Author Topic: A Blender 3D users?  (Read 633 times)

Offline Xjazz

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A Blender 3D users?
« on: February 15, 2006, 05:54:54 PM »

Anybody here use a Blender 3D program?

I was trying a Blender several times but GUI just feels so complex for 3D noob like me...

Then I find this link

Nothing big but finally I could build at least something:)

New brown textured mountains in this testing mp

I'm happy with Blender:D

Offline croduh

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A Blender 3D users?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2006, 02:20:21 AM »
Sweet , i'll have to try it.
Your map reminds me of aliens coming to earth.

Offline Bogie603rd

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A Blender 3D users?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2006, 10:24:25 AM »
Can you give us a tutorial of how to use the program to make our own custom objects and terrain tiles?:rolleyes:
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Offline Xjazz

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A Blender 3D users?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2006, 02:17:52 PM »

Yes, the scene have pretty Unreal look.

Here is mine “From Blender to Aces High: simple LOD-less ground object".

You need two work versions from your texture: one with a RGB palette for Blender and on with indexed palette for EO.

Indexed texture files are working fine in my another PC, which have a NVidia GPU. Hmmm,  ATI vs NVidia GPU + driver voodoo, spiced with BIOS versions and moon position... :rolleyes:

Made a following folder tree:
* ah2editor (official TE folder)
.........* 3Ds (just a folder for custom object projects)
..................* XYZ (folder named after your object name)
............................. .* Blender_files (Blender files & RGB texture)
............................. .* AC3D_files (AC3D files & Indexed texture)

No more worries about proper texture file palettes. Also your project files will stay in good order.

1. Blender for design and texturing (check that Noob-to-Pro tutor):
   - Design your ground object to the end.
   - center the object
   - Texture it with RGB-palette *.bmp file.
   - Export object in AC3D format to the AC3D_files folder.

2. AC3D for checking:
   - Check the possible design problems.
   - Check the object center position.
   - Check the correct texture appearing & mapping.
3. Text editor for hierarchy tree, object properties and AH materials:
   - open your new object AC3D file.
   - Open OE exported ground object file or prepared template file.
   - copy/Paste your object geometry&surface data to OE exported file.  
   - set the proper texture name and material for surfaces with Replace.

4. AC3D for final checking.
5. AH Object Editor for finishing the job
   - convert the AC3D object file and close the OE.
   - delete the cache folder.
   - reopen the OE again and check the result.

The design phases takes normally most of your time. The rest are done with in few minutes.  

AH-OE exported objects to Blender
Before you import *.ac object file to the Blender, you must change textures color palettes to the RGB mode.
All sub-objects will import ok but non-used AH material definitions, hierarchy tree and object properties will disappear.

Here is picture from imported AH object (fuel truck).
I assigned each sub-shape to the separate layers. The down-right window in a texture mapping window.

Nice thing is that the Save function is saving the current screen configuration for next time.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2006, 04:08:44 PM by Xjazz »

Offline Xjazz

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A Blender 3D users?
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2006, 04:48:52 PM »
If somebody is using a Note Tab Light (freeware) for AC3D file editing, then you maybe find this small AH_Objects library handy.

You can just double click the needed properties from the list to the file, instead of the typing it.

Screen shot

Offline Waffle

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A Blender 3D users?
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2006, 12:27:58 PM »
How does that note tab light work out?

I've got some stuff i'd like to try to to test in-game - but I have little patience for AC3D and the heirarchy / properties editor in it. Alot of the stuff has pretty complex LODs.

 I can build/texture something in 2 hours - then it take 6 hours to get it right in AC3d... = 8 hour project, which to me isn't productive.

Offline Xjazz

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A Blender 3D users?
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2006, 09:57:58 AM »
Hi Waffle BAS

So far I have been using NTL for simple objects only. The complex trees are hmmm... complex to manage due huge amount of the lines (geometry & surfaces) and lack of the highlights and true tree view.

I just need a following function for my dream editor. Only :)

Open *.ac file and show the hierarchy tree like AC3D's F6 function.
Groups & Objects can add / remove: import file or just copy&paste.
Groups and objects can drag&drop in tree with mouse.
The Color highlights option for groups and objects.
Groups and properties can fold / unfold.
The properties drop down selection windows.
Object geometry & surface data unfold option. Fold by default.
The project format (*.acp) option with comments: LOD1, LOD2, dead LOD1 etc.
The build in logic take care of the proper "data", "kids", "crease" & etc values.

How about some AH hierarchy tree editor coding/scripting? Anyone? Somebody?!

Offline Xjazz

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A Blender 3D users?
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2006, 05:14:50 PM »
Originally posted by Waffle BAS
How does that note tab light work out?

I've got some stuff i'd like to try to to test in-game - but I have little patience for AC3D and the heirarchy / properties editor in it. Alot of the stuff has pretty complex LODs.

 I can build/texture something in 2 hours - then it take 6 hours to get it right in AC3d... = 8 hour project, which to me isn't productive.

Hi Waffle BAS,

I was playing with sBlender and figure out, it possible to do a hierarchy trees in it. There are few side notes: the object properties data can't be longer than 19 marks. Also current AC3D_EXPORT  python script have some problems with GROUPs internal order*.

Anyhow, the hierarchy tree building it self feels much more easier in Blender than in AC3D.

pic 1
The low-left in picture shows what blender import from AH object. The low-right shows copy&paste text from the AC3D F6 window (edited). The menu drop down shows how I add a first group (Empty) the scene. Yes, it can be ANY group later on. The rest is just up to the Parent'ing and GROUP remaning. It's possible to add/remove the groups and objects anywhere.

Pic 2
Hierarchy tree done in Blender

Cit3 blender file with hierarchy tree

The previous Blender file exported to the AC3D format (all selected)**

*If you compare the Blender exported file hierarchy tree (f6/f8) to the pic 2 hierarchy tree, you can see the difference in l48-group. The object o304 is at the top for some reason.

(edit: add the l48 & o304 info)


**I forget, I have a untouched script in this PC.  Just replace "poly" string in your ///.blender/scripts/ file to the "object".  Now the export will write a "OBJECT object" instead of the "OBJECT poly".
« Last Edit: March 03, 2006, 05:37:09 PM by Xjazz »