Author Topic: P38J against spit5/ spit9  (Read 933 times)

Offline Schutt

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« on: May 10, 2005, 07:05:30 AM »
Hey guys,

im trying to fly P38, first i tried with the G but i could not live with the lack of engine power.

Now i fly the J but some planes give me a real hard time. Especially against spit5 or spit9, same against ki84 i just cant gain any ground.

Some P38 speciallist told me to use the vertical, but i cant make it happen.

Everything where i dont have 3k of alt or equal speed advantage i die. What should i do in equal e fight to kill em?

PS. there are other planes i have  trouble with too, but one at a time.

Offline Ack-Ack

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 02:03:24 PM »
When fighting either of the Spitfires, you want to keep the fight out of the medium speed range.  The Spitfire will chew you up if you don't as they can easily out maneuver the P-38 in this speed range.  The P-38 does have the advantage in a high speed fight (300mph+ IAS) where it can use it's better high speed handling to get inside for an angle on the Spitfires.  It's also best to use the vertical as much as possible.  

If you get yourself caught in a slow to stall speed fight (150mph- IAS), maneuvers like the "Cloverleaf" can give you the edge in getting an angle for the shot.  Again, use the vertical as much as possible.  Due to the gentle stall speed characteristics of the P-38 and lack of torque, gives the P-38 a slight edge against the Spitfire in a low to stall speed fight.  However, you want to try to avoid this situation as much as possible.

As for fighting the Ki-84, well I know a lot are going to cry "BS!" but I have found it's no real match for the P-38 in AH.  The P-38 is faster, better in the vertical and can easily maneuver with the Ki-84.  The main drawback to the Ki-84 is that it can only deploy flaps at 150mph IAS and lower.  So in a high and medium speed fight where the P-38J can deploy its Combat Flaps at 250mph IAS, the P-38 can maneuver for the angle.  At slow to stall speeds, while the maneuverability of the Ki-84 improves because it can now deploy its flaps, IMO, the P-38 can still out maneuver it as that's been my experience in fighting the Ki-84.  Out of the three planes you listed as having troubles fighting against, I find the Ki-84 to be the easiest of the 3 to fight.

Search this message board as far back as you can as I've posted many tips on fighting with the P-38 as have Widewing, Murdr and Pellik.  You should also watch as many films as you can and you can find a bunch of P-38 films at the 479th Film Library.  Currently my films are offline until I get the time to move them to my new server but working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week for the last 5 weeks has made finding time hard.

Oh, and one more thing.  Do a search in Google for P-38 vs. Spitfire tactics and you'll find a lot of old write ups from Air Warrior.  Read them, even though it's from a different game the tactics that explained are still valid in AH.

One more thing, if you ever see me online, give a holler if you need any assistance.

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« Last Edit: May 10, 2005, 02:08:55 PM by Ack-Ack »
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Offline Murdr

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 03:18:23 PM »
Spit5-  In sustained turns the 38J or L cannot expect to hang with it for long.  Given equal E the 38 can out accelerate it, and can use its instantanious turn rate to drop into position.  The "cloverleaf" follows that basic principal (tight turn, ease off for speed, repeat).  I drop in and try to saddle, if the position isnt good enough, I extend and try again.  Usually I am also slowly working on an E advantage, so that I can start working the verticle and dance on his head.

Spit9-  I can loop indefinately with a Spit9, and not lose any position.  In sustained flat turns you will eventually lose ground, but it isnt as pronounced as it is aginst the spit5.  

Ki-84-  I recently tested this.  In sustained low speed flat turns, the Ki barely edges away from the p-38j (about 1/4 circle in 10 revolutions).  Take that same sustained low speed turns and start mixing in verticle maneuvers, and the 84 isnt a problem.  As AKAK mentioned, the 84 has a lower flap deployment speed.  With good managment, you can exploit that 100mph zone also.  The Ki-84 is most dangerous before the fight slows down to those speeds, its instantanious turn rate is something to watch out for in the initial stages.

Offline Kweassa

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2005, 08:48:51 PM »
To provide a different view;

 Since the turn rate/radius/efficiency between the 38s and the 84 is comparable, essentially a Ki-84 that latches on to a P-38 will be as hard to shake as a P-38 that latches on to a Ki-84. The Ki-84 holds the advantage in roll rate, speed, and acceleration.

 The Ki-84 records 344mph at deck with a higher acceleration rate. IIRC, the P-38L does 344mph, and the P-38J around 348~350mph at deck. I'm not sure about the P-38G, but my guess is it'd be a lot slower than the P-38L.

