Author Topic: Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...  (Read 2507 times)

Offline deSelys

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #120 on: December 22, 2005, 08:54:01 AM »
Oh btw, that damnation remark leads me to make a blatant hijack:

As I don't believe in this God-JC-Holy stuff trio, I'll be damned. Well that's just too bad. All jews, moslems, atheists, jedis... are damned too btw (according to Seagoon and his sermon
He who is not with christ is against him )

If a depressed christian commits suicide (without physically hurting anybody): damned!

If a terrorist flies an airliner with passengers into a skyscraper: let me add...damned for the murders + damned for the suicide +...ooooh but he was already damned as a moslem. It doesn't hurt that much to be a terrorists, as it seems.

Wow that is neat. As I'm damned anyway, I should begin to have fun during my stay on earth: sell drugs and make big bucks to bang a lot of chicks and drive ferraris like an idiot, just like in GTA.
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Offline lada

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #121 on: December 22, 2005, 09:33:12 AM »
Originally posted by Seagoon
For ease of translation, many Arabic bibles do use the word Allah for God, but many missionaries to the Islamic world are increasingly using Raab (Arabic for LORD) in place of "Allah" in order to distinguish them.


wow .. i spent several months in several islamic countries and never ever heard of "Raab"

Did you mean increase like: 20 years ago there were 2 people useing, today  i can post at least 6 links on www" ?

Thats so funny how all those believers belive that their god is the right one :D

Its nice example.. the Zoroastrians. Here you can see their symbol ... well i guess that you can tell us about begginings of this religion. Because i also belive, that this religion and its begginings were huge inspiration for other political... err.. i mean religion parties.

[how do you like their symbol ? :cool: ]
« Last Edit: December 22, 2005, 09:39:10 AM by lada »

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #122 on: December 22, 2005, 09:38:35 AM »
Originally posted by storch
:lol there are moslems that are are moslem the same way I'm christian, I'm not such a good christian.

infidel .. shot him!

.. ooohhh christian ?..
ehmm sorry ....

SATANIST get the stake ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #123 on: December 22, 2005, 09:43:27 AM »
Originally posted by deSelys
He who is not with christ is against him

He, who is not with XXXXXXXXXXX is agains YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY .

Wtf did i read that ? ... cannt remember, it has to be some pseudo secular country indeed ;)

no no no ... religion is not politic.....  im just on LSD, like usualy

Offline Masherbrum

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #124 on: December 22, 2005, 09:56:28 AM »
Originally posted by storch
momus, any source dedicated to the study of ancient sumer will note that allah, aliah, aliyah etc. was a demigod worshipped by people in what is now southern iraq. are you a moslem?

Damn you Storch, you skeeered him off by asking him a legitimate question!!!   Shall you suffer in pergatory, by being repetatively shot down by Shane.

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Offline Seagoon

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #125 on: December 22, 2005, 01:09:00 PM »
Hi Momus,

Please forgive me again for cutting to the chase, I'm running out of energy, time, and unfortunately inclination...

Originally posted by Momus--
Apart from arguing the toss about the Muslim Brotherhood and "what would Muhammed have done?", what other evidence have you got to support your position that violent jihad is not the philosophy of an extremist minority but of the mainstream majority of muslims across the globe?

You are attempting to argue against over 1300 years of history on this one. Jihad has been a constant in Islam's dealing with the West since it's inception, it ran out of gas briefly during the military ascendence of the West and while we were literally sitting on top of them during the colonial period, but since that time the engine has been refueled (not in small part by the vast petrochemical wealth of the Middle-East).

If you want "evidence" contained in a scholarly introduction to the history and practice of Jihad, written in understandable language, then I would recommend Jihad by Paul Fregosi

Here is the Amazon Link

You'll find that I'm not arguing anything that Fregosi doesn't document in the work.

Of course, if you are looking for a far more inflammatory and less scientific approach to that question, which will regretably offend enlightened Europeans and "moderates" to no end, along with an updated Jihad deaths since 9/11 list and counter, then you could check out:

Regardless, I don't think "evidence" is going to change the life experience of the guys I work with. But then again, few people really care if they think Jihad is unrelated to Islam, they just have to deal with the answer day after day...
SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams


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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #126 on: December 22, 2005, 02:15:53 PM »
yo YO, not an about face.  they are not mutually exclusive.  you are probably not a worshiper of the true God.  anything that is not worship of the true God is by default satanic worship as there can be no other.  you are an American.  I hope this explanation clears it up a bit.

Offline Seagoon

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« Reply #127 on: December 22, 2005, 02:19:02 PM »
A few final thoughts...

I'm going to have to bow out of this and a few other threads, I'll try to explain why elsewhere.

Samiam asked: Which is it, Seagoon? Did Bush make a colosal mistake that served to undermine Christianity, or is an Islamic Iraq more likely to be peacefull and supportive of the US than a secular dictator?

