Your problem Greentail is simply your inability to read and process the information.
Your little crybaby whine amounts to "Bush didn't serve the way I think he should have served!"
Awww... too bad, honey.
Try it again:
1. By the end of his training period Bush had served two years on active duty.
2. Certified to fly the F-102 fighter plane, Bush then began a period of frequent — usually weekly — flying
3. He was given an honorable discharge after serving five years, four months, and five days of his original six-year commitment.
4. All in all, the documents show that Bush served intensively for four years and then let up in his fifth and sixth years, although he still did enough to meet Guard requirements.
I know it brings tears of frustration to your eyes but read that last underlined bit.
See, met USAF/Guard obligations and got an Honorable Discharge.
Now that may not meet Greentail's new, improved, special "Bush had to do this to make me happy" requirements but any normal person can just close the book on it.
Once again Mr. I DON'T ATTACK THE REPUTATIONS OF THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED, he served. The evidence is quite clear.
Except to the cognitively dysfunctional, obviously.
As for Kerry and the rest, spend you're life searching for a post of mine where I denigrated his service. You'll never find one.
You won't find me denigrating anyone's service for one simple reason. You see, I'm not like you.