of BS.

I remember when rooks were outnumbered for a long time a couple years ago. That forced rooks to start acting more coordinated ala RJO. Yes, some squads migrated over to rooks to help balance, and I think that also played a small part.

Since the ENy limiter has been enacted, I have been trying to get my squad to test the waters in other countries, and have met with great resistance. Last night, a few of us switched over to the Knights.

What a debacle! Not only did that create a small rift in our squad, but I found myself more in private chat with rooks.

Now, there are good people spread out over the three countries. It would not be hard getting used to new people in other countries. Saying all that, I think I will be going back to rookland.

Last night, the numbers were out of whack, but you can't blame it all on the rooks. I flew primetime last night, and at no time did I see a huge number of rooks. In fact, it looked like the rook numbers may have only been about 20-35 more than normal prime time. Last time I checked the roster, and this is just an estimate, but the numbers looked about 97 bishop, 140 something rooks, and 90 knights. You know what that tells me?

The other two countries are not doing their job by balancing. I bet a lot of knights and bishop are not logging on Sunday nights because of the fallacy that they will be gang groped by rooks.

Here's the quick fix for you other tow countries out there:

Stop whining about the number disparity. It's false and all you are doing is filling your countrymates ears with negativity.

Organize yourselves better, nuff said. Only saw 2 advertisements for missions last night...what a waste of resources.

This ENY thing just ain't working. I think someone was influenced by a couple of red faced boys that were more worried about their scores than their country getting ganged.

So, next time I hear that we rooks deserved this, let me point the finger right back at that person and say that they deserve this as equally.

Offline Jackal1

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #74 on: September 06, 2004, 09:22:33 AM »
Originally posted by jbnace12
And one other thing, I spent quite a bit of money to upgrade my system to run AH2 just to run into this pile of crap!!! Complaining is just the best, I love it!! I hope Air Warriors is Radeon compatable!!

:D  Think you might find you a few years too late for Air Warrior.
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