Author Topic: Dealing with Pottymouth...  (Read 2456 times)

Offline g00b

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I think I see a pattern...
« Reply #60 on: February 28, 2005, 03:16:47 PM »
Those for moderation of speech: Over 25
Those against: Under 25

Given that this is one of the most bloodless combat games available, it is suitable for younger people. Heck it's even educational! If squelching was possible on all vox channels it could be argued this was a wholesome and fun environment for almost all ages, like 10 and up?

The 15 year olds screeching obscenties kinda throws that out the window.


Offline Blue Mako

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #61 on: February 28, 2005, 03:48:24 PM »
Originally posted by SCDR
:lol That's my point Tactic, if people don't like what's on TV they need
to change the channel. Given there are a few "potty mouths" out
there, you'ld think these "intelligent" people would "change the
channel" ( put headset on, close door, turn volume down ), but

oh well, life goes on.


Your analogy was a nice try but:

The whole point is that we can't "change the channel", range vox is always enabled.  Saying that putting on headphones etc is not the same as being able to choose whether to listen to the rubbish that is spewing from the range vox.  I don't have kids in the house yet I still don't want obscenities blaring at me from AH.  With my TV I can choose what I see and hear, with range vox in AH I cannot.

What we are asking for from HTC is the ability to choose, not the ability to censor someone.  Giving freedom of choice is not removing any freedom from anyone else...

Offline Ghosth

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #62 on: March 01, 2005, 09:07:19 AM »
But we do have the option of turning off an offender.

Squelching him turns it off. Makes it go away.

Granted thats only a short term solution. Which I think is partly why HT has been slow to build a perma squelch list.

Offline dedalos

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #63 on: March 01, 2005, 10:50:34 AM »
Originally posted by SCDR
This sim is kind of like watching TV. You know the show has some
"mature content" (potty mouth) and yet you want to watch it (fly).

Now what do you do? Do you make sure the young ones aren't in
the same room? Do you turn down the volume of your system or
put your head set on? Maybe close and lock the door to your
computer room. Explain that there are people that want to exercise
their right to "free speech", which is what cussing is.
I can cuss with the best of them, but I don't on-line. I also understand
a slip of the tongue once in a while. I also know how to use the
squelch command.

JB73 pretty much hit the nail on the head.  

I didn't serve 20 years in the USAF for "free speech" to be stomped on.


You can have your freedom to say what ever you want (even though you don't seem to grasp that this is a privetly owned company and your freedoms are what ever HT says they are).  All I ask, is for the right to not listen to what you have to say.  

I guess you only served 20 years for your rights, not ours?
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Blue Mako

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #64 on: March 01, 2005, 05:00:53 PM »
Originally posted by Ghosth
But we do have the option of turning off an offender.

Squelching him turns it off. Makes it go away.

Granted thats only a short term solution. Which I think is partly why HT has been slow to build a perma squelch list.

Ghost unfortunately it's also reactive and only works for a single log on...

So, two options:

Perma squelch list


Range vox on/off switch

Offline Lye-El

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #65 on: March 02, 2005, 10:04:27 AM »
Originally posted by Blue Mako
Ghost unfortunately it's also reactive and only works for a single log on...

So, two options:

Perma squelch list


Range vox on/off switch

A saved list, i.e. perma squelch, would be nice as I have to type .squelch 6 every time I log on. I don't care who landed how many kills in what.

I only care about the kills I get.

i dont got enough perkies as it is and i like upen my lancs to kill 1 dang t 34 or wirble its fun droping 42 bombs

Offline hubsonfire

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #66 on: March 02, 2005, 02:05:07 PM »
/.squelch name

It's just that easy.
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Offline AcId

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #67 on: March 03, 2005, 04:18:07 PM »
ya know.....I've seen others request a "range squelch" option and provide their argument(s) as to why they personaly would like to see it implemented. So far it's been my opinion that noone has really provided a valid reason until now (unless I missed it in the past).

Yeah you can squelch an individual but not until after the offence has been made.

Seagoon, I can't see why anyone at all would be against allowing you to protect/raise your children how you see fit. Sadly for you that may mean daddy can't play with the kids around.

Offline RedTop

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #68 on: March 03, 2005, 07:22:38 PM »
Originally posted by sepp99
I'm online quite a bit & I've never heard it as bad as described (not that it doesn't happen)  it doesn't happen often.   May I suggest to politely remind  "Kinder" to the channel/person-most people are cool and will chill out.  

A perma Squelch is not censorship. Its simply an Ignore from those who don't want to listen to it or have their kids listen to it.

They are not being censored as they can still say what they like to who ever will listen.

Thats really the crux of this argument. I chose NOT to listen to certain things on TV. So I change the channel. I don't wnat to watch certain things so I change the channel. I CAN NOT change the channel now in AH. I can squelch said moron with a command.

