Author Topic: 2 week trial  (Read 1107 times)


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2 week trial
« on: January 20, 2001, 11:15:00 PM »
umm i'm one of the people that seen this game before it had ship and used up the 2 week trial thinking that was the finished game...i think it'll be great if you guys could restart the trial server or whatever is keeping track of ip's to allow us to try the main arean with boats and ships..h2h just isn't the same as playing with 100+ people.

[This message has been edited by Saladorm (edited 01-22-2001).]

Offline SKurj

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« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2001, 12:16:00 AM »

You may not realize, that as little as 6 months ago, you could pay $2 an hour to play a "game" like Aces High.  Once upon a time it cost as much as $13 an hour to play air warrior including phone costs.

I've flown Air warrior which is now cheaper, but it doesn't come close IMO.
No I ain't rich, I'm a student workin part time, I can't think of anything else I could do in the amount of time I spend in Aces in a month that i could do for $30.


Offline Westy

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« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2001, 10:27:00 AM »
"I'm wondering where the $30 a month goes and why the price is so high?"

 Well. I'm not an employee of HTC and so I can't, nor probably would if I was, able to give you specifics but here's where that money goes. generally speaking.

 There are SIX people, not counting Skuzzy (who should be imNSho <G> ) who work 8 to 14  hour days (easily) for six to seven days a week. And on one product only: Aces High. They are not doing this as a hobby, although I do not doubt thier love of what they do nor do I forget thier passion for what it is we also play here.

 You do not buy a game, it is free for the download. But to play you need to use the HTC H2H server or play online against 10-200 people at once, again, on HTC provided servers and equipment.

 To get those servers connected to the internet they need ISP access. Two T1's is what I think they have right now and that cost big $$$ per month. Go ahead and price a T1 to your home for your own use.

 They have the HTC offices and other equipment to lease. For no one is doing this out of their garage or basement. Nor should they. They are professionals. This isn't an after school hours hobby. Nor a lark. It is big business.
  AH is evolving, constantly. This is not a one time box game sale with a patch or two ending in a 'thanks so much! and only usable on a marginal (at best) gateway to play 8 player mp games on - such as EAW on 'The Zone'. B17II had no multi-play. Kind of boring to play by yourself in my opinion.

 AW is non-evolving. It's about 14 years old with eye candy upgrades. FA-II is evolvng, but alot slower and with much less fidelity across the board - graphics, flight model, servers, etc.

 Thats a starter. I've run out of time but you can build on what I started.    



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« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2001, 03:06:00 PM »
ok useing the info your giving me and comparing it to "another" game which i know were not allowed to name cause of the compatition...but i'm wondering why the "other" game is going to be charge less if not the same as this game and it's going to be running dual T3's? explain that that company is doing the same thing by only working on one project but their not charging $30 a month for people to beta test which i belive AH is doing...sure if your a hardcore fan that's great but if your like me i hate paying for products which are still in production...yes i know every mmpog out there is still in production and you'll be lucky if you find a game that is completely finished...also i'm wondering what HTC's plans are when they lose practically all their accounts to the "other" game which has the same concept as AH but has everything an ocean that isn't like glass. although if AH put their price down 10 dollars i'll make an account...and one more thing..i original post asked about getting a second chance at that 2 week trial...i have yet to read someone response to that:-)  thx for everyone's response's and hope HTC keeps the track their on:-)

Offline SKurj

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« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2001, 03:29:00 PM »

This other game, I believe I know which you are referring to.  If you think it will be realeased "finished" its time you put that pipe down bud.  In a sim like this as soon as it stops developing, its the end of the road.  Sure it may not happen overnight or even over several months, but the end is in sight for the sim.
This other game is aimed at a slightly different market, frankly I don't want to be dealing with 1000 ppl online at a time in AH.  HTC sets their price point, and aims at a particular demographic.  With the current pricing, it does exclude some people for sure, but it also attracts those that take their flight simming seriously, and appreciate similar company.  That other sim if it comes out at $10 a month, will be accessible to every 12 yr old quake brat.  The quakers come to AH for their free 2 weeks, and find the clientelle has nothing in common with them, and nor is there a BFG to play with.  They walk away.
If HTC wanted to triple its clientelle and alienate many of its diehard community it could just cut the price to $10 a month.  And then AH would become just another sim.

