Author Topic: Who served?  (Read 3068 times)

Offline Zulu7

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« Reply #150 on: February 27, 2005, 10:24:34 AM »
Hows he paying for that?

And what did the other guy promise.

Don't get all technical now I'm a Brit so i don't have a detailed knowledge. What is K-12?

On a side note. You may notice that we in Europe and particularly the UK have some all be it limited knowledge of your politics. Do you guys even know we have an election coming up here? Do you know anything about it? Or is the USA a metaphor for the whole world to you yanks. Just wondering?

Offline Martlet

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« Reply #151 on: February 27, 2005, 10:27:59 AM »
Originally posted by Zulu7
Hows he paying for that?

And what did the other guy promise.

Don't get all technical now I'm a Brit so i don't have a detailed knowledge. What is K-12?

On a side note. You may notice that we in Europe and particularly the UK have some all be it limited knowledge of your politics. Do you guys even know we have an election coming up here? Do you know anything about it? Or is the USA a metaphor for the whole world to you yanks. Just wondering?

You bring up domestic policy to bolster your argument and you don't even know anything about it?  

:lol :lol :lol

At least you've shown your true colors.  You'll cry about anything.  Here's a suggestion:  Get informed, then come back and try again.  If you're going to accuse someone about not caring about his fellow man, you should at least have a little info about the policies he's supported in that area.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Offline AirWölf

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« Reply #152 on: February 27, 2005, 10:35:02 AM »

What they do? shove him in? because he sure as hell would'nt have volunteered. Kerry's a scum bag plain and simple. He worries about Bush's personal affairs for no damn reason. He's just a coward who wants to start some BS about someone else's life. Oh and those purple hearts Kerry got? I did'nt no you could be proud of getting them if you did the injury to yourself to get OUT OF COMBAT. green I can see you get fed like a baby anything bad about Bush and right away assume to believe.

Oh and you keep stating "Bush being AWOL" and etc... umm.. are you really looking to get bashed some more?

Offline Zulu7

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« Reply #153 on: February 27, 2005, 10:37:45 AM »
What about my second point. You suggest I should be an expert in US domestic politics. Do you have same expertise concerning British domestic policy? Have you ever heard the saying " Whats good for the Goose is good for the gander"

By the way I refering to your statements

"My fellow man? You mean the fellow man that flies planes into our buildings? Or maybe the fellow man that supports those people? The fellow man that blows up supermarkets for no reason other than to kill civilians?"

"Killing terrorists, keeping my money in my pocket, protecting my retirement.... "

Not a detailed account of Bush domestic policy. You chose to play the I know more than you about politics game! I merely question why you chose to use these examples of why you support the man. They came to your typing finger way before the more detailed account of domestic policy. That tells me something.

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #154 on: February 27, 2005, 10:44:11 AM »
Originally posted by AirWölf

 Oh and those purple hearts Kerry got? I did'nt no you could be proud of getting them if you did the injury to yourself to get OUT OF COMBAT.  

Actually even the swift boat vets only seem to dispute only his first purple heart. They also don't say anything about his siver or bronze stars.

Offline Martlet

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« Reply #155 on: February 27, 2005, 10:46:59 AM »
Originally posted by Zulu7
What about my second point. You suggest I should be an expert in US domestic politics. Do you have same expertise concerning British domestic policy? Have you ever heard the saying " Whats good for the Goose is good for the gander"

By the way I refering to your statements

"My fellow man? You mean the fellow man that flies planes into our buildings? Or maybe the fellow man that supports those people? The fellow man that blows up supermarkets for no reason other than to kill civilians?"

"Killing terrorists, keeping my money in my pocket, protecting my retirement.... "

Not a detailed account of Bush domestic policy. You chose to play the I know more than you about politics game! I merely question why you chose to use these examples of why you support the man. They came to your typing finger way before the more detailed account of domestic policy. That tells me something.

I know little of UK politics.  That's why you don't find me discussing them.  Unlike you, who knows little of US politics, but can't shut up, even when he says things that are blatantly untrue.  

YOU chose to play the "Bush hates the poor" game, and I schooled you.  Keep dancing, though.   You're only proving my point.

Offline Martlet

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« Reply #156 on: February 27, 2005, 10:50:39 AM »
Originally posted by Raider179
Actually even the swift boat vets only seem to dispute only his first purple heart. They also don't say anything about his siver or bronze stars.

