Author Topic: Dogfighting Etiquette?  (Read 4677 times)

Offline Brenjen

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2006, 08:01:43 AM »
# of posts on the BBS has nothing to do with anything. Film of one encounter is better than no film at all & I for one would like to see it for one reason as a learning tool, for another secondary reason, as proof of claims. There are plenty of free hosting sites out there....just do a search here & you'll see what others are using. If you can't find one...P.M. me & I'll give you an E-mail addy to send it too. That goes for anyone who has good low level turn fights on film. I enjoy watching them almost as much as playing the game.

Offline john9001

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2006, 11:11:33 AM »
Etiquette? in a fight? oh brother.

i was in a 1v1 other night, we ended up on the deck in a Lufbery, forget what plane v plane, i was riding the stall, horn never shut off, i was gaining angles, just a little more and i would have a shot, wing ............hit a tree..................

was laughing so much, had to take a break.


Offline Saxman

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2006, 11:40:53 AM »
I'd start filming more, but I'm more likely to get footage of me embarrassing MYSELF than making the other guy look bad. :D
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline Creton

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2006, 12:57:59 PM »
If you post your film Gunzo,you may wanna delete some of the text.
I was in there that evening when this occured and you seemed to be taunting them alot and lots of name calling.Just so you dont come off trying to sound like a martyr or victim here.You have good E management and the 2 times I fought you were game,but after myself and zaphod beat you ,you wouldnt fight us any longer.So it seems to me that you picked a fight with them after you vulched LTARKIlz on the take off.I've reviewed the film I have of the incident and it appears that you would extend beyond a reasonable distance and wait for them to break off then come in on them when they got into another fight.At one point in the film you stated you were getting some distance but you were completely out of icon range with them at the time,which puts you over 6k away.I understand the concept of extending but there's a certain distance that at which you are no longer extending but running.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2006, 12:58:00 PM »
Well, I'm not going for the LTAR bashing party, I've always found them to be good people.  However, the only times you get an out from me in a duel is if you are out of ammo or out of fuel.  And normally, I'd think you'd check that sort of thing before you go starting a duel.  But still.  If they let me know they are bingo on one or the other, I let them go.

Thats just my personal rules.  From what I've seen of the rest of ya, its fight to the death.  They should have expected that from the start, or asked for specific rules before engaging.  They didnt, so they got what they deserved.  Just my .02

Offline Gunzo

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2006, 01:09:08 PM »
Ok, here is the film:

Hope that works...

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Midway
3. I can not be more certain about the fact that Badboy is not Gunzo

Offline rabbidrabbit

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2006, 01:29:53 PM »
The Ltars make a fun fight because they don't quit but they do use about any gamey thing they can think of.

Offline Gunzo

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2006, 01:33:17 PM »
Originally posted by VIC
If you post your film Gunzo,you may wanna delete some of the text.

The worst thing I said was calling them “LTARDS”… I wouldn’t delete that, because the ones I came in contact with were.

I was in there that evening when this occured and you seemed to be taunting them alot and lots of name calling.

As I said, there were five of them, and they were using bully tactics to vulch and gangbang me, they started it and I was pretty miffed. The LTARD comments seemed appropriate at the time.


I've reviewed the film I have of the incident and it appears that you would extend beyond a reasonable distance and wait for them to break off then come in on them when they got into another fight.

Yep, but at that point I was after revenge flying a Tempest against them and they were chasinig me in mostly Spit16s and a 262 so there was a lot of running involved, but the important thing was that I killed and frustrated them enough to get to duel them without getting vulched by their buddies.


You have good E management and the 2 times I fought you were game,but after myself and zaphod beat you ,you wouldnt fight us any longer.So it seems to me that you picked a fight with them after you vulched LTARKIlz on the take off.

Ok, this is one of the major problems in the DA, you saw me vulch LTARkilz, but that was in revenge after I’d already been vulched several times by them after the stunt I posted earlier. The problem is, you only had part of the picture, you only noticed once the retaliation was under way.

As for our fights, I enjoyed them, I like to try lots of different planes, and I start duels even when I’m low on E having just left a fight, or when I’m flying an inferior aircraft because I think it is good practice, I don’t care much if I win or lose, it is the experience and practice that I value. I really wanted to fight you and Zaphod a lot more, but the LTARS and their silly antics spoiled my fun, and it seems in the DA that is the way of things. Don’t worry Creton, I will be there often, but slightly earlier, and I’m looking forward to many more good fights with you.

