Author Topic: GV's WAY too strong.  (Read 1128 times)

Offline mechanic

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GV's WAY too strong.
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2004, 07:02:09 PM »
no offence fruda, but i can kill one or maybe even two tanks with a single 500lb bomb on a spitV.
jusst need to aim well :p
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Offline Fruda

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GV's WAY too strong.
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2004, 08:24:08 PM »
I know that you can kill any GV with a 500-pounder. I'm saying that you have to aim too well to even damage it.

Like I said, a bomb dropped 20 yards away from a Panzer will hardly scratch it. That's a huge problem, since you can't always hit the vehicles directly.

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2004, 10:07:26 PM »
Like I said, a bomb dropped 20 yards away from a Panzer will hardly scratch it. That's a huge problem, since you can't always hit the vehicles directly.


 This was all discussed before. The "blast effect" is not as strong as you may think.

 Rather, were it in real life, the holes dug around the tank would be more troublesome than the damage itself(which is pretty much non-existant).

Offline Oleg

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GV's WAY too strong.
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2004, 02:27:21 AM »
Originally posted by Fruda
Like I said, a bomb dropped 20 yards away from a Panzer will hardly scratch it. That's a huge problem, since you can't always hit the vehicles directly.

Here some excerpts from article about bomb effectiveness against tanks (from russian military history forum):

fragmentation bombs <= 50kg damages light tanks within 2-4 meters raduis, medium and heavy tanks only with direct hit;
high-explosive bombs:
  50kg,100kg - light tanks within 3-5 meters, medium tanks within 2-3m, heavy - direct hit;
  >100kg - destroy medium and heavy tanks within crater radius (~20m for 1000kg)

"In most cases actions of aircrafts on tanks with fragmentation and high-explosive bombs reach moral influence, temporary disorganization of fighting orders of tanks, defeat of supporting infantry, destruction of the rears, and repair bases, and also disorder of control owing to damage radio stations. The fighting equipment, especially heavy and medium tanks, suffers insignificant small losses."

(sorry for my english)
« Last Edit: September 14, 2004, 08:59:38 AM by Oleg »
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Offline DoKGonZo

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GV's WAY too strong.
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2004, 10:15:57 AM »
If there was just (a) a higher chance of knocking off a track with cannons/bombs and (b) some chance of a "pilot wound" with heavy ord (500+ pounds) from near misses, then the problem is more or less solved. Right now the only way to stop a tank is to kill it. When in fact the tracks were one of the weak points, and a heavy bomb blast would certainly affect the crew. Neither of these aspects seem to be represented.

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #35 on: September 14, 2004, 10:27:19 AM »
No, Dok, it isn't.

 It outright comes down to how accurately one can lob his ordnance, and what kind of plane he uses for his job. Many people still have gripes on GV to GV DM issues, but at least considering air-to-ground aspect the current DM is more or less satisfactory.

 As much as you would consider that some of the real life issues are in favor of the GVs(such as crews being "shell-shocked" or disoriented, or ground being paved by near misses), about the same amount of favor applies to the aircraft as well - heavily armed fighter-bombers lobbing ord at extremely low alts(which, was considered extremely dangerous), or suicidal mentality in strafing GVs at extremely dangerous angles, which no real-life pilot would attempt. I'd call it even.

 Thus, if you want to destroy tanks, you would want to use;

1) properly armed planes - IL-2 or Hurri3D

2) planes with extremely powerful ordnance, such as the Ju87D with the 1800kg bomb

3) or plane fighter-bombers which require more or less direct hit on the GV itself to destroy it.

 Don't expect to lob bombs somewhere near the GV and think, "hey, wasn't that close enough?". If the GV's still alive, clearly you've missed.

Offline BenDover

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Re: GV's WAY too strong.
« Reply #36 on: September 14, 2004, 11:30:22 AM »
Originally posted by Fruda
Then, I circle, come back, and unload 200 rounds of 50cal shots directly into the front of it. NOTHING HAPPENED. I don't think they even penetrated the armor

2 thing things:
1. You're using .50 cals
2. You're shooting the front

Offline DoKGonZo

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GV's WAY too strong.
« Reply #37 on: September 14, 2004, 12:51:04 PM »
I'm not suggesting "country mile" radius kills.