The objective of the Bush administration is not to create Christian states in the middle-east, it is attempting to create Democracies in the Islamic world. They are doing this out of the belief that totalitarian states in the Middle East with WMDs or the ability and willingness to sponsor and train Jihadis are too dangerous to the existence of the Western Democracies to be allowed to continue. The theory is that they will establish Democracy in a few in places like Afghanistan and Iraq and the natural desire for freedoms they have never had and envy of these states will do the rest of the work. A recent Freedom House report indicated that this theory might be working:   Freedom House 2006 Global Survey Data Available: Middle East Progress Amid Global Gains in Freedom But obviously Democracy will take a long time to take root over there, and be fiercely resisted. Does this undermine Christianity? Well in the short term, my missionary buddies tell me that it is now harder to get into some states because the State Department is particularly paranoid. But in the long run if the states become truly democratic, who knows? Turkey is Democratic, but evangelizing over there is still a nightmare. The middle-east will for the foreseeable future always be the toughest place for Christianity regardless of what happens in the political arena.

As for supporting the US? Samiam, the world isn't going to support the US unless they get with the program and depending on what your objective is: become Muslims/become Socialists/Allow them unrestricted immigration, etc. Besides, Sam even Jihadis would have a tall order hating the USA more than Saddam did from 1991 onwards.

Regarding the concept that Christians and Muslims worship the same God

A theologian by the name of Geerhardus Vos made the following salient observation:
From the definition of Theology as the science concerning God follows the necessity of its being based on revelation. In scientifically dealing with impersonal objects we ourselves take the first step; they are passive, we are active; we handle them, examine them, experiment with them. But in regard to a spiritual, personal being this is different. Only in so far as such a being chooses to open up itself can we come to know it. All spiritual life is by its very nature a hidden life, a life shut up in itself. Such a life we can know only through revelation. If this be true as between man and man, how much more must it be so as between God and man. The principle involved has been strikingly formulated by Paul: “For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.” [1 Cor. 2:11]. The inward hidden content of God’s mind can become the possession of man only through a voluntary disclosure on God’s part. God must come to us before we can go to Him.

In other words, in order to know anything about him, God has to tell us. Now in the Bible, which describes itself as given by the inspiration of God, literally "God breathed" God describes Himself, His Attributes, and His Commands in certain specific ways that do not contradict themselves. In this Bible for instance, Jesus is described as "His only begotten Son" and that in order to know the Father, we must know Him through faith in His Son.

A little under 600 years after this self-revelation of God was completed, a man by the name of Muhammed began to dictate the Quran, which also purported to be a revelation of god. In this revelation, god contradicted much if not most  of what is written in the Bible about him. For instance, this god, named Allah, does not have an only begotten son named Jesus, in fact it calls the very idea Blasphemy. The Quran says that the earlier revelation (not the new stuff from Muhammad) was largely a fabrication. So while Allah, in the Quran, claims to be the God of Abraham and of Issa (Jesus) he is radically different.  Now both of these Revelations can be bogus (as many of you no doubt think) but they cannot both contradict one another and both be true. God cannot have AND not have a son, we cannot go to him only through Jesus AND be condemned for blasphemy by believing we must. Either way you look at it, Allah and the God of the Bible cannot be the same being.

Now you may continue to say, "As non-believers, we won't allow you to make that distinction. We insist that you realize you are worshipping the same God as the Muslims despite the myriad of contradictions" but Muslims are not obliged to believe in the God of the Bible anymore than I am obliged to believe in Allah. If you want to test this theory, go find an Orthodox Jew and a devout Muslim and tell them "Christians believe Jesus is God. I insist that Muslims, Jews, and Christians are all worshipping the same God, therefore you worship Jesus!" and tell me about their reaction.

Finally, Ack-Ack made the comment he likes God and Jesus but dislikes his messengers, and DeSelys is offended that I preached on the declaration of Christ "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters." (Luke 11:23, also Matt. 12:30)

Well, actually as the case has always been, people really aren't offended so much with his messengers as the message of the Gospel. It is and always has been an offense. When Christ himself first preached that He was the Messiah in the synagogue at his home town, the congregation tried to throw Him over a cliff. Throughout His time on earth, Christ emphasized the need to believe in Him for salvation. His message was "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matt. 4:17) And after commissioning His messengers to go and preach salvation to the cities by believing in Him he warned them: "And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet. Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!" He described Himself as the only way to God and the path of salvation not as broad, but Narrow and told His messengers to do likewise.

Now if Man isn't fallen, if Jesus isn't God, and if all paths either lead to heaven or heaven doesn't even exist, this is all either madness or intolerable arrogance. It has always been about truth claims. I believe the truth claims Christ made, and therefore I seek to preach only what he and his apostles preached.

Ack-Ack and DeSelys, I readily understand that none of this Islam and Christianity stuff makes sense because you dismiss the truth claims of both Jesus and Muhammad. Its all so many fairy tales, and what fool preaches, believes, or dies for fairy tales? But you see, although I once did not, I believe the Gospel, I have seen the good fruit and the visible change it produces and have "tasted and seen" that it is good. Had I not done so, I have no doubt I would have continued on in my former ways, and that if I was still alive today I'd be divorced, a hopeless father, a detriment to society, a danger to women and no real good to anyone, lest of all God.

