Author Topic: Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..  (Read 4743 times)

Offline Nomak

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #105 on: October 10, 2005, 10:34:43 PM »
Why are the -ballers always told to go to another arena.  Let the toolshed heros go to another arena.


Offline Slash27

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #106 on: October 10, 2005, 11:40:34 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
you missed the point along with quite a number in this thread.

This is not about flying bombers, capturing bases or bombing targets.   This is about the Tool Shed Warriors that purposely go out of their way to prevent one segment of the player base from having fun.  Examples are SgtDibs and the Bishop raid last night to capture the bases in the Lake Dweeb Furball Recreation Area.  These bases are not vital to the "THE WAR" effort and the map can be reset without having to touch these bases.  As evidence by the extremely large dar bar in that sector, it is plain that the majority of the player base enjoys this area to furball.   There isn't a valid reason for one segment of the player base to go out of their way and use what amounts to griefing tactics to try and force the other segment to play their way.

You either get it your don't.


 Im not sure why this is so hard to grasp. Piss poor form for the Bish that trashed FT/Lake Dweeb.

Offline MOIL

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #107 on: October 10, 2005, 11:42:13 PM »
"This is not about flying bombers, capturing bases or bombing targets. This is about the Tool Shed Warriors that purposely go out of their way to prevent one segment of the player base from having fun. Examples are SgtDibs and the Bishop raid last night to capture the bases in the Lake Dweeb Furball Recreation Area. These bases are not vital to the "THE WAR" effort and the map can be reset without having to touch these bases. As evidence by the extremely large dar bar in that sector, it is plain that the majority of the player base enjoys this area to furball. There isn't a valid reason for one segment of the player base to go out of their way and use what amounts to griefing tactics to try and force the other segment to play their way."

I guess I cann see both sides of this whole "toolshed" killing thing, but here's the part that throws me.
If this sector "the Furball Recreation area" is non-vital to the winning of the war and plays no part in the sucess of a certain country's victory, then it's plain to see that umpteen many want to just go there and rip it up, then why not just have a back up arena with just that?

A map with 3 bases, XX miles apart from ea other, no GV's, ground guns, CV's, VH's, BH's or FH's just a couple of runways and all the planes in the world.

Now you can up and climb or go NOE or go in a horde, whatever turns you on. Then everyone can just "furball" thier hearts out and call ea other names and make fun of and accuse ea other of cheating and make fun of the plane they fly and so on and so on.
All without having anyone "ruin" their fun in "their" area and not subject the rest of the arena to all the banter and belittlement that goes along with big useless furballs.

Just a thought.

Offline Slash27

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #108 on: October 10, 2005, 11:48:25 PM »
Both "sides" of the issue can exist in one arena. Its not that hard. As part toolshedder/ part furballer myself, I get it. Things like taking the FT area away from everyone just cause you can is just going fuel the hatred.  You dont see the  furballers taking away the toolshedders ability to have fun. so why do it to them? Im not taking sides btw, Im just calling it the way I see this.

btw MOIL:D

Offline Morpheus

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #109 on: October 10, 2005, 11:52:10 PM »
Why the hell are bombers bombing FH's in FT? Why are there PT boats playing with their PP's under cons fighting?

For you tards.. Two words.... OFF LINE.

Answer to this gayness...

Disable Ord in FT.

Lose the PT spawns in the pond.
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Offline Scrap

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #110 on: October 11, 2005, 12:14:51 AM »
Originally posted by TW9
pfft i wish we had our own arena.. all we need is ____________________ the dueling arena.. this way we can have ____________________________ our style and not ______the MA at all.....

and our own scoring system<-------- who F-n cares if your just furballing?

Ding ding ding!!!! Most retarded post yet.  Edited to reflect the solution that allready exists.

Offline megadud

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #111 on: October 11, 2005, 01:08:59 AM »
:lol :lol :lol  i thought bombing FT hangars was lame but taking it a step further was the PTboats of destruction that shot planes fighting otd.

I wish there was a normal furball like old times just once or twice a week. You know what i mean, when there are spits zekes niks and ki's floating around everywhere in a specific area. You die you up and come back, all otd no picking, no bombers just good ole furballing. i miss it :cry

Offline rod367th

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #112 on: October 11, 2005, 01:34:09 AM »
Forgive wipass, He is a TWEE I Believe fron England. So He doesn't understand terms........................ .........

