Origianlly posted by Boroda
Flashpan, so we need to punish US for pirate bombings of independant states, supporting international terrorism, violating
international treaties, breaking international borders - should I continue?
I do not disagree with some of the things you have mentioned. We as anyone would, are acting in our own best interests. We do however try to temper that with fairness.
When we bombed people we did so with 100% confidence that the people being bombed were either a threat in the past or a immediate threat to the people of the USA.
Our border incursions are kinda like your neighbours dog running in your yard. Its usally brief & a accident when we do it. We deifinatly do not sh*t in your yard.
The PC3 incident is a perfect example. We were flying 12 miles out. The recognized international boundry. The chinease claim 20mi so they created this incident.
I am ass-u-me'ing the supporting international terrism that you are refering to is when we armed the aphigans <sp> during your vietnam there.
They were a people that was being invaded. They supported democracy & were then by extension our allies.
It is no differant then 15yrs earlier with the soviets armining the North Koreans & then the chinease.
To the best of my knowledge the US has never violated a international treaty.
And as far as punishing the US goes in all honesty I do not think that another country can. The way most countries punsih another country is through a embargo & trade tarrifs. The US is so strong enconomicly & has nearly every other country tied to it financially that should a country choose to place a embargo on the US they would be cutting there own throat....
The amricans have a saying. Never bite the hand that feeds you.