Originally posted by BlueJ1
Im really not liking the cold planet thing. Im paying 14,596 metal and 5,836 crystal for a solar upgrade in my universe 2 planet. Pain in the but, im trying to not use my fusion plant because it eats up alot of duet.
BlueJ, can the satellites beam energy to other planets? Maybe I could beam some of mine to you, I'm doing OK on energy production. May hold off on fusion reactor if it eats deuterium.
How does the espionage thing work? I'm looking at building a spy probe, but not real sure what gains I'd get for the expense.
I'm broke right now, and either someone has been in here messing with my stuff or I didnt have as much built up as I thought. I could have sworn my reasearch labs were at level 4, but it says level 3 now. That means I have 2 levels to go before I can go fusion anyway. And that means I cant invest in sheild technology either. I swear I was able to do the research the other day, just hadnt invested in it yet. Dangit. Is there someway someone could be sabotaging me?