Author Topic: If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War  (Read 1650 times)

Offline Jase

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« on: September 12, 2001, 11:44:00 AM »
Sorry to interrupt the love fest on these boards, but America is angry.  Every single person both male and female I have talked to is fighting mad.  Anything less then a decleration of WAR against terrorism and "those that protect terrorists" will not be accepted by Americans.  If these psycho "I'm going to live forever in paradise for killing American civilians" SOB's think they are going to get away with this they are wrong.  Right now we as a country are recovering our dead, looking for those still alive and taking care of matters at home.  Make NO MISTAKE, America will strike back and those that are not with us are against us.  Those responsible and the countries that support them are about to feel the Wrath of the USA the likes that GOD has not seen.  Don't belive me?  Wait.

Offline Keez

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2001, 01:55:00 PM »
Jase, go play with your G.I. Joe dolls and let the sane people talk with eachother.

Offline Maverick

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2001, 02:05:00 PM »

Jase has said the same thing many of us have said in other words.

In case you missed it, the United States has already announced that this act was an act of war. As such, with this notice we are on a war standing. This act has the implications of starting a war. The unprovoked attack on a sovriegn nation by an armed foe IS a declaration of war. The unprovoked attack on helpless citizens (non combatants if you will) just makes this a barbaric cowardly act.

The fact that the responsible party / entity hasn't been fully determined yet is immaterial. There will be severe repercussions over this. I don't think anyone has any doubts that military action will be needed / used to bring justice to the animals responsible.

You want to berate the insane?? I suggest you talk to the ones who are responsible for the WTC and Pentagon attacks.

As in other conflicts, we didn't start this but I think we'll finish it.

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Offline Jase

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2001, 02:57:00 PM »
Bite me Keez.  We are at war and if you are an American, you are to.  If that is to much for you to deal with I'm sure you would fit in just fine in another country, don't let the gate hit you in the bellybutton on the way out bud.

Offline Pongo

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2001, 03:09:00 PM »
Wow keez
makes me wonder what your other 9 posts look like and what rock you just crawled out of.

Offline Jase

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2001, 03:18:00 PM »
Btw Keez...For the record I served for over 4 years in the United States Air Force and am a Honorably discharged Sgt from that branch.  Have you ever served?  If you had you would know just what an incredible responsibility the armed forces have defending our country.  I can only imagine how they are feeling right now.  Helpless, mad and ready to act I would suspect.  God bless and keep them.  Our president was right when he said this is good vs evil.

Offline Tac

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2001, 04:00:00 PM »
Nato backs up any action US will take.

Whoever did this should start pissing his brains, we're coming for them.

Offline BigJim

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2001, 04:29:00 PM »
Pongo you guys are really a mixed bag of grapenuts up there in "Northern America" I wonder what a post of yours will look like right after they slam two Air Canada jets full of Canadians into Victoria???

Offline ispar

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2001, 05:19:00 PM »
Oh goodness... this is awful. Let's not turn this into a flame-fest here. Listen up:

This attack has been described as an attack on civilization by barbarians. Let's act as we have been labled - civilized. US response is perfectly justified, but only on an appropriate level. We do not have an excuse to go on a global rampage here. Don't let anger get in the way of reason. If there is a response, the two best options for the US are either, A)A limited strike against those responsible, after the guilty party has been determined 100%, or B)Bring those responsible to trial, as was done after the Kenyan embassy bombings.

My personal opinion, now that I'm no longer too angry to think, is that the second option would be a better choice. Violence will only fuel more violence, thus making this an option that can be employed only with EXTREME caution. This is not a conventional war, here. Terrorists can, and likely will strike back.

The only *cough* "viable" option for violence that I can think of is a massive military operation to destroy ALL known terrorist groups, infrastructure, and probably much of whatever country is harboring them. This would be horrific - a short-term solution at best, and would outrage much of the world. Not a good idea. Just the opinions of one humble American.

Offline duffus

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2001, 05:51:00 PM »
This is not a legal problem guy. It is an act of war, and we are going to treat it accordingly. They have the will to destroy this country, but not the means. We have the means to destroy them and now we have the will.

[ 09-12-2001: Message edited by: studley ]

Offline ispar

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2001, 06:02:00 PM »
Well, I still say heavy-handed response is a bad idea... oh well, I can still write my congressman.  :)

Offline AKSWulfe

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2001, 06:12:00 PM »
Trials are a temporary fix for a permanent problem.

Legal actions solve nothing when these people desire to die. They do not want to live, why else would they fly them planes into the towers? Why else would they strap bombs to their chests and blow people away? Why else... Why else would they do what they do?

The only way to make these terrorists FEAR us is to kill them. Not prosecute them, we've seen what that does. It only leads to other cells or cronies taking on the business of the one we jailed or killed.

No, we need to get an entire group of terrorists and make examples of them- bullets in their heads.

Offline Jase

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2001, 06:47:00 PM »
A formal decleration of War is coming.  9 out of 10 Americans polled have said this was an intentional act of war against the US according to the gallup polling.  As distateful as it is, we are facing a test again.  We have faced it many times before.  WW1  WW2  on and on.  If the world has not figured it out yet, we are Americans.  We are damn proud of this country and of our freedom.  We are also very well armed and have shown throughout history that we are willing to use it if pushed.

Offline Keez

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2001, 07:52:00 AM »
Looking at the responces my post got, I feel that I must have hurt people and for that I am sorry. Let me try to explain my initial reaction.

An unknown group of sub-humans kills many thousands of people in a way that words can not describe. Everywhere I see posts that say "lets bomb all arabs back to the stoneage" and "there is no telling apart normal arabs and terrorists, lets kick them all out", etc. I was shocked by these reactions, for I had thought that the western world had learned from ww2 when it comes prejudice. I come to this topic, and I read "those who are not with us are against us" and "they will feel wrath like god hasn't seen". I snap, and say in other words that it doesn't sound sane. The G.I. Joe part was to point at the "violence is the answer" attitude, that comes with the action figure.

Don't misunderstand: if someone said "Keez, grab a gun, we know who did it and we're going after them" I would be the very first to grab that gun and get in line. Even tough I am not American, like Jaze wondered. Because I feel every civilised country is at war with the people who did this.

... I feel I made a mistake by posting which I can not correct by telling what I meant more detailed . Let me state it in other words: Calm down, get your act together and do not shout about war, death and destruction untill the time to retaliate is there.

And no Jaze, I did not do service, and I doubt I ever will. It's not like the Netherlands really needs soldiers, I think.

Offline Gunthr

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If They Wanted A War They Are Going to Get A War
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2001, 08:48:00 AM »
I agree that the time for taking the legal route against the terrorists is past. Its time to find and kill them with the utmost violence... from now on. The world has just changed...
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