Author Topic: Texas 2000 Con  (Read 696 times)

Offline YANKEE

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Texas 2000 Con
« on: August 25, 2000, 01:35:00 PM »
As you all know, the Aces High Con is only 40 days away.

HiTech Creations is extremely pleased and honored to announce the following World War II veterans as speakers for the Texas 2000 Con:

William Paul Thayer, LCDR, USNR (Ret)


David R. Braden, First Lieutenant, US Army Air Corps.

You may access the biographies they provided for us at the Texas 2000 Con web page.

Also, please remember that the cutoff date at the Harvey Suites for the $89.00 room rate is SEPTEMBER 14th, 2000. After that date, the hotel will not guarantee that room rate.

As for monitor rentals, I will post those prices early next week.

The airshow website has been updated as well. The link is located on the con web page.

We look forward to seeing you guys there. It definitely will be a memorable time!!


JoAnn "Yankee" Colcleasure
General Manager
HiTech Creations
"The road to success is always under construction."