I have listened to a certain individual DAILY when flying cuss and rant over his dieing because he didnt get a 6 call. I have heard this person rant over everything. I have listened to quite a few people go off on the VOX and people in my home hear it. I chose for them not to. So I put the headphones on.

This isn't cencership. Its a simple Iggy button. You guys that think this is such a "Bad Thing" IMO don't care who hears what anyway. Others do. This would in no way "Hurt" the game as I see it.

Simply make an option that I can add people to a squelch list. I add me and never have to listen to em again. How hard is that? Or , make a squelch range and problem taken care of another way.
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Offline stantond

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #69 on: March 03, 2005, 07:29:23 PM »
While this does not really treat the source of the problem.... I use a real nice, not expensive, Plantronics headset with microphone and volume control.  Aside from people looking at you weird when you are talking to the computer, they keep all game activity in the game.  Fortunately I have been spared a lot of potty mouth while in the game, but it does happen.  

If you see the person who continually does this regularly, you can squelch them.  Most of the time, you never see it coming.  If I could vote, I would vote for a permanent vox squelch list in AH2.



Offline stantond

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« Reply #70 on: March 03, 2005, 07:49:46 PM »

is a plantronics link.  The individual in the photo is wearing a pair of plantronics .Audio 90 headphones with microphone.  This is the same type I have had for two(?) years and they are still going strong, even after being taken off and thrown on the floor (but not stomped on!) more than once.



p.s. wanted to follow up with a specific rather than nebulous answer.  I don't appreciate that type of response, so I try not to give them.

Offline Flit

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #71 on: March 03, 2005, 08:26:27 PM »
Simply film it and send it in. I assure you the problem will be takin care of in a timely manner.
O, Make sure you turn the film on BEFORE you ask them to ease up. :D

Offline SCDR

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #72 on: March 04, 2005, 12:39:39 AM »
Originally posted by Blue Mako
Your analogy was a nice try but:

The whole point is that we can't "change the channel", range vox is always enabled.  Saying that putting on headphones etc is not the same as being able to choose whether to listen to the rubbish that is spewing from the range vox.  I don't have kids in the house yet I still don't want obscenities blaring at me from AH.  With my TV I can choose what I see and hear, with range vox in AH I cannot.

What we are asking for from HTC is the ability to choose, not the ability to censor someone.  Giving freedom of choice is not removing any freedom from anyone else...

Ahh but you CAN use the squelch command, you just don't want to. No big deal if you don't, you just want someone else to do it for you.
Funny how people think it's fun to "simulate killing" someone/thing but get upest about some cuss words.
Oh and for you people that like to have your sound turned up loud, it's not good for your hearing. Oh maybe you want to go deaf so you won't hear the cussing when you get older.:rofl

Bottom line, use squelch command.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2005, 12:58:48 AM by SCDR »

Offline SCDR

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #73 on: March 04, 2005, 12:57:57 AM »
Originally posted by dedalos
You can have your freedom to say what ever you want (even though you don't seem to grasp that this is a privetly owned company and your freedoms are what ever HT says they are).  All I ask, is for the right to not listen to what you have to say.  

I guess you only served 20 years for your rights, not ours?

Oh I understand alright. Maybe HT and Co. are working to make this a better sim.
Seeing as you reply isn't considered a flame by HT, I know where I stand. Maybe I mis-read it, but don't think so.
:rofl  Actually I served for yours too, so bite me.:D You have your opinion and I have mine.


Offline TequilaChaser

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #74 on: March 04, 2005, 01:49:57 AM »
Etiquette when typing / using vox:

In the world of online gaming we are tasked with participating with individuals from all over the world and of all ages, from children to senior citizens. Along with this comes the mixture of cultures and a word that means one thing to you may have a completely different meaning to someone from let’s say England.
It is disliked by most to spout abusive vulgar language over F12 (Local Vox Range) or try to trick the text buffer filter when masking vulgar text.  
None of us know who is at the other end of the connection. It may be a School teacher, A Mother with children or Father. It might even be a young child that is 10 years old.

It is good practice to ask players new & old to try and not use language or text of this type. If we all practice this then it just makes for a better online gaming environment for everyone.

Lol, really why even take the extra time to type for instance "You F***ing F**k Head On F*g F***ing freak"  instead of a shorter version of "you HO shootin noob" it really cracks me up to see people "Who Think It Is COOL" or "They are COOL" by typing such a way, it is like in grade school when you start cussing around the gang you hang out with. Is that what you want your AH game experience to be examples of this  everytime you play? instead of typing WTFG, why do you need the "F"? what is wrong with  "wtg" ?  heck you waste time by even using caps for that matter......

and as Skuzzy pointed out a few or so months back "Squelching" does not solve the problem, it is merely a band-aid for it.......

The problem is the individuals who participate in these type situations and continue to do so.

To play this game you agree to certian conditions, and  one of them is to not disrupt game play for other individual game players in an abusive manner.

so film it, email it to and let them handle the degenerate types......
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC