The average of British production of this grade of fuel was 56.3% of avgas production from Feb 44 to Mar 45 and only going under 50% for 3 months (Apr, May 44, Mar 45). Highest production was in Jan 45 with 77.1%.
A Lancaster carried 24 times (2154gal vs 88gal) the quantity of fuel than a Spitfire. Or to put it another way, one Lancaster would carry enough fuel for the requirement of 1.5 Spitfire squadrons, @ 16 a/c.
The Nov 44 150 production is the nearest to the average at 54.8% (6,030,500gal vs 4,966,500gal). This is enough fuel for 2300 Lancasters/Halifaxes.
Considering the number of bombers (Lancaster, Halifax) that would not use 100/150 fuel and the quantity of 100/130 fuel they carried, it would seem that fighter use of 100/150 grade fuel was extensive since why produce such quantity if it was not required and not used.
Discussion now open on how extensive the use of 100/150 fuel was.