OK Dowding, we are now a 2nd generation "Kinder, Gentler America" so we just agree with everything.
DejaVu, did you mean if you call those limey bastards French or frogs it gets their dander up or calling the French frogs gets their (The Limey Bastards) dander up or calling the French frogs gets their (the frogs) dander up.
Dammit Dowling, now ya gone and started a conversation that has me totally confused, ya limey bastar....oops, "Kinder, Gentler."
I have noticed though that actually speaking to a fro....err Frenchman gets their dander up.
This is all getting way too deep, I think I will just go into the main and help gangbang whoever is getting gangbanged.
When did they put this thing in here and WTF is it for?