 So, at any rate, running away from a Ki-84 is not as easy as running away from a Spit - even in Ls and Js. (but ofcourse, same applies to the Ki; once lost its edge, it'd probably never get out of reach of the 38 guns) The speed difference between the 38s and the Ki-84 is minimal, although it increases with altitude. In a sense, they can be deemed as equal upto about 12~15k.
 Like above two 38 experts mentioned, the largest drawback a Ki-84 holds is the speed ranges just before the flaps begin to pop out. It would take an experienced Ki-84 pilot to control his speed and dump E properly, to follow a P-38 that goes into an instantaneous turn. And since often, the Ki-84 meets bad stability issues just before combat flaps pop out, this range is most often where the P-38 can force a decisive advantage.

 If this critical point is passed and a decisve edge is not gained for the 38, the Ki-84 will latch onto him and will not let go. However, if an edge is gained and the 38 is allowed to enter vertical loops before the Ki-84 loses enough speed to follow, it will become a problem.

 Assuming equal pilots, I'd give;

7:3 odds in favor of the Ki-84 when vs a 38G
5:5 odds, when vs a 38J or L

 Basically, it would come down to the situation, relative energy/alt status, and individual pilot skill. The Ki-84 and the P-38J/L are roughly equal match in almost every aspect.

Offline Widewing

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2005, 11:42:25 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
To provide a different view;

 Since the turn rate/radius/efficiency between the 38s and the 84 is comparable, essentially a Ki-84 that latches on to a P-38 will be as hard to shake as a P-38 that latches on to a Ki-84. The Ki-84 holds the advantage in roll rate, speed, and acceleration.

 The Ki-84 records 344mph at deck with a higher acceleration rate. IIRC, the P-38L does 344mph, and the P-38J around 348~350mph at deck. I'm not sure about the P-38G, but my guess is it'd be a lot slower than the P-38L.

 So, at any rate, running away from a Ki-84 is not as easy as running away from a Spit - even in Ls and Js. (but ofcourse, same applies to the Ki; once lost its edge, it'd probably never get out of reach of the 38 guns) The speed difference between the 38s and the Ki-84 is minimal, although it increases with altitude. In a sense, they can be deemed as equal upto about 12~15k.
 Like above two 38 experts mentioned, the largest drawback a Ki-84 holds is the speed ranges just before the flaps begin to pop out. It would take an experienced Ki-84 pilot to control his speed and dump E properly, to follow a P-38 that goes into an instantaneous turn. And since often, the Ki-84 meets bad stability issues just before combat flaps pop out, this range is most often where the P-38 can force a decisive advantage.

 If this critical point is passed and a decisve edge is not gained for the 38, the Ki-84 will latch onto him and will not let go. However, if an edge is gained and the 38 is allowed to enter vertical loops before the Ki-84 loses enough speed to follow, it will become a problem.

 Assuming equal pilots, I'd give;

7:3 odds in favor of the Ki-84 when vs a 38G
5:5 odds, when vs a 38J or L

 Basically, it would come down to the situation, relative energy/alt status, and individual pilot skill. The Ki-84 and the P-38J/L are roughly equal match in almost every aspect.

A well flown Ki-84 is a tough fight for the P-38J. However, let's review a few things relating to performance.
Acceleration at Sea Level, Both planes at 50% fuel. Speed steady at 200 mph, accelerating to 300 mph.
Ki-84 requires 35.96 seconds
P-38J requires 36.47 seconds

This is virtually a wash. Slight edge to Ki-84, not enough to save your bacon.

Climb from sea level to 10,000 feet. Speed steady at 300 mph, engage auto-climb and WEP. Recorded time to reach 10k.
Ki-84: 2:04.09
P-38J: 2:03.55

Again, too close to make a difference. Slight edge to P-38J, but not enough to change circumstances either way.

Max speed at sea level.
Ki-84: 344 mph
P-38J: 344 mph

Once again, no difference. Well, almost. The P-38J can sustain that speed better due to the Ki-84s short WEP cycle, which causes a drop while the engine cools. However, that is not usually significant.

Where the Ki-84 falls behind is in speed as altitude increases. At 20,000 feet, the P-38J holds a substantial edge in speed, accelration and climb.

In point of fact, very few fighters accelerate as well as the P-38J at 20k. Again, measuring from 200 mph to 300 mph; the Ki-84 requires almost 12 seconds longer than the P-38J. That is no small difference. Climb rate for the Hayate at 20k is 30% less than the P-38J. Maximum speed is a bit lopsided as well with the P-38J pulling 405 mph to the Ki-84's 384 mph. Adding to that difference is the fact that the P-38 accelerates much faster, so it attains a higher speed much sooner. In simple terms, the P-38J just checks out.