 And you have to get low ranking So you can turn cv as SHAWK or fraiz so on Come in for landing or take off.......................... .......

And if You guys want others to stop hitting your Bases in fighter town or hangers at bases during attack. Pay their accounts and I'm sure they will listen then.

 Can't wait for bomber guys to start yelling out  were the whiners are upping from on other maps ( Seen guys yelling out B24's etc  taking off to you base)

 Bomber pilots that get called out where and what they flying should remember names and type ,wingman and call out their names of what they are flying and loc and heading.  I bet you they call HTC real fast and complain:)

And no I havn't bombed in FT, Nor have i took a 262 or tempest to ft,Nor have i Complained about vulching or getting ho'ed by la7 after la7. Seems like  the minority in here wants it their way or else........... There is no doubt this map shows it that furballers are out numbered in this GAME. But they come to BBS  and demand others play their way............

Chit now i'm going to have to make missions for bombers from all sides come to FT 32k bomb all hangers, That would be fun to watch 200 afterwards lol

Offline MOIL

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #113 on: October 11, 2005, 02:16:28 AM »
Heya Slash

Offline Ack-Ack

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #114 on: October 11, 2005, 02:51:06 AM »
Originally posted by rod367th

And no I havn't bombed in FT, Nor have i took a 262 or tempest to ft,Nor have i Complained about vulching or getting ho'ed by la7 after la7. Seems like  the minority in here wants it their way or else........... There is no doubt this map shows it that furballers are out numbered in this GAME. But they come to BBS  and demand others play their way............

Chit now i'm going to have to make missions for bombers from all sides come to FT 32k bomb all hangers, That would be fun to watch 200 afterwards lol

Actually, I'd venture to say that the furballers are easily the majority.  Look at when the donut map is online, the majority of the players are in the furball area.  It only takes one twit to bomb the hangers.

You still don't get it and obvious from your last comment, you're just another arse that gets off ruining the game for others because they aren't playing how you want them to play.[/b]

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Offline AutoPilot

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #115 on: October 11, 2005, 06:49:25 AM »
you know i really didn,t care too bomb in dweeb FT

but now that they have let out what the weakness is
you bet i,m gonna fly a set of 17's up there now just too drop the fighter
hangers so i can hear the little TW9 dweebs whine about it.


Offline rod367th

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #116 on: October 11, 2005, 07:35:23 AM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Actually, I'd venture to say that the furballers are easily the majority.  Look at when the donut map is online, the majority of the players are in the furball area.  It only takes one twit to bomb the hangers.

You still don't get it and obvious from your last comment, you're just another arse that gets off ruining the game for others because they aren't playing how you want them to play.

ack-ack [/B]

 LOL   Been in ft alot in hurri or spit.  And I'll make you a BET  6 months subsrciption that never half players online in FT. Not even A  1/3   in ft.

408 players on last night wasn't even close to 60 players in Ft at any given time.   I'm anal enough to do a chk every night so becareful about your statement.

  If you read My statement to say I want others to play my way you better, Look again.  EVERYONE should play their way its a game.

ps Getting lots of kills on fighters increases a bombers score just as fast as hitting targets do, So My comment was its their money if they want to go ft  get fast kills like others then have at it..............

Offline uberhun

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #117 on: October 11, 2005, 07:46:07 AM »
It is kind of funny just standing on the sidelines and watch everyone get so caught up in this troll.:rofl It's a game guys HELLO :confused:

Offline megadud

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #118 on: October 11, 2005, 07:52:29 AM »
shut up uberhun! the toolshed bombers took away our fighter town now all we can do is have fun argueing about it on the bbs.

PS this isn't the first time this autopilot tard has tried to troll. he just isn't any good at it. although tdub you are nipping at his bait.

Offline lazs2

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #119 on: October 11, 2005, 08:00:16 AM »
from chicago and a luftwussie?   no wonder you don't get it.... might as well be a yourop ean toolshed killer...  The brave maltese knight of the air salutes you toolshed..   Who thought up that term toolshed?  brilliant man.

It is probly not smart to pick on the fluffers and the gv guys tho.... someday they may grow up... and buy a joystick and then..... they will really show us.

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