1) Stay fast (above 220 mph if possible)
2)Dont turn fight
3)Dont engage N1ks unless to HO and run
4)P-38 excels in vertical, use the vertical luke
5)Use 1 or 2 notchs of flaps when slow (below 220mph) and turning. A p-38 will full flaps, wep and low speed and turning will turn with almost anything the krauts have out there (note: Japanese and italian planes will eat you turning though).
6)No Tracers helps a LOT, as it gives no indication that you are firing at a con (most stay level trying to run thinking you aint firing.. ping ping kill!)
7)Depending on what you're doing, make sure you enter combat with 50% fuel. Most P-38 pilots get 50% fuel and 1 drop tank, when entering combat drop the tank and your plane will much sweeter to handle
8)As flakbait said, there are many bugs in the 38 that needs to be fixed *cough*. Remember that deploying flaps when turning or pulling stick will almost always make you spin + you may feel Torque effects after the spin (and after you retract flaps). In such cases dive for home.
9) Always remember your plane is made from paper. Avoid field AAA and buffs. You will be 1 ping killed.
Look out for Ts, Bug322, Darkstar, Animal, Wobble, Moss, Mass, Gr8White, Zigrat, CavemanJ in the MA and fly on their wing, they good P-38 pilots.And myself too (though I suck and i'll be cursing most of the time
Good luck.!
[This message has been edited by Tac (edited 03-16-2001).]