Author Topic: You must fly my way!  (Read 250 times)

Offline AKDejaVu

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You must fly my way!
« on: February 14, 2001, 11:43:00 PM »
I was only allowed to fly one sortie by the wife on this "special day".  I chose a Yak-9U on furball central and went looking for a fight.

There were a couple of cons up to the west and a contact was showing up on dar to the northwest.  It looked like the con may be hitting one of our VH's, so I headed that way.  As I neared, I saw that the con had about 8k of alt on me (I was at 10k) and was busy trying to drag someone up there to jump on.  A countrymate identified the high con as a 109.

I then spotted a N1K that was about 3k lower than me, but heading my way.  I flew towards him and missed a high-g deflection burst as I climbed again.  The N1K decided to climb towards the higher countrymate, and I went to clear.  As I closed within 1k, the N1K rotated and began to dive.. but not before I put a few rounds in him with yet another deflection shot.  I noticed that the higher countrymate and another higher countrymate that just joined the fun decided to jump the now lower N1K.  They proceded to pursue him back to his base.

That left me at about 8k with the 109 still hanging out... though now he was well over icon range and was heading away.  I looked for another con as I noticed my countrymate had just got me an assist and was now egressing from proximity to the Knight base.  He called low fuel and landed at a nearby vehicle base.  As I covered him, I noticed a knit p-38 climbing out of their field.  He was at about 4k, so I headed that way.  It was a no-see-um bounce from hell.  He didn't even get the chance to move before exploding.

I came off the bounce and looked for the high 109... he was nearing me at pretty high closure, so I kept my speed and broke low when he neared 2k.  He did the smart thing and climbed back up, knowing that I couldn't possibly follow yet hoping I would try.

2 N1Ks, a spit and a p-38 were flying just below me now.  I joined the fight and emerged with a slightly damaged spit chasing me about 1k off the deck.  I dove and drug him towards our nearby vh and he fell victim to the ack.  Not a proud kill, but he never broke... he flew straight in hell bent on nailing me.

The two N1Ks were no longer around, but the P-38 was starting to straff a nearby panzer.  I went to engage him and misjudged the merge, coming out of the engagement with the P-38 behind me, though much slower.  I began to separate towards our VH and the P-38 decided to straff the Ostwind up at the base.  He didn't do well.

About that time, I noticed that the 109 was back.  He was down to 6k, but he was fast as hell.  I was kicking around 300, but only at 1k and knew that 109 was going to be a problem.  I was now low on fuel and ammo and decided to run for A1.

I kept low and tried to stay near 350.  The 109 began to dive and I watched the range counter decrease a tad bit faster than I was expecting.  I mangaged to make it over the pass and neared our other VH en route to A1.  The 109 pulled up as I flew through the ack, but kept his speed.  He was still in position to catch me prior to me reaching A1, so I had to do something to slow him down.  I turned into him and made him turn a few times, both to avoid ack and try to catch me.

I emerged from the confrontation with the 109 about 500 feet above me and 1.2k behind.  He began closing the gap.. QUICKLY.  I was forced to break hard and actually engage the bogey.  It was quite a battle.  We exchanged advantages a couple of times and I managed to land 5 or 6 pings on the enemy, though never inside of the 200 yard lethality level of the Yak.  I couldn't see any damage and I was out of ammo.

I tried to stick to the bogie's 6 like glue and was doing a pretty good job when I noticed the bandit was heading towards A1 in his attempts to shake me.  This was my chance.  I allowed him to separate some on some scissors moves and managed to go near-head-on with him while I was pointing towards A1 and he away.  I kept flying as he came around, but now he was low on E and realized he wasn't going to catch me.  He turned away.

As I landed, I ran out of gas.  I knew the 109 was going to have trouble getting home after getting so low and slow, so I was hoping to reach the rearm pad and get back up.  I came about 20 feet short, but as I slowly rolled, the bandit was forced to ditch due to low fuel.  I was credited with the kill.

I saluted the pilot and discussed the battle with him.  He was frustrated that everyone he engaged dove for ack.  I tried to explain that was to be expected when he comes in with a massive energy advantage.  I don't think I ever got through.

Different strokes for different folks.  Some complain that the high con won't engage down low.  Some complain that the low con won't engage up high.  Never the two shall meet.


Offline flakbait

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You must fly my way!
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2001, 12:30:00 AM »
Deja, can ya do me a favor? Give Wab a yell for me; I sent him an e-mail a few days ago with a request but so far no response.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta 6's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"For yay did the sky darken, and split open and spew forth fire, and
through the smoke rode the Four Wurgers of the Apocalypse.
And on their canopies was tattooed the number of the Beast, and the
number was 190." Jedi, Verse Five, Capter Two, The Book of Dweeb


Offline Zigrat

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You must fly my way!
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2001, 12:39:00 AM »
when i enter a fight with an energy advantage, i expect the enemy to ack run. Never whined about that.