Both aircraft have issues at high speeds. However, the Ki-84's problems are more severe. You can dive a P-38J to 590+ mph and not worry about breaking it. I've tested the P-38J in dives from as high as 40k. I saw Mach .84 on E6B at 28k, and pulled out with trim at 5k incurring no damage. In contrast, the Ki-84 is scattered all over the arena should you get within 100 mph of the P-38's speed. Both experience control lock-up, but for differing reasons. Nonetheless, the result is the same. That is until you G load them. You won't break the Lightning, but the Hayate will become a flying parts bin should you pull out with too much trim.

So, down on the deck you have two aircraft with very similar acceleration, climb and speed. Unfortunately for the Ki-84, as you go higher the P-38J gains the advantage, until at 20k, it is markedly superior.

As previously described, in a turn fight the Ki-84 is at a disadvantage until speeds drop below 170 mph where it can begin deployment of flaps. At 155 mph, it can get full flaps. Where it suffers most is between 250 and 170 mph, where the P-38J can carry at least 3 notches of flaps. That being the case, the Ki-84 either must bleed E very quickly or otherwise avoid a turn fight until flaps can be deployed.

Let me comment on the P-38G. While it is slower below 14k and accelerates slower and offers only average climb rate, do not underestimate it. It holds E like crazy and zoom climbs likewise. It turns better than the J and L models at low to medium speeds.

I have battled REN's Ki-84 and we were both shocked to see the P-38G chase down his Co-E Hayate in a straight vertical climb. That's the benefit of weight, translated into a remarkable zoom climb. The P-38G closed from 600 yards to 200 yards, where the Ki-84 stalled. I flew right on by, flipped over and was in perfect position. If you are careful to manage your E, the P-38G can give the Ki-84 all it can stand. Managing your E means managing your flaps. Use them only when you need them, as the P-38G doesn't have the acceleration to replace E as readily as the J and L models.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline jetb123

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2005, 11:57:05 PM »
Can someone explain or show me what the "cloverleaf" Manuver is, or what happens?

Offline pellik

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2005, 11:51:43 AM »
While I agree that learning to beat the spitV and KI84 require a bit more effort in the 38, I've always felt that the spit9 is a reasonably easy fight. Basically you just need to do a verticle move or two to get the flight slow, once flaps come out you can start doing scissors like cut ins for snapshots on account of your better flaps out turning. Not a scissors proper mind you, as those two hispanios do sting, but general turn radius fighting.

The spitV can be tough if you're an angles fighter in your 38 like I am. There are a lot of tricks for getting shots on spits, but if Levi latches on to your 6 they probably wont work. And if they do work you'll get picked by hinchmen anyway. My focus then is to take advantage of the typical spit pilot, and use merges that will show the competence of my opponent early so I can try to disenguage if the fight looks like it will take a while. My basic plan of attack for spits is to see them early and judge the E states of the fight. The spitV is only a match for the 38 if the fight starts co-E. My plan is to either get faster or slower then him before the merge, and to do it in such a way that he doesn't have a good read on my energy state. Aggressive verticle fighting (read: going for snapshots during a hammerhead) works well on the spitV if you can hold neutral position until the fight degrades to the point where you're 100mph with full flaps out and he is 150 and unable to bleed E enough to get an inside turn. He can out turn you, but he cant turn faster then your nose spins in a stall. I beat a seafire the other day in an otd slow fight performing an actual wingover, which is a very very fast flat turn created by getting just one of your wings below stall speed. I didn't even know they were possible in AH until that. So to summarize the 38J is a match for the spitV if you're very very familure with the PJs stall.

The KI84 only seems tough until you begin to understand it. In the 38L I have a tough time with it, but if you've got a good feel for the PJ things shouldn't be too bad. Both you and the KI should be accustomed to taking the fight very slow, so the supperior stall model of the PJ gets to kick in. When I'm looking for a strategy to shake an 84 I usually start to think about stall loops. His turn rate is slightly better then yours, and he bleeds E well with throttle cuts. But if you get him into a pure loop fight sooner or later you can cut your loops short with accellerated stalls, a maneuver which he simply can't follow. I find that 2 or 3 accellerated stalls followed by rolling out into a low yo-yo can usually achieve a high enough gain on AoT to set up some sort of low speed reversal. E management is key -- you'll need to use throttle cuts to keep the fight at or below 100mph while losing alt. If he matches your throttle cuts he will never get enough time with his 140mph or so optimal flap turn, if he doesn't match he allows you to force an overshoot with a rolling scissors. Additionally you'll have a big advantage in the 300+ and 220-150 ranges, so if you spot him early you should be able to enter into an advantaged position for a turnfight. Just don't try the typical lazy reversals if you can avoid it. If you do then be sure to cut throttle throughout the reverse, and hope your timing is perfect.


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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2005, 05:09:41 PM »
pellik I remember one of my most enjoyable evenings in AH2 was fighting your 38 in my 84. We kept meeting and going at it, sometimes you won, sometimes I did.