But right now one panzer can more or less pork gameplay for half a dozen people trying to clear him from the base ... even with the proper planes and ord. Panzers take and need to air cover - which is insane. And Ostie turrets and M16's are incredibly well armored for open-topped targets.

So, I'm saying: "OK, if you can get the Panzer on the tarmac, you deserve to be able to create havoc ... but lets give the planes some kind of chance of stopping you before then." Note I said "stopping" ... not killing. A panzer within "crater range" of a big bomb can lose a track ... it ain't dead, but it ain't moving either. If the panzer got close enough to lob shells - well then it needs to be dealt with. Otherwise, well, geee ... you took a chance driving out in the open without aircover and you lost.

Open-topped vehicles should be very vulnerable to .50 cal and above. And 20mm cannons and above should be punishing to these.

It's a balance thing ... GV's are just too free to roam in the face of a lot of highly potent air power.


Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2004, 09:54:17 PM »
But right now one panzer can more or less pork gameplay for half a dozen people trying to clear him from the base ... even with the proper planes and ord. Panzers take and need to air cover - which is insane. And Ostie turrets and M16's are incredibly well armored for open-topped targets.

 How's that porking gameplay?

 GVs may have started as a side-show stunt in AH, but they are now an important part of overall gameplay in the fact that when a certain side has access to a base via spawns, the defense will have to divide its numbers into good proportions in A2A cover, A2G strike aircraft, and defensive GVs.

So, I'm saying: "OK, if you can get the Panzer on the tarmac, you deserve to be able to create havoc ... but lets give the planes some kind of chance of stopping you before then." Note I said "stopping" ... not killing. A panzer within "crater range" of a big bomb can lose a track ... it ain't dead, but it ain't moving either. If the panzer got close enough to lob shells - well then it needs to be dealt with. Otherwise, well, geee ... you took a chance driving out in the open without aircover and you lost.

 A Panzer near or inside an enemy base  that disrupts air ops. merely means the defense was that careless in stopping it. It's what GVs are there for. Town busting, capturing, and field suppressing.

 And as discussed in the thread, Panzers are extremely easy to disable/destroy with IL-2s. The IL-2 was THE most successful tank buster in entire WW2 history, and the same here in AH2.

 If you can't stop Panzers in the duration of their 10~20 minute drive from spawn to the base, then you have issues. Either you are using the wrong aircraft, or perhaps you're accuracy in lobbing ord is not as high as you think.

 If halting them is the purpose, with a single full-loaded IL-2 I can stop at least 5~6 Panzers from advancing by killing their turret and/or engine. With the ordnance I can get about 3, and with guns alone I can stop more than 3~4.

 Tigers ofcourse, are very resilient against almost everything except another tank or direct bomb hits, but that's why people pay 50 points for it. Besides, if you really want to kill Tigers with a precision drop, you can always use the 1800kg Moab on the Ju87.

 M-16s and Osties are tough to get rid of in the fact that they are what they are - A2A vehicles. They're supposed to be dangerous for planes that try to strafe them.

 Besides, how many nose-armed 50cal planes do you see in the game? Most of them are wing-armed, and you'd be surprised at the incredible inefficiency of such armament style when it comes down to strafing targets with precision.

 Concentrated strafing from high angle dives usually very easily knocks out M-16 and Ostwind guns. Except, at least according to my own experience, nobody lands that many shots in such a short time unless he strafes during the entire duration of the dive while in a straight line. Usually when somebody tries that, he becomes toast.

 So in dealing with A2A vehicles it comes down to the same tactics as attacking bombers. Coordination of multiple aircraft.


 It all comes down to basic tactics and equipment one side is using. Tankbusters deal with the tanks, and friendly tanks deal with A2A vehicles. This is the golden rule of tactical support in stopping enemy GV advance.

