Originally posted by Holden McGroin
Lazs' term is correct. Athiesm is a faith that there is no God. Lack of evidence does not logically prove non-existance. An illogical leap of faith is required to conclude the question one way or another.
Thats a definition made by someone who believes in a "god".
For example, if I were raised on a desert island, with no teaching of religion, and thus an athiest - how would you describe that? Agnostic maybe? OK... so a christian missionery shows up, tries to sell me the whole god thing, and I walk away laughing you're nuts and don't believe him. Is that faith?
Or how about this, how about I walked into a Church and said your god is actually a creation of my god: Bruce, you should all worship Bruce. If they don't believe me is that an illogical leap of faith?