Author Topic: Base taking strategy  (Read 2166 times)


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Base taking strategy
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2004, 10:23:04 AM »
There are only two things that need to be taken  down at a feild to capture.

the VH and the town.

That is IF you are willing to deal with feild ack, and as I witness night after night more people seem to be perfectly willing to ignore ack to get the vulch. Even if there is nothing up to vulch.

 If not then there are 4 things.

50 cal or no 50 Cal if everyone hitting a base fires a few bursts on ack as they make their vulch pass the ack will go down. Same thing with the VH. If everyone trying to vulch the feild fires a few rounds at the VH as they are passing over it, it WILL go down.
Problem is more people are interested in the vulch then they are with taking the VH and /or ack down.

Having the FH's down is a bonus but that ord would better be put to use on the town.
another thing on the town.
You really need to have troops on station if you are going to continue to attack the town in the current haphazard way its being hit now.
What I see happening is a couple planes come in, take a couple buildings down then go to the feild. which is cool cept it is often a few min before the next group of planes hit the town again.
what ends up happening is practically no sooner does the last building go down before the first buildings down start popping back up. Often just as the goon or M3 is dropping off troops.
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Offline dracon

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« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2004, 10:44:31 AM »

You are kidding right?  If your going to do it that way you need a horde 30 pilots or more to stop GVs and the ac lifing off in droves.

We are not talking technically here, we are talking like Really getting it done in the field!

Regards Sir,


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« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2004, 12:09:55 PM »
Originally posted by dracon

You are kidding right?  If your going to do it that way you need a horde 30 pilots or more to stop GVs and the ac lifing off in droves.

We are not talking technically here, we are talking like Really getting it done in the field!

Regards Sir,

No, reread my post. I said

"There are only two things that need to be taken down at a feild to capture.

the VH  and the town"

Taking feild ack down also is better then killing the FH's
After all if feild ack and VH is down and the base is capped it doesnt matter if the planes are trying to up. Just means easy vulch kills.

But easily the town and the VH followed by feild ack are far more important to take down then the FH's

You dont need to kill all the FH's to take the feild. Just keep the base capped. And you only need 2-4 people flying cap to do that.

Hell if the first person that comes in pops the VH, half if not more of the current defending aircraft are gonna develop tunnelvision and chase him to the ends of the earth anyway All he has to do is fly away from the town and fly slow enough so that the planes giving chase dont loose intrest LOL

the best most effective way to take a base is with speed. the longer it takes you to get the VH and town down the less likely it is your gonna take that base anytime soon. And too often and im sure you all hear this the radio chatter goes something like this

"Towns down we need troops"
"ok Ill go get some"
"soinso is upping a goon from X Base now"

Well upping troops from a base now isnt good enough, They needed to be upped ten min ago when the attack  was freash then they would be arriving at the same time the town and VH went down.

And if you can get a goon on station the same time as your main attack all you really need down is the town.
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« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2004, 12:19:02 PM »
A word to the newbies.
When you get frustrated in fighters yet still want to help. Grab a goon  with troops and follow that blob that just upped with troops. and follow them in low.
If you go low and everyone else goes on autoclimb. odds are you will arrive at the base either at the same time, or very shortly after the base attack has started.
actually depending on the fighters being used you may even have to fly slower or you may get there before the attack has started
Nowhere near enough goon drivers in the game.
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Offline dracon

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« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2004, 01:32:08 PM »

Sorry sir,

I 100% and totally disagree.  You are just wrong.  But, are intitled to your opinnion.

Anyone trying your method will find that out soon enough.

You may get lucky a time or two but the in-game radar we all know and ugh! love signals the attack and soon there will be more enemy then 2-4 could handle, probabaly by the time you reach target.  Trust me....I know!  The 339th have been doing it most successfully for sometime.


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« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2004, 01:49:19 PM »
Originally posted by dracon

Sorry sir,

I 100% and totally disagree.  You are just wrong.  But, are intitled to your opinnion.

Anyone trying your method will find that out soon enough.

You may get lucky a time or two but the in-game radar we all know and ugh! love signals the attack and soon there will be more enemy then 2-4 could handle, probabaly by the time you reach target.  Trust me....I know!  The 339th have been doing it most successfully for sometime.