 Upping a fighter plane that has a few bombs strapped around it doesn't make it a Tankbuster. If you want to kill and stop tanks and A2A vehicles, then use the right planes and right tactics. In any case using a normal fighter bomber, is always a poor choice.

Offline Fruda

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« Reply #39 on: September 14, 2004, 11:04:34 PM »
I should have said that I also hit it from behind, which I did.

Front, behind, all sides with 50cals, nothing happens (it might begin to smoke --- MIGHT).

Even with a Hurricane Mk. IID's twin 40mm's, I can hardly do anything to Panzers. 40mm... COME ON.


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« Reply #40 on: September 15, 2004, 12:00:27 AM »
LOL if you think its easy to get a GV to then onto an enemy base then you obviously havent spent alot of time in GVs OR have yet to have mastered the art of killing/disabling them from the air.
I'd say maybe one in ten time I up in a GV and head to an enemy base I actually make it to within firing range let alone onto the base itself.
And it gets even tougher ig thre are Gvs defending.

Originally posted by DoKGonZo
I'm not suggesting "country mile" radius kills.

But right now one panzer can more or less pork gameplay for half a dozen people trying to clear him from the base ... even with the proper planes and ord. Panzers take and need to air cover - which is insane. And Ostie turrets and M16's are incredibly well armored for open-topped targets.

So, I'm saying: "OK, if you can get the Panzer on the tarmac, you deserve to be able to create havoc ... but lets give the planes some kind of chance of stopping you before then." Note I said "stopping" ... not killing. A panzer within "crater range" of a big bomb can lose a track ... it ain't dead, but it ain't moving either. If the panzer got close enough to lob shells - well then it needs to be dealt with. Otherwise, well, geee ... you took a chance driving out in the open without aircover and you lost.

Open-topped vehicles should be very vulnerable to .50 cal and above. And 20mm cannons and above should be punishing to these.

It's a balance thing ... GV's are just too free to roam in the face of a lot of highly potent air power.

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Offline Kweassa

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GV's WAY too strong.
« Reply #41 on: September 15, 2004, 12:08:34 AM »
Front, behind, all sides with 50cals, nothing happens (it might begin to smoke --- MIGHT).

 That's how it should be.

 The Panzer we have is a Pz.Kpfw.IV/Ausf.E. Its frontal armour is 50mms thick. Sides are 30mms, and rear is 20mms. The weakest is the roof-top which is 12mms thick.

 According to gun expert Tony Williams, even the IL-2 VYa cannon penetrates only 30mms at optimum 100meters distance. At 400meters the penetration drops down to 25mm. There's no chance of it penetrating the frontal armour at all, and only under optimum conditions of very close distances will it hurt a Panzer from the side. This is exactly how it is in AH2.

 The Hurricane's Vickers S 40mms are quoted at 50~55mm penetration. Striking angle or distance is unspecified, but it was most probably at an optimum angle of almost direct hit at distances within 200meters. Not to mention that the Vicker S is an inaccurare, slow to fire cannon.

 If the distance grows further than that, depending on the approach angle the penetration value can easily drop down 1/3rds or even upto half.

 Thus, like mentioned again and again, you need to use the right weapons with right procedures.

 Aiming the rooftop at a high-angle strike at speeds over 250mph (which is the most dangerous method of them all) with IL-2 23mms or Hurri2D 40mms can explode the Panzer. Coming in to aim the rear of the tank, is the most common and standard procedure to halt the Panzers.

 Using .50s, is simply using the wrong weapon. Like Tony mentions,

"Put simply, the heavy machine guns and 20 mm cannon were capable of hitting the tanks easily enough, but insufficiently powerful to damage them, except occasionally by chance."

 If it "might" begin to smoke - there's the "occasionally by chance" mentioned.

Offline DoKGonZo

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GV's WAY too strong.
« Reply #42 on: September 15, 2004, 12:12:10 AM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
How's that porking gameplay?