You see me as dangerous, but that is after all only if the truth claims of Christ are really all bunk. Irregardless, by God's grace, I have lived a far better life to date than I would have otherwise. I know that you won't believe this, but the only thing I'm really a danger to are people's comfort zones.
SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Offline Staga

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #128 on: December 22, 2005, 02:19:12 PM »
Seagoon; how does it feel when you know there's 300 million Muslims out there trying to conquer your christian world and, most likely, kill you and your followers?


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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #129 on: December 22, 2005, 02:24:31 PM »
Staga they've been around for a millenia attempting the same old tired tricks.  we will win American pop culture will rule the world.

Offline deSelys

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #130 on: December 22, 2005, 03:47:38 PM »
Originally posted by Seagoon
.....Had I not done so, I have no doubt I would have continued on in my former ways, and that if I was still alive today I'd be divorced, a hopeless father, a detriment to society, a danger to women and no real good to anyone, lest of all God.....

Too heavy handed with the pathos, SG...

It looks like you can only live at the extremes: according to you, you were a complete and militant atheist. Now you are a fundamentalist. Probably one of your psychology trait. I really wouldn't care if you weren't at the same time preaching that moslems are evil. How can you expect your audience to be open to their fellow men who aren't sharing the same belief? How can you expect the situation to improve? Aren't you supposed to love your enemy? Shouldn't you teach your 'herd' to try and find a non-violent solution to this inter-religion war that you're predicting? I'll repeat my accusation: you're no better than the jihadists. And before you  go back to the i'm-not-ordering-them-to-strap-a-bomb-to-themselves cliché that you seem to affectionate so much, I'll say again that, as a man of cloth, telling to soldiers that it's ok to bomb, shell or shoot people because of their religion is TOTALLY MORALLY WRONG!

Mind you, I don't remind having had such discussions with catholics here in Europe. Most are moderate (lukewarm, as you like to call them) but as long as they don't try to convert me or my kids (or mess with their education), I respect their faith and won't try to convince them that they are putting a lot of time and energy in fairy tales.

I did like you said and read a lot of your sermons. I tried to keep an open mind. I agree with some, some others look useless but inoffensive to me. A few ones are an attempt to bring mankind back to the darkest middle ages. Don't expect your efforts to force upon others the fantasies that you've imprisoned your mind with to be unchallenged.

SG I've just read your other thread and if there is something that I try to put above anything, it is the family. I stopped online gaming for the same reasons: I was irritable and impatient after a bad online session, and I caugjht myself venting on the kids more than once. Take your time to answer if you feel the need to, I won't ever think that you chickened away.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2005, 04:01:42 PM by deSelys »
Current ID: Romanov

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Offline Ack-Ack

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #131 on: December 22, 2005, 05:47:26 PM »
Originally posted by Seagoon

Finally, Ack-Ack made the comment he likes God and Jesus but dislikes his messengers, and DeSelys is offended that I preached on the declaration of Christ "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters." (Luke 11:23, also Matt. 12:30)

Well, actually as the case has always been, people really aren't offended so much with his messengers as the message of the Gospel.


It's not the Bible at all but how people like you interpret it to fit your own agenda.   So you might believe you're better than some Jihadist but the drivel you spout in here and from a pulpit is the same thing the Jihadist spew in the mosques.  It's too bad actually, considering you worship the same God as they do.

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #132 on: December 22, 2005, 08:19:50 PM »
how can you have a bad enuff time ...playing video vent it on others? statement to me says alot about you and the way you live life

AKAK...what can you NOT UNDERSTAND

The stuff  preachers say  on Sunday is not even close to to a Jihadist "sermon"....

How many videos do you need to see of non beleivers SAWING OFF THE HEAD of some poor soul as they yell  ALL ACKBAR!!

I think you have never seen it...and have closed your eyes to the jihadist scum blowing up Public Busses and Danceclubs..restaraunts,,,ect

Breaka leg

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #133 on: December 22, 2005, 11:40:49 PM »
Originally posted by GreenCloud
I think you have never seen it...and have closed your eyes to the jihadist scum blowing up Public Busses and Danceclubs..restaraunts,,,ect

Breaka leg

Like Tim McVeigh? Oh yeah, he isn't muslim, just a bad person
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

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Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo...
« Reply #134 on: December 22, 2005, 11:44:50 PM »
Originally posted by GreenCloud
how can you have a bad enuff time ...playing video vent it on others? statement to me says alot about you and the way you live life

AKAK...what can you NOT UNDERSTAND

The stuff  preachers say  on Sunday is not even close to to a Jihadist "sermon"....

How many videos do you need to see of non beleivers SAWING OFF THE HEAD of some poor soul as they yell  ALL ACKBAR!!

I think you have never seen it...and have closed your eyes to the jihadist scum blowing up Public Busses and Danceclubs..restaraunts,,,ect

Breaka leg

Oh so Pat Robertson calling for the assassination of a head of state of another country doesn't count?  I see, it only counts if you're a non-Christian and your words incite violence.

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