It got to the point where we were both telling our fellow country men to not butt in. If one of our countrymen jumped in any way, you or I would disengage  and watch as the transgressor was dispatched to the tower, then we would re-engage. What a blast!

The fight was about as even as could be. If either one of us made a slight mistake, we paid the price.

All in all I would say the differences in the planes' abilities is almost nil. This fight is going to be won by pilot skill, not by the plane.

Offline SuperDud

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2005, 05:57:17 PM »
All you P38 guys, what would be your take on a yak? I like to fly it fairly often and normal have success fighting a 38 with it. Just wondering how you guys would handle fighting one?
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Offline Ack-Ack

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2005, 06:35:47 PM »
Originally posted by SuperDud
All you P38 guys, what would be your take on a yak? I like to fly it fairly often and normal have success fighting a 38 with it. Just wondering how you guys would handle fighting one?

I keep the fight in the vertical as much as possible since the P-38 totally out classes the Yak in the vertical department.  Also turns better than the Yak but its turn rate is a tad slower than the Yak.   But thinking about it, I use pretty much the same sort of tactics I would use if I was facing a plane like the Ki-61, bf109F/E or the 205.

I'll have to look for some fights I filmed with Slash27 flying the Yak.  

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Offline Guppy35

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2005, 07:02:00 PM »
Since I'm purely a P38G dweeb, here's my two cents, for what it's worth since I'm not anywhere near the 38 driver the other guys posting here are.  If you can wing with  any of them for a bit, or others like KillnU, Savige, CPorky and the like, you'll learn a lot.

The 38G is the best turner of the bunch.  I've been able to stay with all but the best of the Spit V drivers in a turn fight.  Yeah it's lots of flaps and it can't go on too long, but in turn fights the 38G is the best of the 3.

Of course in AH by the time you've gotten in on the tail of the Spit, 12 other guys have come in to clobber you too :)

I do live longer in my G when I tag along with the 38L drivers and use the vertical too.  The G doesn't have WEP but it still climbs well and goes downhill in a hurry once the guy behind you has stalled out and fallen nose down.

I'm also an old Spit dweeb at heart so I do tend to get mixed in on the deck a lot and the 38G can hold it's own in those fights if it doesn't get too crowded fast.

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Offline Guppy35

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2005, 07:05:09 PM »
Originally posted by SuperDud
All you P38 guys, what would be your take on a yak? I like to fly it fairly often and normal have success fighting a 38 with it. Just wondering how you guys would handle fighting one?

Again as purely a 38G dweeb.  I've had a few knock down drag outs with Yaks.  If they have a head of steam I can't catch em, but if they stay in to turn fight, I can generally get inside them for a shot.

If the turn fight last too long they'll get the edge as it slows but initially the 38G with 'combat flaps' can cut the corner and nail em.

8th FS "Headhunters

Offline pellik

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2005, 02:02:36 PM »
Originally posted by MOSQ
pellik I remember one of my most enjoyable evenings in AH2 was fighting your 38 in my 84. We kept meeting and going at it, sometimes you won, sometimes I did.

It got to the point where we were both telling our fellow country men to not butt in. If one of our countrymen jumped in any way, you or I would disengage  and watch as the transgressor was dispatched to the tower, then we would re-engage. What a blast!

The fight was about as even as could be. If either one of us made a slight mistake, we paid the price.

All in all I would say the differences in the planes' abilities is almost nil. This fight is going to be won by pilot skill, not by the plane.

That was a fun night. It was right after that I went out and learned how to beat 84s :D

Offline pellik

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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2005, 02:18:31 PM »
Originally posted by SuperDud
All you P38 guys, what would be your take on a yak? I like to fly it fairly often and normal have success fighting a 38 with it. Just wondering how you guys would handle fighting one?

I've never had trouble against yaks in my 38. The only time they are dangerous to me is when they are sneaking in hiding E while I'm running a series of hammerheads and verticle BnZ attacks.

Basically they can't out turn me, as once things slow down my flaps get out giving me a much supperior inside turn. They can't really E fight me, as my stall lets me take shots they simply can't get away from. Their E burn isn't anything spectacular, so they don't do terribly well in BnZ against my reversals. And even if I find one of the real Yak aces out there trying to push a very verticle rolling scissors, the 38 will follow the maneuver with less straight travel along any particular vector -- giving up the shot after usually no more then 3 or 4 scissors.

The only thing the Yak has on the 38 is speed. But the usefulness of that speed is suspect when you consider the 38s super long range no convergence 50s.


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P38J against spit5/ spit9
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2005, 05:07:37 PM »
high yaks with good sticks in them are the worse....but, when you outlast their BnZ attempts and they tryt o force the issue and turn,wham they just made a mistake.  i enjoy when yaks try to turn with 38.  :aok   ill be honest tho, ive once or twice they got me, but ill take that ratio.
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