I've seen both methods fail. And I've seen both methods succeed about the same
 Mine and yours.
With 10 Pilots Im assuming everyone is heavy. Taking bases my way is just as effective as yours.
You dont need the FHs down. it makes it alot easier yes but if you have your timing down (goon arrival) the FH's are the least of the important targets that need to go down. VH is far more of an important target then FHs.

the Dar presents every bit as much the same problem for your plan as mine.
both methods will work
I know., I've done it
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« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2004, 01:59:34 PM »
Just looked up your website and See you guys are rook.
No offence but until very recently you folks have also had the benifit of having numbers on your side which makes basetaking alot easier.
Not necessarily meaning more numbers attacking a particular base but overall numbers and thus forcing us to deal with attacks on several bases at the same time which spreads us out
Due to this
Knights and Bish have had to learn to do more with less so in retrospect its not surprising that our methods will differ.

your way does work. i wont deny that.
My way works also. Its just my way needs a little bit more... finesse  and timing LOL
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Offline agflit22

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« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2004, 02:09:07 PM »
My 2 cents... listen to what Drediock is saying to u.... he has been here a LOOONNNGGGG.... time... and does know what he's talking about.
     Just so it is clear, I am a memeber of the squadron that Drediock flys in. I know from experience that properly executed, a base can be taken by 4 or 5 pilots in 1 to 2 passes. I've seen done alot... I've helped do it alot.
     Kill the VH first and foremost... nothing, and I mean nothin else has a higher target priority than that VH. Kill it, and u deny the enemy the ability to protect the town. There only recourse is to use aircraft, and since the second priority after vh is de-ack, they cannot up from a field that is capped... or ready for a vulch fest if u prefer that analogy.
     The town is harder to kill in AHII, there's no doubt about that... but not because it is "hardened"... simply because it is so much larger. But again, to reiterate, 4 to 5 guys in the right platform can, and will, devastate  a base in a few passes if done right.
     My unit will typically take 4 or 5 Jugs, loaded to the gills, and wreak havoc in the space of a few short minutes... it gives u a warm fuzzy feeling when u pull out off ur 2nd pass on the field and see nothing but funeral pyres where once stood hangers.
     There is one caveat tho... u better do it right the first time. If u blow the initial strike advantage u are screwed... hit first, hit hard, and hit fast. Don't give ur enemy a chance to respond. Kill em and be done with it... simple as that. To put it simply, I say.... " Don't bring a knife to a gunfight"

Offline dracon

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« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2004, 03:09:05 PM »
I am up for a ride-along anytime gents!  What's your country and what's your squad?
I am looking for a way for the 339th to survive this Eny BS.  I'll do business with the Devil himself.......You guys seem much nicer!

Offline RobMo68

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Originally posted by DREDIOCK
....Well upping troops from a base now isnt good enough, They needed to be upped ten min ago when the attack  was freash then they would be arriving at the same time the town and VH went down.

And if you can get a goon on station the same time as your main attack all you really need down is the town.

I am usually one of the pilot's flying the goon, and there is usually at least 1 or 2 goons that up with evey mission to a base.

More often than not, there is NO PROTECTION for the goon. Everyone is going full tilt boogie into the base, often leaving the goons behind to fend for themselves. And of course there is always a goon hunter out, sweeping out around, and behind the main body of the attack force, because he knows that the goon is unprotected and alone.
I'm sure that most of you know how frustrating it is, to get within site of the base, or on station at the base, waiting for the last building to be dropped, only to be shot down from behind, for the lack of protection for the goon.

Otherwise, you risk prolonging the attack while waiting for the goon to re-up and get on station, and risk a counter force coming in and sweeping out the attack force.
And don't start with the "You got to vary your approach to the target", been there, done that. I've tried misdirection, varying altitudes, NOE, 20k. There is always someone out there hunting the goon, and they usually find one, and kill it!
« Last Edit: October 03, 2004, 03:26:18 PM by RobMo68 »
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Offline flyingaround

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Originally posted by RobMo68
I am usually one of the pilot's flying the goon, and there is usually at least 1 or 2 goons that up with evey mission to a base.

