Author Topic: Time to end the bomber starvation.  (Read 5351 times)

Offline sgtdeaux

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« on: October 27, 2005, 08:35:58 PM »
AH staff... Bomber pilots have a bone to pick with you.
We pay our 15.00 a month just the same as the fighter pilots do.
However It would seem that you dont regard us as important to the online community... Perhaps we are not making as much noise as the fighter pilots.

Here is some noise... PLEASE add some new bombers...not the B-25 however.  The B-25 is an overgrown fighter.. while it adds some interesting historical value to the game it does nothing to increase the modivation to bomb in any other manner than to blast in at 2k and level a base.
The addition of heavy bombers such as the B-29 or the Pe-8 would be of historical significance and Balance in the main arena.
The current setup of the game is at the least Anti-bomber.  Yesterday I flew two missions at 30k in a bomber and after shooting down 4 or 5 interceptors I was finally downed... Funny thing. twice I was attacked by the same guy in BF-109 G10.  This has to be stopped.. Either limit the re-up time or perk planes capible of reaching high altitudes in such rapid time.  It is very discouraging to be attacked 10 times on a bombing run to eventually die because youve run outta ammuntion due to the "endless upper" equation.
THank you for your time..
-sgt deaux

Offline Simaril

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2005, 08:57:22 PM »
Once you get good at shooting, the ammo lasts longer. Buff guns have convergance set at 500meters, so if the enemy is off that zone you can save ammo by shooting only one position rather than all (check keyboard settings).

Most players feel the fighter/bomber equation is slanted toward the bombers, because the gunner has 20-30 50cal weapons at his command with little accuracy penalty for wobble, etc. Also, most AH2 attackers conveniently come up the 6 -- making kills easy. Some guys are scary good at the attack profiles, tho...

"Endless upping" happens because solo 30k bomb runs are "endless flying." Interceptors' climb rates are accurate, like it or not -- and the G10 is not a perk plane. If you dont like getting killed by the same guy, get good at killing HIM. I've no bomber ace, and I've killed the same guy twice on a run.
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Offline Raptor

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2005, 08:59:04 PM »
Incase you have not been paying attention, the main focus right now is ToD. After the spit/109 update they will begin work on remodeling the B17, so we will have both B17G and B24J ready for ToD. I would not be surprised if such planes as B17F and B24D were added in the B17 update.

After the B17 update either the british or germans will likely see an update since most of the US ToD planeset is ready. The Lancaster will probably be worked on soon or the Ju-88. When the Lancaster is remodeled you will probably see a Helifax and/or Wellington. When Ju-88 is remodeled an HE-111 is very likely.
The B29 does not have a place in AH2 yet and is not needed. It is strictly a Pacific Theatre plane and we just are not there yet. Same applies to the Pe-8 (except it is an eastern front bomber)

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Offline Krusty

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2005, 09:02:51 PM »
Originally posted by Raptor01
I would not be surprised if such planes as B17F and B24D were added in the B17 update.

Not going to happen. If we were getting the D we'd have got it with the J, no two ways about it :)

Offline sgtdeaux

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2005, 09:08:43 PM »
I AM good with the bomber guns.
However Being good with the guns and not being able to land and reload after fending off 10 planes over the course of the flight means you will eventually run outta ammo.. The tilt is in favor of the fighters.
To illustrate this point.
Today I bombed an airbase in B-26's from 12k.
Not an uncommon altitude for that plane in a historical sense.
I managed to take down 4 fighters over that base.. to include the same guy 2 times.
I began a mad sprint home knowing the LA-7 flood would soon begin.
Sure enough up came 4 LA-7's the same people who had just met a firey death 10 seconds earlier.  I managed to down two of them before they got one of my drones.  
The next pass by the two remaining interceptors caught one of my engines on fire.  As we all know due to the fact that fire extenquishers have not been added to this game this is instant death for a bomber. I was now down to just my lead bomber.. I killed another LA-7 and wounded the 2nd.
By this time the other two had re-upped and where rapidly moving to intercept once again.
I managed to down another one before I was shot down 1 mile from an allied airfield.
Now. Since I assume we can all count I wont go into numbers of intercepters upped and numbers shot down but, as you can see the equation is not heavily in favor of bombers.  I am a skilled bomber pilot and gunner I put up a battle to the very end but even with actions that would have been awarded the medal of honor in WWII it was not possible to even curtail the endless attack of the "eternal upping uber planes"
-sgt deaux

