Well, since you are re-teaching us theory and practice about dogfighting and buff hunting, about FM modelling and a/c behaviour ... where all this science come from? I had to go back to early 2003 to find a TOD where you flew. And looks like you havent ever touched a K-4. Please enlighten me.
I fly under a different nik now but I rarely play AH now.
Since you seem pre-occupied with me here's a bit of history:
My AH game niks were 'Wotan' and 'Batz'. I began AH it tour 2 or so as Wotan. I flew the Ah betas but I don't recall my nik. I left AH after 3 years or so. I came back to AH as 'Batz' after a few months. I was asked and volunteered to CO the Niemen event but my work schedule prevented me from fulfilling my commitment. Fariz took over and I agreed to aid him as an 'XO'. As frame 1 began I started a new account as 'Batz'.
I was originally just going to help in that event and leave but was asked by another player and friend, Brady, if I would be interested in co-Co'ing another AH event 'Guadalcanal'. I did and kept the nik Batz. Once again I planned on leaving AH after that event. As is turned out I was then asked to Co another event 'Okinawa' and did so still flying as 'Batz'. After the Okinawa event I left AH but sometime later Brady and I designed the Kurland event. I returned to AH early to help out with the Ruhr event (I agreed to help with the Ruhr event to get CM experience for Kurland). After Ruhr and Kurland (Naso was the Axis Co for Kurland but his CPU got stolen after frame 2).
I left AH again came back for the AH2 betas. I emailed Skuzzy and got my old 'Wotan' nik back. I flew the first few tours after AH2 went gold. I came back again under a new nik for the last patch but rl has kept from 'playing much'.
I was also a CT CM for about year. I was Axis Co the first AH BoB event as 'Wotan'. I also am an admin for a private 'event style' FB/AEP/PF server. This server is invite only and runs staged events / scenarios. I also flew many other flight games going back many many years (from WBs to EAW ect...)
There should be no scores for either 'Wotan' and 'Batz' in 2005. I rarely ever fly in the main anymore and won't fly much of AH until ToD is released. I only have 2 hours or so since the last patch, none in the K-4. I probably wont ever fly the K-4 since AH now has the G-14. The only K-4 sortie I flew was off line to check climb and speed. But don't pretend the 3cm on the K-4 with any different then 3cm on the G-10 or G-14 or the old G-6 for that matter, 3 cm is 3cm.
I am not giving 'theory' I am giving the facts. If you would rather just whine cry like women over 'gondolas' be my guest but these are issues that don't apply to everyone.
Your whole 'efficiency' whine is nothing but a mask for what Dan already pointed out:
the notion of gondolas on Fs or Ks has more to do with MA, kill em quick
Isn't it about time for you to start a brand new 'where's my gondolas' thread? After all this one is 2 days old...