More often than not, there is NO PROTECTION for the goon. Everyone is going full tilt boogie into the base, often leaving the goons behind to fend for themselves. And of course there is always a goon hunter out, sweeping out around, and behind the main body of the attack force, because he knows that the goon is unprotected and alone.
I'm sure that most of you know how frustrating it is, to get within site of the base, or on station at the base, waiting for the last building to be dropped, only to be shot down from behind, for the lack of protection for the goon.

Otherwise, you risk prolonging the attack while waiting for the goon to re-up and get on station, and risk a counter force coming in and sweeping out the attack force.
And don't start with the "You got to vary your approach to the target", been there, done that. I've tried misdirection, varying altitudes, NOE, 20k. There is always someone out there hunting the goon, and they usually find one, and kill it!

Hmmm......  I'm wondering if this is your vast goon driving knowledge and base capture experience talking.  In the past few months that you have flow, you have captured a sum total of ONE base in a c47.  ONE.  

Now those that tell you the best defence for a c47 is being low, and coming from an unusualy approach are totally 100% correct.  You are not really able to protect goons.  One guy, in a fast plane, can usually wreak havok on Goony drivers.  There is really not much of a way to kill them 100% of the time.  If the mission is grabin high, they can fly NOE on the deck, and get the goon.  If you want to dedicate 6 pilots to goon protection only, the mission will usually not have the punch to take the base.  I mean if you have 30+ in the mission, I suppose you can dedicate some guys to fly 5-10K up and out from the troops, and hope to intercept 'em, But unless they are all in 262's, and good luck staying with the goon in a 262, you can't really stop 'em.  

 The other night, we were in a mission and both of us were flying c47's.  You followed the mission path, and flew directly AT the base we were attacking, in a straight line, behind the group.  Anybody that has flow this sim. for any length of time knows "that" is almost SURE death of a c47.  When I see a huge mission inbound, I just fly under/past them, and kill the stupid goon pilots that are inevetably behind them.  In the mission wer were both in, you died 1/2 way to the base.  Myself, I went a totally opposite direction, and approached the airfield from the other side.  Granted I died also, to the exact same 262 dweeb, BUT I was OVER the town when I died.  I made it there, and I was only seconds from dropping.  We both died, but who's tactics, and sneaky flying GOT him to the town vs. only 1/2 way there?  You then proceeded to whine for about 20min off and on on country chan. that we couldn't protect goons from 262's, which is actually quite silly.   I can't COUNT how many times i've upped a 262, and killed dozens of goons, and single handedly kept them from taking the base.  

Ya' need to listen and learn.  Your at "that" stage of your flying career.  You are very new, and need to try and learn from us, as opposed to pluggin' up your ears going "la la la la I am not listening, I think I know better."  Out of your 52 c47 deaths in your AH life, you have a sum total of ONE base capture.  One out of fifty two.  Them pretty cruddy odds.  Maybe find someone who has a bit more succesful experience in flying troops, and try to emulate their tactics.  

Looking at just a few of my past recent months (3 tours, about how long you have been with us, and i'm hardly a c47 driver),  I had 9 captures vs. 4 deaths.  I HATE flying troops, and I'll usually up an m3 instead, but I GOT 9 capt. vs. 4 deaths by being sneaky and smart about HOW I flew in the troops.  I took the extra 10-15min, to approach from a direction the enemy hopefully won't be looking at, and I'm reasonably succesful in my tactics.  

Bottom line, the best defense in a c47, is being sneaky and smart.  Wanting to depend on the flying skills of others to keep you alive is a good formula for geting frustrated in AH.

III/JG26 9th ST WidowMakers

Offline RobMo68

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Originally posted by flyingaround
Hmmm......  I'm wondering if this is your vast goon driving knowledge and base capture experience talking.  In the past few months that you have flow, you have captured a sum total of ONE base in a c47.  ONE.  

Now those that tell you the best defence for a c47 is being low, and coming from an unusualy approach are totally 100% correct.  You are not really able to protect goons.  One guy, in a fast plane, can usually wreak havok on Goony drivers.  There is really not much of a way to kill them 100% of the time.  If the mission is grabin high, they can fly NOE on the deck, and get the goon.  If you want to dedicate 6 pilots to goon protection only, the mission will usually not have the punch to take the base.  I mean if you have 30+ in the mission, I suppose you can dedicate some guys to fly 5-10K up and out from the troops, and hope to intercept 'em, But unless they are all in 262's, and good luck staying with the goon in a 262, you can't really stop 'em.  