Offline Raptor

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2005, 09:11:02 PM »
When we got the B24, it was not really centered on ToD but more of a "First new plane in a couple years, lets make it big" (hence Ki84 and T34 along with the B24)
Now that they have had practice with remodeling planes, they can put out new planes fairly quickly (compared to when work started on the first new planes)
Remove the front turret and make minor changes to FM and there you go.

Offline Krusty

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2005, 09:14:17 PM »
You're comparing real WW2 to this? Medal of Honor?

Okay let's talk real bombers. In the real war. THOUSANDS of bombers, in the largest group formations you can find, WAY more than simple 3-plane formations that AH has, can all cover each other far better and defend each other. The ability to defend rises geometrically with the number of bombers in the formation....

So these THOUSANDS of bombers went up against less than a hundred fighters at a time --- and were wiped out to the point that the USAF had to halt daylight bombing until long range escorts could be produced.

The lesson? Dude, you got almost 10 freakin kills in a bomber! Congrats!!! But if you want to LAND take an escort of fighters. Only takes 1-2 to distract every last enemy plane.

You're playing the wrong way. You're playing to get the most kills, not to land safely afterwards. If you play to land safely afterwards you might not land any kills at all, but you will land. You have to choose what you want -- more kills (keep flying like you do) or safe landings (honestly? Rethink how you bomb -- take a 2-man escort team)

Offline sgtdeaux

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« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2005, 09:22:39 PM »
The paragraph above include the phrase.
"My mad dash for home"
I did not stop to have a cigarette.
I did not stop to play the claranet.
I did not have green eggs.
I did not have ham.
I just ran ran ran.
but as fast as I ran sam I am.
I still ended up in a jam.
Because of the endless fighter spam.

please put a timer on re-upping.

Offline Raptor

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« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2005, 09:32:04 PM »
Wont happen, people do not play a game to sit in a tower for a minute+ after being shot down. Think how a new player would feel, he would be too frustrated sitting in tower more than flying he would likely not continue to play the game.

sgtdeux, can I suggest joining/starting a bomber squadron or playing with the mission planner. Think of how you are going to attack a target, it is not wise to bomb a target then turn around behind enemy lines and follow the same path out.

Also after dropping thier salvo, WW2 bombers would usually go in a shallow dive for a few hundred feet to leave the combat area faster. The B26 has WEP (ineffective at low alts, more effective the higher you are) which may also help leave the combat zone quicker. I know a B26 cannot outrun an La7, but a B26 at 12k can usually get out of visibility range of a fighter that just took off. While the La7 is climbing, you are in level flight and can cover a larger distance until they level off.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2005, 09:39:17 PM by Raptor »

Offline SuperDud

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2005, 09:33:04 PM »
I don't know what to say to this:confused: Except, bad idea.
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Offline megadud

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2005, 09:36:23 PM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: October 28, 2005, 09:24:41 AM by Skuzzy »

Offline sgtdeaux

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2005, 09:37:19 PM »
Why is it that any idea that is not yours is stupid?

Offline RAIDER14

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« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2005, 09:41:23 PM »
they might be a little combative cuase they didn't think of it:aok

Offline sgtdeaux

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2005, 09:43:28 PM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: October 28, 2005, 09:25:18 AM by Skuzzy »

Offline SuperDud

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Time to end the bomber starvation.
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2005, 09:51:22 PM »
I'm glad you like them. Insult me all you want, it doesn't make you or your point look any smarter:aok

The reason it's a bad idea is as Raptor already stated, ppl don't want to sit in a tower. Not all of us play to live. I and many others enjoy fighting to the death and don't care about losing a virtual airplane. We don't play for realism, we play to relax after work and have some fun. HTC has to balance between players like you and players such as myself. If you don't want to die, don't lioter over target so long. I use to buff often when I first started. Unless I wanted to I never had problems being reintercepted by the same guy.
++Blue Knights++