Heh lazs,
That's what I want in a surgeon... Something goes wrong and the surgeon gives up and walks away muttering something about gods will.
At least that's how many Arabic Muslims approach flying. It's common to have student pilots from certain "allied" countries scare themselves flying trainers and release the controls, start praying, and turn their lives over to Allah. I'm sure it's comforting to them to act in this fashion, but it gets exciting when the instructor has to save the plane. Of course, the student takes the instructor's intervention as a sign from Allah that he did the right thing, so it's a self-reinforcing behavior. If he dies, it's Allah's will. If he lives, then he's a hero for trusing Allah to save him.
An F-15S flown by a Saudi crew crashed about a year ago for no good reason. The WSO could have saved the jet but instead he keyed the radio and transmitted his final prayers until impact. A senseless waste from my point of view, but a perfectly acceptable way to die by their standards.
Why work when Allah will provide? Plus it's easier to riot, make death threats, and burn stuff when you don't have a pesky job competing for your attention against cartoons depicting this exact cultural behavior.
Oh yea, almost forgot..... IN