Author Topic: Integrity...  (Read 799 times)

Offline BigB717

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« on: May 27, 2005, 08:09:03 PM »
here it is BigMax, Fuzeman, WMlute...

My apologies to everyone...

Wasnt in the best of moods durring this koth, and didnt mean to insult anyone personally, just somtimes i forget its a game :rolleyes:

HOWEVER, this is a special event and where there are rules to be followed you should follow them with a little bit of honisty and integrity...


Offline fuzeman

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« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2005, 08:57:09 PM »
YODA, the proof is in the pudding and you certainly have pudding!!
Altitude is one area where we have no definate indicator the altitude cap has been broken except that wind shear and that isn't always obvious to us whether we're flying in a match or viewing through CMeye mode.
The KoTH CM team does not want to have to go over a hundred films to verify that every rule has been followed.
I'm sure the participants want to know who won when they leave the event and not have to wait for the results either.
IIRC, you called this out and it was discussed. Whether to send it to the KOTH team or post here is a discussion we're going to have to have it appears.
The participants do have some responsability for rule enforcement also. You should fly it like your setting a good example for your children or loved ones. Another example is driving down the highway with that lurking Crown Vic behind you. You don't know whether is an undercover Trooper or just a guy who likes Crown Vics.
Far too many, if not most, people on this Board post just to say something opposed to posting when they have something to say.

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Offline WMLute

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« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2005, 10:22:18 PM »
I asked for your post, and I appreciate that you posted that.  The BBS is where we need to discuss this.

Much of what is done in KOTH is based on the pilots own integrity, and flagrant violations of the rules should not, and will not be acceptable.  KOTH is a player event, but I for one feel that a player that contiually breaks the rules shouldn't be allowed to fly.

Does that mean PietrK can't fly KOTH next month?  No of course not.  It DOES mean I will keep a special eye on 'em for most rounds, and he should go out of his way to show the community that this was an accident.  Stuff happens.  The mere fact that he brok 6k alt, doesn't mean it was with malicious, or even knew that he did.  

All players are accountable to themselves.  THEY have to have the ethics, and integrity to be able to fly.  If someone told me I broke alt, and I wasn't sure, I would .ef and end flight.  Period.  Unless I was 100% that I didn't, I would do it on the off chance I DID break alt.  Better safe than sorry.

In this instance, PietrK seemed pretty confident he had not broken alt.  He asked for "proof" and that sounds like a player that is pretty sure he didn't violate the rules.  In this instance at least, we find that he was wrong.  I would humble suggest in the future that if you are told you broke alt, and you think you MIGHT have broke alt (or any rule) you should end flight that round.

The KOTH team will look into this situation some more.
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Offline BigB717

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« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2005, 11:56:59 AM »
Originally posted by WMLute
All players are accountable to themselves.  THEY have to have the ethics, and integrity to be able to fly.  If someone told me I broke alt, and I wasn't sure, I would .ef and end flight.  Period.  Unless I was 100% that I didn't, I would do it on the off chance I DID break alt.  Better safe than sorry.

Exactly my point...

If others dont agree, or think they shouldnt. Go fly in the MA...
This is KOTH SA.

Offline Chilli

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Play Nice?
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2005, 02:24:24 PM »
:cool:   This game always gets my adrenaline pumping.  I have moments of exhileration and also those of a total mental collapse, usually followed by the sensor buffer message.  KOTH is one area that anyone who has played will agree is an intense and think on your feet situation.

How much does wind shear affect your performance.  It would be great if shear alone would immediately prevent any purposeful flight.  (Don't know how the physics of it works -- but even a layered approach if ahII has that ability)

For example:

The higher above the cap alt the closer the cross winds will be together.   Imagine this:

_________________________    }100 - 50

}150 - 50_________________    

                                                     }300 - 150

                                                     }500 - 300  

Offline WMLute

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« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2005, 03:08:57 PM »
when the plane goes over our current 6k alt cap, they are hit by 180mph winds going straight up, and from the side both.  While it IS still somewhat fly'able, it makes it difficult.  You CAN go over the alt cap, and back down again.  The wind speed doesn't make it totally unfyable.  We are pleading with Skuzzy to make puffy ack something we can adjust the alt on, so when a player breaks the cap, everyone knows it by the puffs of ack.  

Still working on it, BUT the most important thing with the KOTH is player integrity.  The players participating have to police themselves to some degree, and fly the KOTH with honor.  The CM can't watch everyfight all the time.

The KOTH is working on it.  But the players have a responsability as well.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
— George Patton

Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit