Author Topic: Congratulations Bush supporters.  (Read 1386 times)

Offline Dnil

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Congratulations Bush supporters.
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2000, 07:32:00 AM »
IMHO quite a few people are gonna be surprised at Bush.  Most of the country just dont understand who Bob Bullock(sp) really was and what a feat it was for Bush to win him over.  Bullock was Texas, Texas was Bullock, nothing got done without going through him.  Bush won him over.  It still blows my mind.

Dnil---Skyhawk until I get Dnil back :)
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Offline Kieren

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« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2000, 07:49:00 AM »
Nash, Leonid-

Just what, short of Bush conceding now, will make you happy?

I don't know what else anyone can say. I agree that words are words, and only action is truly important, but where do you start?

Nash, your rape analogy is incendiary to say the least.

I know that Dems are angry, as are many Reps even still. It is bound to be that way any way it went.

I will join you in criticism of Bush if he starts doing stupid or immoral things. I will be just as outraged as I have been in the past. I might even vote for Kerry in 2004 if Bush doesn't do a good job. One thing is for sure, we have to wait now and see what shakes out before we start the rancor- or do we?

In the end I guess I'm wondering what it is you want the Reps to say? "Screw you libs, we won!"?

Offline Udie

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« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2000, 10:50:00 AM »
Originally posted by Dnil:
IMHO quite a few people are gonna be surprised at Bush.  Most of the country just dont understand who Bob Bullock(sp) really was and what a feat it was for Bush to win him over.  Bullock was Texas, Texas was Bullock, nothing got done without going through him.  Bush won him over.  It still blows my mind.

 Your not kidding Dnil.  That man was a Democrat through and through. I just about passed out back in 98 when Bullock chose Bush  over that Democrat that ran against him.  It's ashame he died before the 2000 election.  The part you don't hear in the media is that at least 75% if not more of the Democrat congressmen in Tx love President-Elect Bush.  If they give him 1/2 a chance he will shine.  But Tx. doesn't have any "Charlse Rangles", "Jessie Jacksons"  

 We shall see, hopefuly they won't take Nash's view and say screw him no matter what. That wasn't a personal attack on you Nash, it was a serious worry of mine....


Offline Udie

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« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2000, 10:57:00 AM »
Originally posted by Udie:
 Your not kidding Dnil.  That man was a Democrat through and through. I just about passed out back in 98 when Bullock chose Bush  over that Democrat that ran against him.  It's ashame he died before the 2000 election.  The part you don't hear in the media is that at least 75% if not more of the Democrat congressmen in Tx love President-Elect Bush.  If they give him 1/2 a chance he will shine.  But Tx. doesn't have any "Charlse Rangles", "Jessie Jacksons"  

 We shall see, hopefuly they won't take Nash's view and say screw him no matter what. That wasn't a personal attack on you Nash, it was a serious worry of mine....


BTW nash,

 Do you think Clintons legal troubles are gone?  They are just begining.  He won't have the executive branch to hide behind much longer.  He will be disbarred and most likely indicted for purgery, probobly within the next 6 months.  Do you think he'd accept a pardon from PRESIDENT Bush?  

Offline Fatty

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« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2000, 11:34:00 AM »
The encouraging thing about the Senate being so close is that there is already a centrist bi-partisan group that both parties will have to deal with if they want to get anything through.

It's promising to see these who are normally too moderate to hold power in their own party become perhaps the most powerful group of senators.

Offline Nash

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« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2000, 06:04:00 PM »
Hehe yeah Kieren, I know... that analogy was in poor taste... said so when I wrote it. For some reason I wanted to you use the subject of guns, (seems people can relate to that), and I've heard almost that exact same analogy several times in those debates. But yah, I coulda picked a thousand different subjects to base it on, and I really shoulda.

Anyways, back to the subject at hand. I'm not saying that a backlash will happen, nor should it, or even that Bush will be a failure as a President. It's just that... how many times can one listen to a sitting President being completely lambasted, over and over and over...

Partisanship is a fact of life in US politics. Yes. But it's many people's strong belief that the extent of this attack on Clinton was completely, *completely*, over the top. Unprecedented and damaging. I said before that it was akin to poison... and as a result, we drank from that well. Hell, we lapped it up.

Thus, we've lost respect in the Presidency itself, we hurl insults just as a first instinct, we are cynical to the point where it is laughable to even hold the opinion that some of these politicians actually might have the best interests of their country at heart, that there are some out there who actually just try to do the right thing.

Maybe that's a good thing though? Maybe we're now uhm... more informed, less naive. Perhaps it's better to be guarded and distrustful, lest we get disappointed again. A nation that yeah, may be bitter, but at least now not ignorant!

I don't think so. It was hurtful what they did. It terms of damage to a nation's soul, it ranks up there with Vietnam.

So now the shoe is on the other foot. The Republicans are in office. It is time for the nation to come together, to put our differences behind us, to move forward and do the people's business. A time for hope and renewal. Well that's all very fine and good.

