Lets remember who the enemy is.. and who we are... and what it means to protect ourselves, our future, our children.
We have in the past, as a nation under seige, taken extrordinary liberties with the constitution in order to preserve and defend this nation and it's citizens. No one here is about to state that ALL those decisions were correct, that ALL those decisions were just... but guess what?? Suprise, lo and behold folks; we survived, our nation endured.
Now, we are in an extrordinary battle, one unforseen by our fore-fathers. Some freedoms HAVE ALREADY become temporary casulties of this war, and we may yet see more.
I doubt we'd have much of a chance of victory against terrorisim, and we'd be doing our citizens a grave injustice by NOT 'profiling' in this case, at this time.
If I see our government PERMANENTLY derailing large parts of the constitution and reserving for itself ALONE the rights of it's citizens, then I'll be out in the street; kickin bellybutton again and takin names. And so; I'm sure; will every one of YOU. AFTER this fight is over.
For now, HERE, as it stands, in this battle, changes ARE necessary.. and it's not liberals vs conservitive, arab vs white or muslim vs christian. It's good vs evil; civilization vs the darkness. That's an awful mandate, one that begs a rethink of 'personal' liberties in the light of saftey for all.
Lets do what we gotta do to win this. Then we can go back to being the complacent american amazinhunks everybody loves to hate.
To WAR gents; WE GO TO WAR! Remember NYC!