When i get bounced, the enemy messes up, then runs like a biotch, then i whine a bit   Unless he is outnumbered, then i dont whine.

Sounds like you had a fun sortie deja  


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You must fly my way!
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2001, 12:57:00 AM »
i know you will look at this as a whine but really dosent the ack get on you nerves? i am mostly a offensive player ( ha ha ) and of coarse ack run my self on occasion . but it seems like the ack is the main part of the game . about half my fights end with ack killin me. some of the "best" scorers never get out of ack run range and just dive away to their ack as a matter of coarse. i really wish they could figgure another way to control game balance than the damb ack.not that i have a suggestion just wishin for somthin different.


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« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2001, 01:16:00 AM »
Ack diving is even a more serious problem when you fight near a carrier. Since it keeps firing even if you and the bad guy are in a close fight. If you think about its one of the most unrealistic and illogical parts of the games design, would the gunners ever essentially fire at a friendly on purpose. Plus if you figure in the CV acks superior accuracy and then add the uberflak, it all equals big problem in realism and logic.


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You must fly my way!
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2001, 02:15:00 AM »
I got an idea:  AAA should have no IFF for the first 30 seconds that an aircraft is in range.  Until the nearsighted ack goobers can make an identification, they should shoot at all planes or none at all.  

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 02-15-2001).]

Offline Nash

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You must fly my way!
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2001, 02:44:00 AM »
Hey Funked...

A little while ago you were saying that the ack was too accurate for a WWII sim...

I said it was rather easy...

Well... something changed wrt ack about 3 weeks ago it seems and it's no longer a walk in the park. I'm not saying you were right in that it is now too difficult (I have nothing to compare it to), but no longer am I disagreeing with you either. That stuff is nasty.


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You must fly my way!
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2001, 10:06:00 AM »
I shot down Nash's F6F last night in a 202.  

Offline rickod

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You must fly my way!
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2001, 10:31:00 AM »
I killem, where I finds em hi or low



Offline BigGun

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You must fly my way!
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2001, 10:46:00 AM »
Lucky you AK, my wife wouldn't even let me up for 1 flight last night.Who invented that damn V-day thing anyways?

BigGun aka BgMAW

Offline Zigrat

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You must fly my way!
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2001, 11:01:00 AM »
moose the remarkable fac about that isnt the killl (wtg btw) but the fact that nash didnt have hispano cannons


Offline RedShad_DD

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You must fly my way!
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2001, 02:04:00 PM »
Ooooooh! The nerve of some people that refuse to fly in such a way as to allow me to keeeeell'em!


Offline Kieren

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You must fly my way!
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2001, 03:27:00 PM »

I had nearly an identical sortie.

I logged in for two sorties last night. The first one was nondescript, me in stang looking for a scalp. I meet 109 who tries to dive under me, I went up instead of split-Sing and caught him flush on the other side of his reverse upwards. He must have been surprised I didn't dive after him, and that I got the stang around so fast.

I caught a B-26 that was the vanguard of a posse of Bish trying to take 27. I had to make the first pass good, because his escort would arrive shortly and make stopping him impossible. I kill him, but as I rushed the approach he gets me too.

I reup in a Nikki. I do so because It can run on 1/2 fuel longer than most anything else and still perform. By this time there was a B-17, B-26, 109G10, P-51, and a Spit V orbitting the field. I needed all the help I could get.  

I had called for help and Zoso and Dumas arrived. We are all low, and the fighters were trying to keep us from reaching the bombers. The B-17 did himself in by flying right into the ack. The Spit and 109 really pressed hard on us, the 51 made sweeping passes. You better believe I used whatever ack we had left everytime one of those guys tried to capitalize on their superior E position. We eventually worked high enough to kill the B-26, Spit, a couple of 38's, chased the 51 away, and forced the 109 up. I finally ran outta ammo after 5 kills, and as fuel was running low I tried to head away from the fight. I figured I might drag someone with me looking for a scalp, and might actually help the base a bit. After a bit it was obvious they didn't care about me, so I headed for the next friendly base. I was nosing down towards the runway when the engine coughed dead, and set it down deadstick.

Time up, had to go. It was fun, and ack or no ack we saved the base (at least while I was on). Maybe it made those guys mad that the 3 of us defended the base against them (musta been 10 of them eventually) by using the ack, but it doesn't matter. No one forces anyone down into ack against their will.