Author Topic: <S> to Strat squads  (Read 1490 times)


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<S> to Strat squads
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2005, 07:40:02 PM »

You strat horde guys sure do a job on us!

Offline RedTop

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« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2005, 08:35:12 PM »
I do !  I actually was flying near a base last nite in a 190A5 (far cry from normal ride) and the intensity was palletable. Knights had like 15 people there. It was intense even tho no one was upping and the range Channel going nuts with cries for "Come on guys hit the town...Lets get this town down guys..come on fellas...need a lil help on this town" It was pure adreneline.

Well being the team player that I am..I promptly JUMPED at the chance to do good for the cause. I unloaded 4 cannon rounds into a building. I know I know I was a horrible thing to do and I felt dirty afterwards. I told my squaddie who was augering at the time while trying to be a good hero and shoot those mean ole buildings , that I had helped. It choked him up so bad he lost it near the radio tower and just crashed. Horrible site it was.

The building (may it rest it peace) put up a heck of a fight. I mean I blasted that thing with 4 cannon rounds and it stood there like it was nothing. Mike "Bite your ear off" Tyson doesn't hit that hard. But , that building took it. I didn't have the heart to hit it again so I just left it. Some horrible person came by and killed it tho shortly after I left the scene to go and kill some guns at another base.

So you Building Bombers Strat Guys.....For all you do....This reset is for you.:aok
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Offline Raider179

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« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2005, 10:51:55 PM »
Sounds just like the knights to take 15 guys to an undefended field and just wait for vulches.

Offline Vudak

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« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2005, 12:03:31 AM »
Originally posted by Raider179
Sounds just like the knights to take 15 guys to an undefended field and just wait for vulches.

Sounds like all the countries, actually.  On any given night (with a large map) you will find two hordes going after various toolsheds against minimal resistance.

There could be a great fight if they both butted heads, but since many of the people in each horde are too damn stupid to figure out how to:

A) open up the clipboard
B) scroll away from their front
C) figure out what needs to be hit at a field on there own anyway
D) Deal with a fighter without constantly heading in one direction

...  These fights never happen.

...Look, call me an uber-dweeb if you want, but when I first started flying this game I kept a log, if you will.  One of my very first entries


June 4th, 2004

On the other hand, there is one thing I can do: dive bomb.  Now, I'm not saying I can hit anything yet, but at least I can drop the bomb.  Once I figure out how to turn on a dive-bombing sight ( :rofl ) , I'll do much better.  At the very least, if I dive straight down from 10,000 feet in a Mustang, I have a decent shot of nailing a large hangar, and that will help my country out a bit

...  I think that pretty much sums up what we are seeing in the MA these days.  When I was brand new I did exactly  what is loathed today.  Fortunately, Misfit got me into JG2, a squad that hardly ever does strat (although we've been known to straff down a VH...  in tempests...  after a formation of bombers levels the FHs...  thanks...)

Well anyway, I'm rambling.  Let me rap it up.  The day the strat guys can actually manage to take a 10k base in one swift mission, I'll congratulate them, as that would prove skill is required for the job.  I'll probably never have to though, it seems they'd much prefer to hit the 0k base that's not defended about 50 miles away...  And take all night trying to maybe capture it.
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Offline Raider179

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« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2005, 12:38:08 AM »
It just astonished me that people refuse to carry ordance. You can always drop it if you encounter enemies. There are very few fights where you need 100% fuel and drop tanks.

The reason a bomber should target FHs and JABOS should target the VH is simple. 1 jabo can drop the VH... 1 JABO CANNOT take out all the FHS... A bomber instead of telling bomber pilots what to hit take some ord and do it. or just go find a furball and stay away from the field. I mean if you dont care about strats and capture what are you doing near enmy airfields besides vulching?