Why buy a ferrari when ya could just pick up a used chevette?  It gets ya to work, it gets the groceries, but its just not the same huh.  
BTW that other sim is 6 months behind or more on its beta program, i still haven't received my NDA.  It may never happen...

I doubt we'll ever see infantry, HTC does not claim to be developing a WW2 sim, but  primarily a Flight/Combat simulator.


Offline Soda

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« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2001, 05:24:00 PM »
I think the point of the orignal post was to ask if a new trial period could be given after a certain amount of time is up.  The game is significantly different now than 2 versions ago, so why not allow a user who was a previous member (or trial member) to have a couple of days trial of the new version.  Maybe it would swing the decision for that person to join/come back.

Let's face it, rather than lie on the trial form or put HTC through the creation of a new account with a cancellation a day later, why not have a one week trial, or maybe only a couple of days, for someone who is re-considering paying.

You can argue that AH is a premium game that commands a premium price, and that is your opinion (and I tend to agree), but each person needs to make that decision for themselves.  A trial is the only way and while one version might not attract a paying player, the next version could.  I hate the re-curring trial scammers like everyone else, but a legit re-trial for new versions is probably in order.



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2 week trial
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2001, 10:18:00 PM »
ok i have to explain this before it gets out of hand...when i write posts i type first and ask questions later and me being one of those people that have to look at the keyboard to type never read it as i lets pretend i didn't say anytihgn about the price and crap and get down to my orignal question...umm i've being playing h2h alot and i do agree that this game is great..but i don't agree in the fact that every 12 year old quaker will join a game just cause it's $10..umm yeah btw i don't think the other game will charge $10 anyways i'm thinking more like 20-30 will be more lets start over and forget the first and second post of mine...Can older members get a second chance in the main arena.  i can get people to vouch for me as i was in a squad when i had my trial which was great btw...the boats make the game completely different....umm does the main arena have boats or is it one of the other servers?

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2001, 07:01:00 AM »
Well, Pyro has stated in the past that at some point they will consider "wiping the slate clean" for 2 week trials and letting folks have another try.  This hasn't happened yet, but keep an eye out.  

Now you CAN play H2H with up to 8 players without a paying account, so if you want to see how AH is coming, give H2H a try.  It's also a good way to introduce new players to the game, as you can get them started in a secluded environment where they won't get beaten down as fast as they would in the MA.  

As for boats, CV groups and PT boats are available in the main arena online.  They are also available in a H2H area as well should you host or join one.  By default the H2H arena is the same as the main arena, there is just fewer folks in it.    You can also dowload and fly H2H in terrains that other folks have created using the terrain editor.  You can download the terrain editor and make your own terrains for H2H play if you like as well.  It's on the HTC download page.  

Lephturn - Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs
"A pig is a jolly companion, Boar, sow, barrow, or gilt --
A pig is a pal, who'll boost your morale, Though mountains may topple and tilt.
When they've blackballed, bamboozled, and burned you, When they've turned on you, Tory and Whig,
Though you may be thrown over by Tabby and Rover, You'll never go wrong with a pig, a pig,
You'll never go wrong with a pig!" -- Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

Offline Westy

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« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2001, 07:17:00 AM »
 Saladorm. You could not possibly know what 'the other game'  is going to be charging as they've only said 'flat rate'.  Never have they mentioned even a remote ball park figure.

  As for "them" vs AH?  Pay whatever you think is fair value for your enjoyment. I pay $30 every month here and I feel I get my monies worth.

 Course, to compare "them" to AH you really do need to have something to compare to, no?   Repeating web board rhetoric against a viable product with paying customer product is like comparing a book you bought and are reading against a rumoured one that doesn't have it's first draft done yet.

