Author Topic: Well Its official  (Read 2704 times)

Offline soda72

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Well Its official
« Reply #30 on: October 08, 2004, 01:39:46 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
We need MORE players in the CT ... period!

I would like to see more organized squads in the CT....

But when we see more and more "lone wolf" types flying in the CT when the arena number gets around 30 it leads to a game style play that pisses off CT regulars.

Offline Gary26

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« Reply #31 on: October 08, 2004, 01:48:03 PM »
If storch was involved u would have got the following advisery...
Dear Allies, your base has been marked for Tactical Suppresion. Please leave the runway at wour own risk. Thank you However I do not remeber learning of the nme giveing the other a chance too get off the ground, but it is just a game and far be it for me to break anyone else's rules of conduct. I for one am not one to vulch, but being in IJN plane with Storch and fellow JG's I had an unstopable voice in my head and fell into the requests of LwDwn's evil axis brother. That and iI had too keep upstageing Allmetal and land more kills than him, which i did, so guess i was scorepotatoin. DAM THOSE JG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
C.O. VMF-213 Hell Hawks

Offline soda72

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« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2004, 02:03:50 PM »
Originally posted by Gary26
If storch was involved u would have got the following advisery...
Dear Allies, your base has been marked for Tactical Suppresion. Please leave the runway at wour own risk. Thank you However I do not remeber learning of the nme giveing the other a chance too get off the ground, but it is just a game and far be it for me to break anyone else's rules of conduct. I for one am not one to vulch, but being in IJN plane with Storch and fellow JG's I had an unstopable voice in my head and fell into the requests of LwDwn's evil axis brother. That and iI had too keep upstageing Allmetal and land more kills than him, which i did, so guess i was scorepotatoin. DAM THOSE JG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

heheh we bring out the worst in people sometimes  :)

Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #33 on: October 08, 2004, 03:00:23 PM »
Originally posted by soda72
I would like to see more organized squads in the CT....

But when we see more and more "lone wolf" types flying in the CT when the arena number gets around 30 it leads to a game style play that pisses off CT regulars.

That being what? Vultching? BnZ? Trying to take bases? Flying US planes? All these seem to be frowned on by someone or other.

Offline bustr

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« Reply #34 on: October 08, 2004, 03:40:34 PM »

I know you fly under a different ID so I have no idea what time you came in last night. While I was there, the Nippon side was usually 4-5 guys less than the U.S. side. I asked if a few would change over to even it up. So what if I got heckled. I winged with storch and almetal for a few and we dumped 47's and 38's in the drink. Urchin dumped me. Jamusta sorry for what happened to you. Still on the previous map you seemed to have a great deal of fun along with the rest of us.

CT has some bad nights with MA folks playing MA style. It's ok. Most of the time I've flown in the CT the CT regulars make it worth the momentary inconvieniences. Last night was unusual in that the channel 1 conversations were not as fun as I have come to expect.

But I have faith, I'll be back to the CT I fly for the regulars anyway...GUYS
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Gary26

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« Reply #35 on: October 08, 2004, 05:01:45 PM »
I'm LwDwn Bustr :aok
C.O. VMF-213 Hell Hawks

Offline soda72

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« Reply #36 on: October 08, 2004, 05:19:02 PM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
That being what? Vultching? BnZ? Trying to take bases? Flying US planes? All these seem to be frowned on by someone or other.

hehehe... there is a list of CT unwritten rules that makes "all the above ok"...

I'm still trying to figure them all out...   :)

Offline Furball

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« Reply #37 on: October 08, 2004, 05:19:03 PM »
yeah, sux sometimes in CT, earlier this week we had a great fight raging.   I usually just switch to the team that has least players,  I was japanese then went allied, and found VWE and other tardlings just vulching the crap outta the only decent allied base worth fighting from, its not as if its a contest furballing A6M's and N1K's with 38's and 47's.

It really disappoints me, when will people realise the value of a good fight over the amount of kills you land? Still, when i was new landing kills was all that mattered to me, seems some people 'mature' over their AH career.  Respect is hard to win, easy to lose.
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Offline memnon

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« Reply #38 on: October 08, 2004, 05:24:47 PM »
Originally posted by jamusta
Arlo you talk alot of trash, yet I enjoy flying with you. I can tell your trash talking isnt serious. But just like any other noobie, which I am to your arena, I dont wish to try out something new just to get bashed by the regulars. Doing that will just turn the any new guy away. Now if I was a regular to the arena then I wouldnt mind the bashing I receive. But I am still trying to figure out the personality of your community. So far I have the impression that some dont want the CT to grow because they will soon find themselves at the bottom of the food chain.

You hit the nail on the head

Offline Furball

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« Reply #39 on: October 08, 2004, 05:29:46 PM »
People say the CT has a higher quality than the MA, i am beginning to disagree with this.  The MA is a gangfest, whereas the CT seems to be more 1 vs 1.

I have to say, my favourite opponent in the CT is Eagler - he really is a class act. The (unfortunately its not more) few fights i have had with him are always fun. And i am sure many will agree with me.
I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.

-- The Blue Knights --

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #40 on: October 08, 2004, 05:33:14 PM »
Originally posted by jamusta
So far I have the impression that some dont want the CT to grow because they will soon find themselves at the bottom of the food chain.

Well ... you could be right there. But I hope that's not the majority.

The CT suffers from it's low population. It's a vicious circle when players won't fly there because the numbers are low and when they do venture in they see the worst of it .... yet the only way to help things improve is for the numbers to grow.