Offline Flyboy

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« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2005, 01:50:20 AM »
im just trying to open your eyes little devil. redeem yourself while you still can!

it will be a tough at first, fighting actual people, and you will get your butt kicked alot when not:
 spawn camping\ flying with horde\ attacking undefended fields. (chooce the correct answer)

but as time will pass you will see the light...hopefully.

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« Reply #36 on: January 25, 2005, 02:03:33 AM »
good point vudak.

the reason we see so much "hording" and building battlers those days is simple.

people just gave up on the challenge of actualy winning a fair fight.

"why should i fight the other guy if i can destroy is hangers, i mean hangers are much easier to kill then spitfires"
the problem is, this method of fighting has become so common. that new players that are coming to AH get cought up to it right awey, and never really learn how to fight.

why did people gave up on the challenge and went for the easier way?
is it human nature?
is it because "its a game" and they dont want any challenges in their game?
everyone has its own exuce i guess. (mind your own business, you are a jerk seems to become pretty common lately :rolleyes: )

luckily there are still some who enjoy playing the "old" way, that is actually finding some oposition and fighting it.

Offline Despair

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« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2005, 03:17:40 AM »
Been playing about 2 months, the fights I like and enjoy are max 5 vs 5. Any bigger than that and it becomes uncontrolled "who can get on ur 6 faster".

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2005, 08:10:21 AM »
I thought WOT meant wide open throttle

despair... 5 vs 5 is a great fight... ten vs ten is even better tho.

I was wondering... when you getr into a really good fight with a toolshed or outhouse... I mean, one that really puts up a good fight and you get that hard earned victory.... Do you go on 200 and say..


I can't see why anyone would carry a bomb... you don't have to.  They simply slow down the plane for no reason and... what if you forgot to drop it?   If you simply like the challenge of dogfiting with the bomb on board handycap then you  are better at this than me.

And no... I don't think wives/girlfriends should be able to form squads.... hell.. I don't even think women should be able to vote.

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<S> to Strat squads
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2005, 08:15:33 AM »
Originally posted by Wolfala
What my estemed brother in arms is basically saying the following: "a 6 year old with down syndrome can take a base that is undefended by organized and competent squads - i.e. LTAR's before they went WW2 - they dug in like ticks."

What you need to do, if you want to prove your point of really having smaller genitalia then you claim - is if you can take a base with LESS then superior firepower - i.e. P40's or A20's - etc.

That my friend, if you pull it off - i'll Fedex you the booze.



I've taken bases with a6m2s and ki67s....

Oh yeah - and I forgot - We've taken a base with PT boats before too....

what kind of booze are you sending?


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« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2005, 08:37:53 AM »
Originally posted by Raider179
Sounds just like the knights to take 15 guys to an undefended field and just wait for vulches.

All sides do it.
Rooks are just as notorious for it. Bish too when they can.

Funny thing is the strat guys can be stopped but people get caught up in their own little world and do nothing.

On a parody of an old joke.

How many furballers does it take to stop a the landgrab horde?

None, They would rather just sit there and whine about it.
If you dont like the "toolshed killers"
Kill them. Dont just piss n moan about em

Some of us actually do fight against the horde.

I do a little bit of everything depending on my mood though typically I dont partake in the hordes intentionally (they often just show up where I happen to be)

But of everything I've done here the best and most intence fights I've been in are usually in defending against the horde/landgrab

My opinion, compaired to the anti horde fight, a dedicated furball with nohing at stake is a mere mindless merry go round. Fun for a few turns, but quickly gets old and boring.

But thats just my opinion.
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Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2005, 08:52:56 AM »
That's exactly the point.

You can go sealclubbing the skill impaired milkers 10:1 only for so long untill you get tired. Or shot down eventually.

Worst is if they spawn gv's all over and cover the aircraft with their golden bb's.

You notice the dots on the map and you think: why bother go alone to fight 10 AGAIN.


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« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2005, 09:25:03 AM »
Originally posted by Siaf__csf
That's exactly the point.

