That's all fine and dandy. Nothing I ever saw you post offended me either, but you're not at all whom I would hold up as a problem example. We disagree on a lot of things, but I like you and your posts were amusing in most cases, and educational in others.
Too much the O'Club was used to attack others rather than to talk about whatever people felt like talking about. There should not be a forum wherein it is just fine and dandy to attack the other posters, I don't mean their ideas, I mean the posters themselves. That is a blunt ad homme attack and conveys a "community" full of vitrol and loathing for its own members. That is why I stopped reading and went to a site that was more mature in it's conduct. I did miss some of the posters here though.
I would like the O'Club to return, but I would also like to see the community be more mature and adult in its conduct towards members of the community. Ad homme attacks and strawman arguments are not effective ways to convey ideas or to build a community. In particular a diverse community as is going to be found in a game's forum with an international subscriber base needs to be inclusive rather than exclusive. That doesn't mean that serious subjects can't be discussed, but it does mean that the discussion should be about the subject and not ad hommes about the members involved, nor should it be about tearing apart made up extremist postions that the members never advanced.
I do hope this can be resolved in the communities favor and bring the O'Club back.