I've heard people say that there's always a percentage of bad apples in every group. I dunno if the percentage stays equal across the board, though. Maybe smaller groups can have a larger percentage. Or a smaller one ... I dunno. But whatever players are in a smaller arena/group, anyone who's acting like an idiot probably stands out more.

So ... (and I think you probably see where I'm going here) ... my answer to the problem is to recruit more non-idiots until the idiots end up having to stay in the corner more. I say whip them with that food chain until they either grow or become even more tenderized. (Old sharks need them more tender). *ShruG*

But then ... I've always had way too simplistic an outlook on things. :)

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #41 on: October 08, 2004, 05:41:21 PM »
Ok, where to start. How about this one?

Allied players have advocated F4U/F6F/F4F/P-51/P-47/P-38 vs A6M5/Ki-61 setups as fair and when the N1K2 is added it tends to produce negative posts regarding the chances of the Allied fliers against the vaunted N1K2-J.

Why dont you try and produce some evidence of this? When was there a set up ran like this? This does nothing but add fuel to the fire Karnak and is poor form.

My desire to try CT again is decreasing with every post I see. Well done.

Dont let the vocal minority run you off. You'll get to know who the windbags are and find some of them really arent that bad. They have just failed to realize textbuffer bs does no good for the CT. Dont write us off just yet.

But I am still trying to figure out the personality of your community. So far I have the impression that some dont want the CT to grow because they will soon find themselves at the bottom of the food chain.

  Plenty of personality here. Stick around, the CT can be a blast.

when will people realise the value of a good fight over the amount of kills you land?

Hopefully sooner than later.

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #42 on: October 08, 2004, 05:54:32 PM »

Nowhere did I say it ever ran.  The fact is though, that it has been claimed as "fair" and advocated as a setup.

OK, maybe not all the Army aircraft.  But close, close enough to make no difference.
Petals floating by,
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Offline Slash27

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« Reply #43 on: October 08, 2004, 06:02:16 PM »
The fact is though, that it has been claimed as "fair" and advocated as a setup.

Silly claim.As an "Allied" flyer me and my squad dont support and never have supported lopsided Axis bashing. The Ki-84 cant get soon enough for me.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #44 on: October 08, 2004, 06:04:53 PM »
Originally posted by soda72
I would like to see more organized squads in the CT....

But when we see more and more "lone wolf" types flying in the CT when the arena number gets around 30 it leads to a game style play that pisses off CT regulars.

I don't think it's a case of the lone wolfs being the problem, actually. Organized squads are cool but large squads can also lead to "gang" mentality, it seems. I wouldn't have realized that if my squad hadn't become so inactive over time.

The mere presense of a large squad in a small arena can lead to bad things without another large squad opposing it ... at all times. Squad members develop the mentality of flying with their squad no matter what. It doesn't matter if there's 14 squadies on and 3 opponents. The feel the MUST fly as a coherent unit 24/7.

Not many squads encourage their members to split up and oppose each other. It's certainly not a common thing in the MA. There are a few in the CT. But those squads aren't the largest.

I've seen squads log on in the CT during dead hours and 6 guys go on a milk spree until the map resets (which we all know porks the CT arena). Why do they do that? Well ... they're bored. And that squad has the mindset that that's a fun thing to do. Or maybe just one or two of the bossy ones do and the rest just wanna do whatever those guys want as long as the squad flies together.

I'm not knocking you or your squad, Soda (nor am I singling any one squad out). I've flown with you and I like ya. You're a nice fella and you're fun to fly with ... as are many in your squad. But ... I don't think organized squadrons ... strictly speaking ... is the answer.

Perhaps an organized arena is more along the lines of what would help things in the CT. A scenario-like atmosphere that regularly permeates the arena.

Thursday night missions was going to help that along but it's kinda fallen apart. I think that's because it hasn't ever really been approached as a scenario.

As much as I'm an advocate for multiple styles of play ... I heartily recommend scenario ground rules to be put into place. Let's say we start organizing scenario-style mission match-ups right here in the forum?

Set up the forces. Players sign up in threads. Sure ... walk-ons always welcome but when you have a balanced core already set up before they log on, that'll contribute to more balance.

Determine equal goals for both sides but give the battle more depth. Sure .... for the assault/bomber types you can select a base or number of bases that need capturing on both sides. Not the whole map, mind you .... or even a significant chunk of it. Two or three, tops.

For the air to air types add in kill attrition. A certain number of kills on one side or the other and the battle stops right there ... .due to attrition.

Throw in other ground rules such as forfeiture due to side disparity. If one side or the other surpasses their oppoent by a certain percentage ... battle's considered over and the side that breached the limit loses. That's right .... if your side is getting close to 2v1 (just an example) and the next three guys that log on all gravitate to your side and pushes it over the mark ... boom .... battle lost.

Before anyone says that seems unfair ... look at what it promotes. It's pretty much a self-imposed balancer in the CT. If my side is fighting hard to win the battle and I see the roster start to tilt the odds in favor of the side I'm flying for I'm going to make requests of balance known. Whether that involves new log-ons to be given the suggestion to fly on the other side or for players to switch. I'll even switch .... just to keep the battle going - but that's a personal thing. Like I said, it'll promote the larger side advocating arena balance to log-ons.

Of course, there's the chance that players would try to abuse the rule and mass migrate to the opposing side to cause them to lose when they are, in fact, winning. But with such a small population that would be kinda obvious and we could just as easily throw in a clause that that represents actual capitulation of the migratory birds.

There could be more things we think of, as a group, I'm sure. But I think you see where I'm going with this. The key isn't organization on the individual squad level. It's organization on an entire arena level.