 GVs may have started as a side-show stunt in AH, but they are now an important part of overall gameplay in the fact that when a certain side has access to a base via spawns, the defense will have to divide its numbers into good proportions in A2A cover, A2G strike aircraft, and defensive GVs.


 And as discussed in the thread, Panzers are extremely easy to disable/destroy with IL-2s. The IL-2 was THE most successful tank buster in entire WW2 history, and the same here in AH2.

 If you can't stop Panzers in the duration of their 10~20 minute drive from spawn to the base, then you have issues. Either you are using the wrong aircraft, or perhaps you're accuracy in lobbing ord is not as high as you think.


It is obvious from what people are posting here that very, very, very few people have found the sweet spot for killing even a single tank solo with an IL2. So just waving your hand and saying "it is so" won't make it. I have seen lone Panzers sit out in the open being strafed by IL2's and 110G's for 5 minutes solid and not even smoke. And these are not dweebs in the planes.

I have also seen Osties parade in front of a 37mm field gun, take 20 or more turret hits, and still be able to fire.

Something is wrong. Period.

As for porking gameplay, due to  the potential for easy pork-based kills a Panzer has if it gets close to a base, it must be taken more seriously than the typical pork-n-auger dweeb. And because 3 or 4 people have to stop what they're doing to deal with this - a lone Pz IV out in the open with no air cover - that is an asymetrical situation.

It also reduces gameplay to the mentality of the guy who knows he can drive to an enemy base and be more or less immune to attack. Certainly much less prone to dying that if he flew there. There is so little risk in a Panzer.

It's just messed up.

Besides which, if I really want to diddle with landing a shot between the 3rd and 4th engine grate slots, I'll pllay a different game, thank you. I play AH2 for the best flight model - not to play Panzer Leader. Don't get me wrong, I spent a full decade immersed in Rommel and Guderian ... I love that stuff ... but that's not why I play AH, and I suspect that's not why most people play AH.


Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #43 on: September 15, 2004, 02:47:29 AM »
It is obvious from what people are posting here that very, very, very few people have found the sweet spot for killing even a single tank solo with an IL2. So just waving your hand and saying "it is so" won't make it.

 That goes both ways. Empirical evidence shows that in most cases the VYa 23mms are more than enough. However, your personal experience says otherwise. In this issue I dare say you are wrong.

I have seen lone Panzers sit out in the open being strafed by IL2's and 110G's for 5 minutes solid and not even smoke. And these are not dweebs in the planes.

 As much, I've seen Panzers get destroyed the moment they spawn by IL-2s standing by. Two strafing passes and I can stop a Panzer dead in its tracks. And heaven forbid anyboy who claims that I'm an expert on this, or have good gunnery. My average hit percentage A2A is barely 4~5%.

Something is wrong. Period.

 Something very well may be. At this point we cannot rule out that its you that may be wrong.

As for porking gameplay, due to the potential for easy pork-based kills a Panzer has if it gets close to a base, it must be taken more seriously than the typical pork-n-auger dweeb. And because 3 or 4 people have to stop what they're doing to deal with this - a lone Pz IV out in the open with no air cover - that is an asymetrical situation.

 You're not making any sense again.

 Whilst skilled gunners can fire out to very long distances the limited visibility in GVs require them to get close to a field. From the spawn to the field is usually a 5~6 mile stretch of land, often large parts of it very open. An MBT travelling 25mph has to drive often 10~12 minutes if he does so in a straight line. Hills and bumps make it even a longer drive.

 If an armoured column approaches, having to stop them IS a part of the gameplay. Your definition of "gameplay" seems to rule out the GV warfare and what it can do inside the MA. For better or worse, attempting an advane to the enemy base without sufficient air cover indeed is a great risk. If you find it so hard to deal with such then it is entirely your own problem.

 Just today, our field was overrun with GVs. 3~4 of us took of from that very field, and cleared all enemy GV presence within 20 minutes. We killed the Ostwind that was vulching the base during take-off(granted, it took two take-off attempts to do so, while someone else lobbed a nice bomb onto it in a single pass and blew it up), killed the turrets on the two Panzers that were bombarding the town within minutes, and disabled three more incoming from the spawn point. You can ask the FreeBird squad about this - their armoured assault, which had no air cover, was pretty much a disastrous failure.

