Well Aubrey, I do appreciate your polite behavior. I have great respect for anyone who can ignore being bad-mouthed by some crank and still wish the guy a good evening, and actually mean it.
For those of you who don't know Aubrey, you should consider it an honor to do so.
Shortly after he began playing, several of us were beating back a big GV attack. I rolled in to bomb a Panzer and just as I went to pickle the bomb, I spot Aubrey in an M3 right next to the enemy tank. I was fortunate not to killshooter myself. Well, I raised dickens with him about that.
The next day, I get an e-mail from Aubrey, apologizing for his being in the way! Well, I was floored. If anyone should have offered an apology, it was me. I did exactly that too. I was truly and justifiably shamed by his remarkable gesture.
"You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din."
My regards,