I dont know the history of what was but I do know what is and I can compare it to similar experiences from other games.
Other in this case beeing Jumpgate.
Jumpgate aint technicaly dead yet but its numbers arnt that different from the CT, extreamly low with ocational peaks.
There has been so much debate what killed Jumpgate and how Jumpgate can be brought back to life.
Discussing what killed it is important to see what can be learned from it. But it wount do no good.
Once numbers get below a critical mass the spiral will always be just downards till death, period. Sure one could through implementations of new "concepts" increase its attraction to players. One could with huge "marketing" efforts bring more attention to it and get players in.
Thing is you need a huuuuuuuuuuge marketing to bring in enough players to basicly go from numbers you have to critical mass in one shot. Because if you dont raise the numbers almost instantaniously you will loose the players whos attention you gained instantainously.
They walk in, see no players and leave. All the efforts in vain.
This is why Jumpgate will never "bounce back" and why CT most likely never wount.
What I really think is needed is a totally new concept that is carefully developed, planed, tested and then released under a new arena name.
I know what Id like that concept to be but that aint of interest for this thread.