It also reduces gameplay to the mentality of the guy who knows he can drive to an enemy base and be more or less immune to attack. Certainly much less prone to dying that if he flew there. There is so little risk in a Panzer.

 He's in a tank. He should feel immune to most attacks. Who the hell would want to drive a tank if it was filmsy?

 On the other hand, he should fear the tankbusters. And his life expectancy once a tankbuster is nearby is no more than 5 minutes.

It's just messed up.


Besides which, if I really want to diddle with landing a shot between the 3rd and 4th engine grate slots, I'll pllay a different game, thank you. I play AH2 for the best flight model - not to play Panzer Leader. Don't get me wrong, I spent a full decade immersed in Rommel and Guderian ... I love that stuff ... but that's not why I play AH, and I suspect that's not why most people play AH.

 Like it or not the tanks are here to stay. GV warfare is as much a part of AH as it ever was. If you don't like it then don't play near Panzers - or better yet, go kill nearby VHs, instead of complaining about it.

 If your vision of AH and its attack planes are the glorified bomb lobbing planes busting an entire tank column with machine guns blazing, well sorry. That's not how it was in real life, nor how it is in AH.


ps) Here's a tip.

 Check your convergence on the IL-2(if you use that plane). Set it to 300yards.

 Both IL-2 and Hurri2Ds are wing-armed planes, and only at a certain distance will all the bullets converge at a single point. If somebody starts strafing a Panzer with an IL-2, its safe to assume all of his shots fired further than 500 yards out will fail to penetrate.

 A common mistake people make, is they go strafing a GV with long bursts from 1.0k out, and think all their shots landed on the target.

 Try observe it with full zoom - you will see most of the shots fired miss and just throw up dust. The rest of the shots give of teensey hit sprites(about 1/4th the size of the normal one), which indicates the round failed to penetrate and bounced off. Only the big white hit sprite indicates that it hit the armour, and did not bounce.

 You will soon realize that when people strafe a tank, they only land about 20% of what they claim to have landed. In the cases you saw, I could bet that the IL-2s started firing long bursts from far out. You see all the shots that seem to land around Panzer, and see that its alive and think "something's messed up". Well, it's not.

 This is what I do. Approach a Panzer from its 6 O'c, and use full zoom view to observe the target.

 Don't fire a single, long tracking burst onto it. Approach at about 30degrees angle, and try hard to keep your plane steady. And then, when you think you have the aiming, fire a long burst when the distance marker is "400". Pull away at the last second, and more often than not you will see  immediately that the enemy tank is damaged.

 I don't aim for no 'sweet spot'. All I do is just position my self at its rear quarters, and fire at real close distances.

 Fire only the cannons. The MGs throw up nothing but dust all around the tank, which obscures your target.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2004, 02:54:13 AM by Kweassa »


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GV's WAY too strong.
« Reply #44 on: September 15, 2004, 07:26:48 AM »
Kweassa has it spot on right.

As was pointed out in anothe thread, or possably earlier in this one there are few confirmed cases of planes actually killing panzers with bullets alone. And as Someone else pointed out  even the IL2 got more hype for this then it deserved.
The vast majority of tanks killed by air were done with bombs, not bullets.
And the best way to take care of a tank is with another tank.

If you dont wiish to go after tanks then dont. Let someone else deal with them. Thats what a ton of other people do.

Furthermore. Getting a tank. or any other GV including a Tiger is no easy task unless your going ot an undefended base and even then you better hope that nobody notices the ase flashing and comes to investigate. Odds are your gonna haveto respawn a bunch of times before you finally make it in IF you make it in at all.

Beleive me. I've spent a great deal of time in GVs. Maybe not as much as alot but still a great deal of time.
And when I actually make it to an enemy base its usually earned and anything but a cakewalk. ESPECIALLY if there is no air support. And by air support I mean air supremacy.
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