Bluej1 the Xbox works fine on a standard TV.. you notice that text is blurry at couch distance (stats etc...) nevertheless it looks great on standard televisions, And ive seen it on both...
I think all the hype was some secret deal between MS and some television manufacturers.. yes it looks better but is it needed.. IMO no..
Mak, do you have a harddrive on your system.. if you do there is some really good demos out... FIFA, Boxing etc..
Last night i beat Roy Jones Jr's head so bad it turned him into the elephant man like when Rahman's head grew nasty vs Lewis....
If anyone wants some add "thedocyo" to your friends and send a message..
Ps: Mustaine , Baller = someone who plays a sport involving a ball... hence foot - baller , basket - baller.. etc... I know the english language is evolving quickly but come on... this term has been used since the 80's (at least)