The problem here, is that not *only* are some people gnashing their teeth at a chance to get Vengence for the past 8 years... But we've now got a nation so bitterly divided, so raised on this hateful rhetoric, that it is impossible to think that one can simply reach over and turn off the valve. It's like when the Sex Pistols came out and attacked the Queen of England, or that very fist time you swore at your girlfriend. Something shifts; changes. And it's impossible to go back.

I know you disagree, but what the Republicans did in the 90's was *far* more damaging than anything Clinton could have done. It wasn't Bush's fault - he just inherited this house... but coupled with the fact that many people are not even recognizing this man's legitimacy as even *being* the President, he's gonna need all the luck he can get.

[This message has been edited by Nash (edited 12-14-2000).]

Offline Nash

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« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2000, 07:42:00 PM »
Oh, and Udie,

We shall see, hopefuly they won't take Nash's view and say screw him no matter what. That wasn't a personal attack on you Nash, it was a serious worry of mine....

Nah nah, I don't take that as a personal attack. It is a valid worry. Don't misunderstand me though, I'm not advocating a "screw him no matter what" attitude. I'm just saying that it may be pretty much innevitable.

Look at all the hostility spewed forth on this board alone about the soon to be previous administration. Much of it uninformed (but that was always beside the point, wasn't it?), much of it so clouded by raw hatred as to be nonsensical. Irresponsible of you as citizens to a large extent... in essence bowing down to those who would have you submit to the basest visceral reactions they so needed you to believe, in order to fuel their retake of the Presidency. They called upon, and received, the worst in you. They created a monster. A horrible miscalculation - as this monster aint a Republican or a Democrat.

So now you call for all of us to just bury the hatchet. But yer gonna need a jackhammer to pull it out of our backs before that would be possible.

[This message has been edited by Nash (edited 12-14-2000).]

Offline leonid

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« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2000, 11:16:00 PM »

It's not even about making anybody happy at this point.  That was not even being considered, frankly.  I'm just stating what the general consensus of democrat/liberals is, nothing more.  And like Udie says, when republican-backed lawyers start laying into Clinton after his term is over, democrats will see that, and just add that to the list.  Sorry, Kieren, it's just the way things are in our country these days - tit for tat.  And I agree, pretty sad.
ingame: Raz

Offline Nash

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« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2000, 01:15:00 AM »

Not yet.... So far it's just been tit tit tit jab tit tit poke tit tit jab tit.

They all just now *fearing* the tat.

Sad? Yeah... but just what exactly did y'all expect?

And yah Leonid, yer bang-on about this Clinton disbarment thing. If the republicans actually allow/support/initiate this, all bets are just off. Funny thing is, I would not put it past them.

[This message has been edited by Nash (edited 12-15-2000).]

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2000, 08:13:00 AM »
For those that are "them-against-us"...

There are those that voted Carter, thought Ollie should have gone to jail, didn't believe Reagan's amnesia for a second, and were pretty much outraged by the whole behind-the-back business when it happened. And they aren't just Democrats.

No way what I say here will make any difference, but this is the way I think; a few people are still mad about the way the Republicans went after Clinton. I think the fair-minded of them realize there was something to the cases, some of it was witchhunt. Then there are those people before them that were upset about the way the other side went after Reagan. And so it goes, farther and farther back into American presidential history.

Bush has a hard way to go, no doubt. I doubt there is any more anger than there was back in '92. I remember reading all the things leading up to the election and I knew it was going to be a rough go.

Offline Eagler

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« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2000, 08:13:00 AM »
No matter what the Republicans do, it will be wrong per the democrats and their mouth piece, the media. So I say fry Bill's bellybutton and take the heat. You can't keep letting criminals off the hook.

He played, now he's gotta pay....

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Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2000, 09:12:00 AM »
Actually Keiren, in all the situations you described... I always hated that partisanship was the determining factor in pursuing answers... never really a sense of right/wrong.  When partisanship replaces the law or morality, I just shake my head and wonder.


Offline Nash

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« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2000, 11:58:00 AM »

Ya cannot compare Iran-Contra to the 8 years of the Republican funded Starr Inquisition.


Offline jihad

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« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2000, 12:58:00 PM »
The ceaseless court and commission attacks upon Pres.Clinton (and his wife) throughout his term, and upon his administration in general have left a very bitter taste in many Democrats' mouth. And when you add the character attacks upon Gore during the election, the level of anger among liberals is of ember quality right now.

 I`m not a liberal,I`m registered as a Democrat but don`t vote the "party line",but I will say I`m very pissed off about the things mentioned in this paragraph. Personally I hope the dems go after the Bush cretin tooth and nail!

 Maybe Kenneth Starr has some free time in his schedule?

 PS: partisan politics are for the brain dead "followers" of the world,God gave you a mind-USE IT!

Offline Toad

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« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2000, 12:45:00 PM »
Well said, Karnak.

As for those of you who seem to delight in promising that the Democrats will now be just as aggressive and vindictive as the Republicans were.........

.......I'll be standing with you if this President perjures himself. I'll be standing with you if this administration allows US missile guidance technology to be sold/given to people who threaten to "Nuke LA" in exchange for contributions to a US political party.

I'll be standing with you....where were you when I stood against it before?  
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