Actually, that's not true either.  World Net

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #157 on: February 27, 2005, 10:54:31 AM »
I went to swift boat website and couldnt find anything disputed but the first purple, I will go look again.

ok looks like the dispute the 1st, the 3rd and the bronze.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2005, 10:58:40 AM by Raider179 »

Offline Martlet

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« Reply #158 on: February 27, 2005, 11:01:56 AM »
Originally posted by Raider179
I went to swift boat website and couldnt find anything disputed but the first purple, I will go look again.

ok looks like the dispute the 1st, the 3rd and the bronze.

Doesn't matter.  Not to me, anyway.  I think we can both agree that most of Kerry's service was questioned at some point, just as Bush's was.  

The truth of the accusations against either of them really doesn't matter to me.  I don't have a problem with the service of either man.

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #159 on: February 27, 2005, 11:08:07 AM »

Offline Toad

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« Reply #160 on: February 27, 2005, 11:10:35 AM »
Originally posted by Zulu7

Why do YOU care enough to ask?
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Rude

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« Reply #161 on: February 27, 2005, 11:15:56 AM »
Originally posted by greentail
You miss the point.
What does this page say about the Republican leadership ? My post was concerning the Republican Party leadership.

Shall we run it down, Martlet? Please feel free to refute this.

Present day or recent Republican leadership:

George W. Bush -- deserter, AWOL, whatever, he didn't fnish his service
Dick Cheney -- no service
Karl Rove -- no service
Dennis Hastert -- no service
Dick Armey -- no service
Tom Delay -- no service
Bill Frist -- no service
Trent Lott -- no service
John Ashcroft -- no service
Newt Gingrich -- no service
Phil Gramm -- no service
Mitch McConnell -- no service
Roy Blunt -- no service
Paul Wolfowitz -- no service
Richard Perle -- no service
Jeff Gannon -- serviced W.ho?

It's not all bad, of course:
Donald Rumsfeld -- US Navy
Duke Cunningham -- Navy Cross!
John McCain -- served, captured, tortured, then smeared by W.
Bob Dole -- US Army, Purple Heart
George H.W. Bush -- US Navy

Here's my favorite:

Ronald Reagan -- made movies in Hollywood during WWII.

George S. McGovern -- Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, Purple Heart, wounded in action over occupied Europe flying B-24s.

Come on Martlet, refute that.

You've made one big have to have served in order to be qualified to lead?

If you have a bone to pick, then speak clearly and say what you mean....don't give us hollow stats in an effort to make a point which you feel is valid.

Was Bill Clintons service to our country invalid due to his non-service? Was he unable to lead?

Try and do better.....don't like war? Neither do I.....but to lead a NAtion and send it's young men and women to war does not require nor necessarily qualify a veteran to do a better job.

Working on Humvee's, cooking in the mess hall or pulling a trigger doth not a leader make.

Offline Nash

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« Reply #162 on: February 27, 2005, 11:47:58 AM »
Well Rude.... Fair enough.

The Democrats are the party of warriors and the Republicans are the party of sissies. Yet, it has no bearing on leadership. That's fine, I can live with that.

Offline greentail

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« Reply #163 on: February 27, 2005, 02:09:13 PM »
Originally posted by Rude
You've made one big have to have served in order to be qualified to lead?


I did not make that assumption. In a deleted thread a post was made attacking the patriotism of Democrats. In a poorly worded attempt to point out the irony of that statement I started this thread.

I find it ironic that people consider the Republican Party the backbone of Amercanism when the present day leaders of that party are mainly draft dodgers. I find it fascinating that so many of the "consevatives" on this BB assault John Kerry for cowardice, and extol Bush's service protecting Texas from...something.

The party of the super patriots held a convention in which mocking winners of the Purple Heart played a prominent role. And they are the "true Americans".


Offline Zulu7

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« Reply #164 on: February 27, 2005, 02:17:11 PM »

"I know little of UK politics. That's why you don't find me discussing them."

Exactly my point. How come the rest of the world has some knowledge all be it limited of your nation and politics, and yet people in your country  have no knowledge ofanything much outside of their own borders or unless your govt is at war with them. either its ignorance or arrogance.

Jees even your President could barely find the country he waged war on, on the map.