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Midway
3. I can not be more certain about the fact that Badboy is not Gunzo

Offline DustyR

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2006, 05:29:18 PM »
If the rules are not stated, than it is a FFA.   I have declared "no ammo', no feul or landing & got a way with it.  A couple of times I still got blew out of the sky, 'The way I see it -kill or be killed-' :noid
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Offline Gunzo

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« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2006, 12:29:14 AM »
After seeing the post from VIC above, who flys in the arena as Creton, I've been keeping an eye out for him in the DA to give him the fights I promised him in my previous response to him here...

He was there this evening, and amazingly he did exactly the same thing as the LTAR guys did... Here is what happened.

After some relatively easy fights, during which I was cleaning his clock, (and filming of course) we got into the duel posted below.

This fight goes all the way to the deck because we eventually get stuck in a Lufbery, and once again I start gaining both energy and angles. As the fight goes around, and I'm just thinking that I'm going to soon get a shot, he breaks of and runs... I come out of my turn 400 behind him and take a few shots to try and force him to turn back. As he break turns back into me I get an easy kill.

This is almost an exact duplicate of the LTAR shame...

True, he never tried to claim the fight was off, as the LTARS did, and he took the death in good grace, as he did the previous five times, but it is an amazing coincidence that this fight mirrors the previous one I posted and as the end drew near, and he sensed his imminent death, he reacted like an LTAR :)

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Midway
3. I can not be more certain about the fact that Badboy is not Gunzo

Offline Creton

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2006, 12:56:32 AM »

These were good fights and while I am easy to kill and never have claimed to be good in dogfights,I always try to give a good fight,the best that I can.What yoour film doesnt show is the fact that after we were in your "luftberry"I was outta WEP outta alt.and bearly haveing enough E to stay flying.I decided that after 25 circles or so an no obvious advantage or diasadvantage was being seen,I decided that without WEP and no speed to maneuver,to break out and hope to extend beyond your range of fire to gain enough E to get advantage.I'm sure that this is a mistake to do but with no other option,this is all I could do.I'm also sure that a more experienced pilot wouldnt have put hisself in this situation.But until 3:53 into the film which is when I decided to try this ,there was no guns solution from either of us.I dont know what you hope to gain by bashing me or another pilot in here for that matter,The film proves nothing about weather I did the same exact thing as was your complaint against the LTARS,as intentional thing or just a coincidence.I saluted you for the kill,of which you never saluted me for the 3 times I killed you.So all in all.I've wasted as much time responding to your witch hunt whiney post as you did posting it in the first place.

On a different note though you have the same atitude and flying style as the flier"BADBOY" and we both know I've cleaned that clock plenty of times.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2006, 01:21:12 AM by Creton »

Offline WMLute

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2006, 01:34:42 AM »
grab me sometime gunzo.  

we'll DA.
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Offline Kermit de frog

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2006, 01:44:23 AM »
Lute, I wouldn't waste your time with this "gunzo" guy.  Just ignore him and maybe he'll go away.
Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline MOIL

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2006, 04:25:02 AM »
My guys don't go to the DA and vulch people. A lot of times we go their and try new tactics and attempt to prcatice amongst ourselves. Your right, we arn't the greatest fiter pilots in the game, as a matter of fact most of us really stink in a fighter:huh

If you wanna jump on the BB's and complain about our squad be my guest, but you'll prob be making a fool of yourself. You call my guys LTARD's and they will bury ya.

On a little side note to answer Rabidrabbit, you're right about we don't give up and we always try to provide a "fun" fight, but to say WE do the "gamey" thing?  I think you bumbed your head. You wanna see "gamey" go watch Fortress in bombers.

Offline Gunzo

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Dogfighting Etiquette?
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2006, 08:57:04 AM »
Originally posted by MOIL
My guys don't go to the DA and vulch people.  

Ohh yes they do, and if they tell you other wise it just shows they lack honesty as well as skill. When they are there in numbers they act like bully boys and vulch in a gang.  


You call my guys LTARD's and they will bury ya.

LOL... hasn't happened yet and I was fighting them 5 at a time! So bring it on!

When I flew them one at a time they pulled the tricks shown in the first  film above, then when I killed them they got all bent and twisted over it and started vulching.  Your squad started this, and I'm in the process of finishing it, so far the score is LTARDS 0 Gunzo 25.

As long a your squad use numbers to bully folk in the DA, you are all fair game. Hope you enjoy hunting season as much as I do!

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Midway
3. I can not be more certain about the fact that Badboy is not Gunzo