 And where in the world did you hear DUAL T3's?? You have any idea, any at all, of just how expensive ONE T3 is? And they're into hock up to thier eyeballs already. With nary a paying customer. Maybe some day, a long way down thier development road, if they've been successful, they will get dual T3's. No way will it be to start. Compare facts to facts; not rumour and wishes with fact, please.

 Hopefully HTC will wipe the slate clean as AH has changed so much that folks need to try it again. Maybe some fence sitters will jump over to the paying customer side.


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 01-22-2001).]

Offline BigGun

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« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2001, 05:41:00 PM »
For starters, I think I get plenty of value for only $30. Compared to other cheaper services like AW, this is a bargain cuz the game is much superior. As to why they charge $30...not only to cover expenses but I am sure the are trying to make $$. I am sure they have evaluated the economics of different pricing levels. Try it in H2H & if you like it and want to expand the experience to MA, just cough up the $30. Hope to see you in the air.


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« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2001, 09:33:00 PM »
ok i will say this again cuase it seems that people don't read all the posts before they i said i don't think when i type a post  (maybe i should start) i no longer care about the $30 i only want to know about the 2 week trial thing..please if your going to reply please read all my posts...and as for the "other" they have mentioned that they'll make the price competeive to other online games so i can see it being in the 10-30 range...but i don't want to see anymore replys about the price..please and thx for those of you that answer my question.    
one other can't compare a h2h game to the main arena cause playing with that much more people is way different then playing with 8 people playing fleet vs fleet..yeah it's fun but i'm sure it'll be better in the main aerna but i'll never know until i get a chance to try it.  

[This message has been edited by Saladorm (edited 01-22-2001).]

Offline airspro

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« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2001, 06:23:00 AM »
Originally posted by Saladorm:
i only want to know about the 2 week trial thing..
[This message has been edited by airspro (edited 01-22-2001).]

No , for now . Maybe yes in the future .


PS: You can sign up friday night , fly for the weekend , delete account and it will only cost ya about 3 bucks .
My current Ace's High handle is spro


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« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2001, 05:14:00 PM »
I really don't see the point.  If you want to check it out, download the latest version and go H2H for awhile. Darn good way to evaluate the game, try out the vehicles, flight models..etc.  Get a pal to go H2H so you can get a good feel. Had there not been H2H I NEVER would have joined up full time. If you want to participate with the numbers, then pay the price.

Offline Torgo

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« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2001, 11:52:00 PM »

Um, I think people ARE reading your posts and you're the one missing the point of the others.

You seem irritated that things have been added since your 2-week trial. You seem to think this means the game wasn't "done" when you played but it is now, so you deserve another 2 week trial.

You also seem to think that the fact anything major was added or changed after you played means you were playing a "Beta" when you had your trial.

AH will NEVER be "Done". You've gotten used to boxed games. AH operates totally differently. They intend to keep adding new stuff, new planes, forever.

Also, there WAS a long AH Beta where it was totally free for everyone.  Unfortunately, you missed it. Once AH decided they had enough bugs out and things put in, you had to pay for it.


Offline Soda

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« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2001, 11:09:00 AM »
I think the point is that AH has changed a lot and while the previous version might not have offered enough to convince a person to part with his $30USD/month, the newer version might.  Thus, a re-trial might be in order for some people who haven't had an account in a while, or maybe who used to be paying users but left.  Why not, worse that can happen is to attract some more paying players.

The signing up for a weekend thing probably is a bit of a hassle for HT, lots of paperwork that wouldn't justify the $3 they might make out of the transaction.  It would be a waste of everyone's time, they'd rather have the whole $30 I'm sure.

Finally, while the H2H is a good time, the real game is in the Main Arena.  It's a totally different world in there with a lot better pilots (for the most part), plus more planes in action, and the strategy parts.  None of that is really in the H2H, basically H2H is just a big furball.  It's hard to compare one to the other outside the flight model.

I think that it's about time to allow some older trial account holders to have another shot.  HTC has put a lot of time and effort into making AH better and I think most people would agree that AH offers a whole lot more now than it did 1 year ago.  There are always ways to be dishonest about getting another trial account, but why do that, why not be honest and get another shot.  Maybe it will convince some people to sign up.
