Author Topic: Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..  (Read 4745 times)

Offline megadud

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #165 on: October 12, 2005, 02:20:50 AM »
i figured it out though lute, he is 1hunglo :D

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #166 on: October 12, 2005, 02:20:50 AM »
what are ytou flying or uhh gving under 1hunglo?

Offline AutoPilot

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #167 on: October 12, 2005, 02:42:56 AM »
who is 1HungLo?

im autopilot

megaduds new game id = JoeFriday


no pun intended to ack-ack,mega cant afford it anyway

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #168 on: October 12, 2005, 04:35:47 AM »
Messiah(The O.G.)
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Offline WMLute

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #169 on: October 12, 2005, 04:43:08 AM »
Originally posted by AutoPilot
who is 1HungLo?

im autopilot

megaduds new game id = JoeFriday


no pun intended to ack-ack,mega cant afford it anyway

simple solution.  call HT 2morrow.  since 1HungLo was banned, would be simple matter to see if this is them.

sure types like they did.  all the scroll down with a bunch o' empty space for one last word.  lota stupid :aok at the end of a post.  similar sentence structure.

pretty sure 1HungLo isn't welcome back to the BBS, so maybe Skuzzy can check into it for us all.
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Offline Westy

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #170 on: October 12, 2005, 07:25:45 AM »
"what is a toolshed"

A "shed" is the name for the 3D buildings which the herd of skilless tools play "war" against when online.

Hence the name toolshed"

Offline lazs2

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #171 on: October 12, 2005, 08:00:55 AM »
yes... it is mean to keep bringing up the skilless and attention starved nature of toolshed killing but...

Look at it logicaly...  There is no defense against these morons in the game that makes sense...

Sure... you could circle around your bases at layered alts and spend the entire game waiting to kill someone who is about as much of a challenge to kill as the worst boxed game Ai on beginer mode...

but... who would do such a thing?  A furballer?  Hardly... another attention starved toolshed killer?  well, now there is the problem really isn't it?

No one would do it... it is even too boring a task for the mouse weilding toolshed killers to lower themselves to isn't it?

Soo... an element of gameplay has been created that is annoying to most but impossible to defend against without ruining gameplay for those who would defend against it.

sooo...If the BB is part of the game ... then we can all get some satisfaction by pointing out how little we respect this type of gameplay and the mouse weilding lemmings and milkrunners who participate in it.

If it weren't such a bad game play element for so many then it wouldn't keep being brought up over and over through the years.

If it were more difficult or the price for failure were higher... the compaint and contempt ratio would go down.

for most of us these guys are the same little kids who would crap in the pool so that everyone had to leave.... except now... no one can beat em up cause they are virtual.  

I think they are getting even cause we all humiliated em so much as children... it is probly our own fault.

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Offline megadud

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #172 on: October 12, 2005, 08:27:02 AM »
Originally posted by WMLute
simple solution.  call HT 2morrow.  since 1HungLo was banned, would be simple matter to see if this is them.

sure types like they did.  all the scroll down with a bunch o' empty space for one last word.  lota stupid :aok at the end of a post.  similar sentence structure.

pretty sure 1HungLo isn't welcome back to the BBS, so maybe Skuzzy can check into it for us all.

i'm not going to call texas to get someone banned i don,t care that much. I just think it is funny that he keeps denying it. And keeps talking trash. It is funny if it isn't 1hunglo because what a coincidence(or however you spell it) that they are the only ones in the whole BBS community that spell "don't" like don,t . so you see autopilot or 1hunglo it was your own retardedness that gave you away. no offense of course :aok

PS :lol  teedub

Offline AutoPilot

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #173 on: October 12, 2005, 11:53:22 AM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: October 12, 2005, 04:41:40 PM by Skuzzy »

Offline megadud

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #174 on: October 12, 2005, 11:56:52 AM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: October 12, 2005, 04:41:59 PM by Skuzzy »


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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #175 on: October 12, 2005, 03:56:22 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
you missed the point along with quite a number in this thread.

This is not about flying bombers, capturing bases or bombing targets.   This is about the Tool Shed Warriors that purposely go out of their way to prevent one segment of the player base from having fun.  Examples are SgtDibs and the Bishop raid last night to capture the bases in the Lake Dweeb Furball Recreation Area.  These bases are not vital to the "THE WAR" effort and the map can be reset without having to touch these bases.  As evidence by the extremely large dar bar in that sector, it is plain that the majority of the player base enjoys this area to furball.   There isn't a valid reason for one segment of the player base to go out of their way and use what amounts to griefing tactics to try and force the other segment to play their way.

