Rarely do this but as I haven't had much time to fly lately, just got back after a month AH leave (it was needed!), I'd like to know peoples opinions on the G14 vs K4 issue.
Actually, throw in the G6 aswell for comparison.
I have only flown a single sorite in the G14 so far but can't say I liked it, it felt heavier then other 109's and while faster then the G6 still not fast enough to surive the MA environment.
The K4 I love just as much as I loved the G10 and consider it to be the same plane.
After flying it more I don't think there is any difference at all, possibly more maneuverable but it may be an illusion (or wishfull thinking). I think it has lost a few MPH at the deck aswell and the DT rack now also affects performance by a few MPH.
So, why would anyone chose a G14 over the K4 in the MA? Or why do you (if you do) do it?
It's not for speed, that's for sure. Or climbrate, the G6 (no wep) outclimbs the G14 if I remember correct.
EDIT: I understand some people chose the G14 thanks to either 20mm hub cannon option, or more likely, gondolas.
As I never use either, nor did on the old G10, this is no reason for me to chose a G14 but please tell me if you use it