 The other night, we were in a mission and both of us were flying c47's.  You followed the mission path, and flew directly AT the base we were attacking, in a straight line, behind the group.  Anybody that has flow this sim. for any length of time knows "that" is almost SURE death of a c47.  When I see a huge mission inbound, I just fly under/past them, and kill the stupid goon pilots that are inevetably behind them.  In the mission wer were both in, you died 1/2 way to the base.  Myself, I went a totally opposite direction, and approached the airfield from the other side.  Granted I died also, to the exact same 262 dweeb, BUT I was OVER the town when I died.  I made it there, and I was only seconds from dropping.  We both died, but who's tactics, and sneaky flying GOT him to the town vs. only 1/2 way there?  You then proceeded to whine for about 20min off and on on country chan. that we couldn't protect goons from 262's, which is actually quite silly.   I can't COUNT how many times i've upped a 262, and killed dozens of goons, and single handedly kept them from taking the base.  

Ya' need to listen and learn.  Your at "that" stage of your flying career.  You are very new, and need to try and learn from us, as opposed to pluggin' up your ears going "la la la la I am not listening, I think I know better."  Out of your 52 c47 deaths in your AH life, you have a sum total of ONE base capture.  One out of fifty two.  Them pretty cruddy odds.  Maybe find someone who has a bit more succesful experience in flying troops, and try to emulate their tactics.  

Looking at just a few of my past recent months (3 tours, about how long you have been with us, and i'm hardly a c47 driver),  I had 9 captures vs. 4 deaths.  I HATE flying troops, and I'll usually up an m3 instead, but I GOT 9 capt. vs. 4 deaths by being sneaky and smart about HOW I flew in the troops.  I took the extra 10-15min, to approach from a direction the enemy hopefully won't be looking at, and I'm reasonably succesful in my tactics.  

Bottom line, the best defense in a c47, is being sneaky and smart.  Wanting to depend on the flying skills of others to keep you alive is a good formula for geting frustrated in AH.

I knew some IDIOT was gonna drag out the old stat sheet, and start in on the "you're too new to know what you're talking about", spiel. Didn't think it'd be you. So before you start in on some BS about your vast experience as a goon driver, READ MY POST AGAIN! And if you can't figure out why I flew straight into that target, well, your dumber than I thought you were.
And if I'm not mistaken, YOU HAVE TO LAND TO "SCORE" THE CAPTURE. You can't land it, if your DEAD. Do you know how many times I've gotten the message "MAP ROOM DESTROYED", and got shot to hell before I could land. Ask some of the "FB's" how many times I flown a goon for them, because no one else would do it, and only wanted to bore in, score and egress.
And if I wanted a lesson in tactics, I'll ask SHANE or one of the Trainers like Fuzeman or WideWing.
So use your head for something other than a hat rack, BEFORE you start slammin' me, enough said.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2004, 02:28:47 PM by RobMo68 »
Special Forces Wing: POTW nUb:"Get outta my mud, biotch"

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Offline dedalos

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« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2004, 02:40:44 PM »
How do you guys do it?  How do you see the ack?  I can't see it unless it is firing at me and I can shoot at the general direction of the tracer fired at me.  That requires me to line up with it with not exactly the desired results
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

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« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2004, 02:41:20 PM »
"I do have a problem with the guys that suicide themselves or the ones that reckon near vertical is an acceptable drop angle, but hey watchyagonnado?"

By the "almost vertical drop angle" are you referring to bombs or troops?
If troops... well I for one prefer to drop like this.. as it is quicker and puts the troops right on the map room with very little "run time" needed...
This ensures a quicker capture.  :aok

Offline JB73

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« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2004, 02:48:36 PM »
Lute, ACK now can nto be kileld by 1 20mm unless it is a lucky hit directly on the structure. it takes 2-3 min.

anyway what has changed?

now you actually have to HIT the gun itself with the .50's because they are not exploding rounds.

cannons explode, and ack was strengethened to something like 100lbs of damage, where before it was like 50lbs

since the energy of the explosion of the cannon hits nearby objects it kills ack easier.
I don't know what to put here yet.