You either get it your don't.


My apologies for not responding sooner. I was away for a couple days.

I would toally agree about the FT incident or the "Lake Dweeb Furball Recreation Area" as you call it (good name BTW)
Was uncalled for and there was no need for it although it was IMO only a matter of time.

In this case perhpas there is a solution if the mapmaker wants to take up the task.

Place the towns high up on the cliffs. preferably at the alt where the wind current changes and in a place there groundspace is limited and surrounded by sheer dropoffs. Making troops drops by goon th only way in and those drops would be difficult at best without each troop hitting the town exactly.
Surround the towns with strat targets within the gunnery range  that shoot back with both Flak and lazer Ack .
Now to take the town you would need to kill the town. kill the ack at the town and kill all the ack at the surrounding strat targets AND drop the troops precisely on the town.

Impossable? no. but it does make it much more difficult

As for the other arenas. Well we have what we have.

in my case Im probably the furballers best friend because I rarely take out the FH's unless Im going for a capture. I just dont see the point.
I do however retaliate on attacks by taking out the things that do matter to stop or at least slow down those attacks. Ammo,Troops,The VH's and sometimes Dar. and of course. the town.

Personally I've always thought there should be a FT area on each map. with uncapturable feilds. just to put an end to the complaints about it.
That way everyone can do whatever their particular cup of tea is.
and still could be where the crowd is. Which is really the reason why other arenas arent used.

Other then that. I dont see it changing and I really dont see why it should.
The MA as I said for all forms of gameplay throughout the map and all forms of gameplay are probably represented by a large number of people for each.

So other then there being a dedicated FT as I mentioned above. The only real option is one of the other arenas.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #176 on: October 12, 2005, 04:00:28 PM »
Originally posted by Nomak
Why are the -ballers always told to go to another arena.  Let the toolshed heros go to another arena.


why should  the furballers that keep insisting on whining constantly be wetnursed is a better question.

Some of you whine so much you dont need changes made. You need a Binky
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Offline AutoPilot

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #177 on: October 12, 2005, 04:19:27 PM »
See Rule #4, #5
« Last Edit: October 12, 2005, 04:43:11 PM by Skuzzy »


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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #178 on: October 12, 2005, 04:25:39 PM »
Originally posted by Slash27
Both "sides" of the issue can exist in one arena. Its not that hard. As part toolshedder/ part furballer myself, I get it. Things like taking the FT area away from everyone just cause you can is just going fuel the hatred.  You dont see the  furballers taking away the toolshedders ability to have fun. so why do it to them? Im not taking sides btw, Im just calling it the way I see this.

btw MOIL:D

As I said the FT incident I agree was pretty lame.
It is going to take a major understanding from all the players that FT is not to be touched. but there are always going to be some.

One thing the players can do is make sure each others troops stay porked.

Outside of FT and on the other maps. A large darbar is usually identified at an attack/feild defence Actually alot of furballs typically start out and always end as just that.

I've yet  to see anywhere that a furball  was called for a particular spot on the map.
Usualy what happens is someone tries to hit or capture a base. A few defenders up, then more attackers arrive, then more defenders and thus your furball is born.
A furball is what happens when an attack meets a stubborn defence and more and more people on both sides start to jump in and a stalemate develops. Often after someone has porked the troops on both sides.
Eventually one side gets the advantage over the other and things start breaking down. the ammo,VH's and FHs go down and the feild gets captured.

Then it all starts all over again someplace else

Furballers and landgrabbers can not only co exist but thrive together.
Furballers would make the best feild defence.
See that blob headed to that feid on the map. Head for it and defend that feild. Have a few people counter attack the opposing feild as well to also draw opposing forces to that feild for defence  pretty soon each side will be upping planes to defend their feild and there you have it. a furball.

When a base is captured only the scenery changes. the furball moves to another location and starts anew.

Watch the map sometime and you will see thats pretty much exactly how it happens
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Ladies and Gentlemen, the saddest tool shed destroyers are ..
« Reply #179 on: October 12, 2005, 04:36:34 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Actually, I'd venture to say that the furballers are easily the majority.  Look at when the donut map is online, the majority of the players are in the furball area.  It only takes one twit to bomb the hangers.

You still don't get it and obvious from your last comment, you're just another arse that gets off ruining the game for others because they aren't playing how you want them to play.

ack-ack [/B]

I'd probably have to dissagree.
What your seeing is a concentration of players in a small space.
Therefore it looks like most of the players are there while everyone else is spread out around the map. And many in GVs. which dont show up.
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