You can go sealclubbing the skill impaired milkers 10:1 only for so long untill you get tired. Or shot down eventually.

Worst is if they spawn gv's all over and cover the aircraft with their golden bb's.

You notice the dots on the map and you think: why bother go alone to fight 10 AGAIN.

Alot of the milkrunners are skill impaired but
alot of those milkrunners are anything but skill impaired.

Thing is it doesnt have to be 10 on 1 if the people that complained most about them did more then just whine about milkrunners.

Go attack them wherever you see them and you've just created another furball situation.

Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out where these folks are headed. Bushwhack em.

Typically when they start spawning GVs all you need to do is put the info out on the radio buffer and your own GV crowd starts showing up.
also there are some folks here that are very good at egging GVs and take delight in doing so.

Thing is people can complain about something or actually do something about it.
Not "you" specifically but
If your not willing to do somethign about it then you have no right to complain.
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Offline Lye-El

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« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2005, 09:27:58 AM »
Originally posted by Flyboy

the reason we see so much "hording" and building battlers those days is simple.

people just gave up on the challenge of actualy winning a fair fight.

Perhaps there are other FNGs that that grab a fighter, fly for fifteen minutes, see a red guy, he goes this way, you go that way, *BOOM* you are back in the tower saying "Gee, that was fun"  NOT!

Now, I'm not trying to imply anything here, you guys are speculating about why people stay with a pack and I am giving you one from a noobs point of view. In my case rather go with hordes, I went with base defense, acks and Ostis. If I can take out 5 attackers, some times more with reups,  I.

1: live longer
2: get to watch the enemas come apart
3: help the fighters get up in the air
4: blunt the attack
5: help prevent the base from being captured.
6: get a sense of accomplishment  when I see messages saying: Are we gonna lose A***


And we don't because we held until the bad guys give up or help finally arrives.

But I digress, back to the point, I would guess, safety in numbers would be a primary reason for the horde,  getting your head handed to you, knowing that you don't stand much of a chance individually causes you to go with a group. You still see action, after a fact, and you don't die as quick.

The school of fish theroy, a lone fish is a single target for the shark, in a school of fish your chances of being the target is reduced.

Now I know people are going to be saying "You need to fly and die to learn ACM" This is probably true to some extent. And I do fly and I die.  If I attack inbound bombers and I get one before I die or I have oil all over my screen, I have had a good attack. I see others take flight after flight of bombers out on a single base defense mission so I know it can be done. Eventually, I hope to get there. If I get a fighter I am surprised if I get a kill and it was probably a HO and I got lucky if I survived it. It also usually means I'll be dead in thirty seconds. I don't think I landed any kills in a fighter, which is no big deal Most of my landings have been out of gas or just about out of gas. I try to stay too light I guess.

Anyway, I have fun jumping from attacked base to attacked base as long as the Ack or VH is up so I can get an Osti. Be nice if the targeting was better.

I'm sure I'll grow tired of this aspect of the game and spend more time in the air as I aquire skills. But it sure is fun when I can take out several aircraft vulching a base and imagining those guys whineing about get shot down by the ack....

i dont got enough perkies as it is and i like upen my lancs to kill 1 dang t 34 or wirble its fun droping 42 bombs

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2005, 10:28:26 AM »
Your right all sides do it. I guess the point I was trying to express was people who make fun of "toolshedders" for attacking stationary targets are the same ones who have no problem vulching.  Taking out buildings or vulching requires little skill but  BOTH are necessities of the game.

I have a lot more respect for the toolshedders and the reason is simple. They are team players. Seems like some think all the toolshedders do is attack the town, fhs, vh and such. I always carry ord unless defending a base and If I have to drop it to engage a fighter I do. I think you guys way underestimate the skill level of a lot of toolshedders. They think outside of their little meaningless rank and score and landing their little 3 kills and actually try to help take bases. I realize not all are interested in that aspect but then why bother flying in the MA.