Author Topic: P47N Perk Debate  (Read 5973 times)

Offline AKFokerFoder+

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #195 on: July 26, 2005, 05:58:28 PM »
I certainly haven't done any imperical measurements of the performance of the P47N.

In the few times I have flown it on line, I am still not sure if I like it or not as a MA ride.

My first fight in N was a disaster.  I was at about 12K and ran into a LA7.  I had almost 100% fuel as I dropped my DT when I saw him.  And I forgot to jettision my 10 rockets.  All in all not good.

It has a lot going for it, but in the MA a lot of subjective things count.  Such as being able to outmaneuver what you can't out run.  Cannons rate big in the style of fighting we mainly see in the MA.  1 on 1s are rare for most of us.

I consider myself to be a fairly average pilot.  And I am not sure we are going to see droves of pilots of my caliber jumping on the N model Jug like we see them in LA7's or Doras' or Pony D's.

I may try out the Jug N with a 6 gun package and less ammooo, however, you then lose the real benifit of flying Jugs, and that is the 8 gun package.

All in all a real nice ride, but no LA7 fly a long shot at the altitudes of most MA fights.

But again this is only the opinion of an average pilot :)

Offline Widewing

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #196 on: July 26, 2005, 06:13:31 PM »
Originally posted by AKFokerFoder+
I certainly haven't done any imperical measurements of the performance of the P47N.

In the few times I have flown it on line, I am still not sure if I like it or not as a MA ride.

My first fight in N was a disaster.  I was at about 12K and ran into a LA7.  I had almost 100% fuel as I dropped my DT when I saw him.  And I forgot to jettision my 10 rockets.  All in all not good.

It has a lot going for it, but in the MA a lot of subjective things count.  Such as being able to outmaneuver what you can't out run.  Cannons rate big in the style of fighting we mainly see in the MA.  1 on 1s are rare for most of us.

I consider myself to be a fairly average pilot.  And I am not sure we are going to see droves of pilots of my caliber jumping on the N model Jug like we see them in LA7's or Doras' or Pony D's.

I may try out the Jug N with a 6 gun package and less ammooo, however, you then lose the real benifit of flying Jugs, and that is the 8 gun package.

All in all a real nice ride, but no LA7 fly a long shot at the altitudes of most MA fights.

But again this is only the opinion of an average pilot :)

Here's my advice, for what it's worth.

You will never need 100% fuel in the P-47N, unless you want to fly back and forth across the entire map.

50% in the N is the same number of gallons as 75% in the D-25 or D-40. If you intend to fly primarily Jabo missions, you may be better off with the D-40 due to its better climb when loaded. 50% internal and a belly tank will take you anywhere you want to go. I usually take 25% and a belly tank, and that will give me almost 25 minutes at MIL power.

I would reserve the P-47N for strictly fighter missions/sorties where its speed and good acceleration can be fully used.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.