Author Topic: I Love Texas  (Read 4444 times)

Offline rpm

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I Love Texas
« Reply #195 on: February 28, 2006, 10:28:14 AM »
Does this mean we have a new breed of stalker now, the Texihater?
(Of all the quotes you could have dug up, you picked Sheridan? Weak, bro....weak.)
My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.
Stay thirsty my friends.

Offline Bluedog

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I Love Texas
« Reply #196 on: February 28, 2006, 10:34:16 AM »
We have single cattle stations bigger than Texas.
Never mind states.

Offline Maverick

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« Reply #197 on: February 28, 2006, 11:21:37 AM »
I find it more than a bit funny that someone thinks thay can come to the US, tour a few cities and or states and think they have a clue about the country. Since June 94 we've been traveling fulltime around the country. We've stopped for no more than a 2 month period in any area (to spoil grandkids) in the entire time. So far we've visited over 35 seperate  states seeing what we could.

At this time, after all of our travels, it is painfully obvious that we have only scratched the surface of what there is to see in this country. I would no more think I have seen all of a state by criss crossing it 4 times (Ohio for example) and staying in it, than I had explored the moon because I looked at it with a pair of binoculars a few nights and studied some pictures.  I have no idea how long we'll continue to see this country but I doubt we could see it all in our lifetimes.

I haven't seen England or any other member of the EU. There are a few things I would like to see there and they are almost all related to history I have read, ex: WW1 and WW2. I would love seeing Duxford, walk the beaches at Normandy, see the maginot line, Ardennes, Sigfried line and other spots. I'd also like to pay my respects to my fellow brothers in arms who sacrificed their all to help make those places sacred.

As far as other places there, I really haven't got much interest but that couyld change after I arrived and saw first hand what it is like.

Oh and beetle, one of the best things between Britain and the US is that you are there, and not here. Pontificate on about the US from your "extensive" experiances, it is most amusing.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 11:36:56 AM by Maverick »
A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life."
Author Unknown

Offline Airscrew

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« Reply #198 on: February 28, 2006, 11:30:15 AM »
Originally posted by beet1e
....The region is much older than any part of the USA and for these reasons, I personally believe that Europe is much more culturally diverse than... texas, which is 268,000 sq. miles of people speaking the same language, and there is much uniformity to other aspects of life there....  

I think you are slightly off the mark with this comment.  Texas is very culturely diverse,  Texas was settled by Germans, Cechs, Polish, Irish, English, Spanish, Mexicans and others that I'm forgetting,  and they have greatly influenced how Texas has grown.   Also those languages are still spoken today, many communities in Texas still celebrate their customs from the 'Old World'  
I personally belong to a German club in Austin Saengerrunde.
I don't sing (i barely remember any of the german I learned when I was in Germany) but I joined the club and bowl in the small bowling alley behind Schultz's Garden.

Offline beet1e

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« Reply #199 on: February 28, 2006, 11:35:22 AM »
Originally posted by Maverick
I find it more than a bit funny that someone thinhks thay can come to the US, tour a few cities and or states and think they have a cclue about the country.
...and what I find even funnier is Texans who post walls of text about England when they've never been here at all! :rofl

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #200 on: February 28, 2006, 11:42:24 AM »
Now to address the cunning and above average smoke screen of nothingness designed to baffle and redirect the lowly , average, small town bigot from actual subject matter and facts pertaining what is being discussed.

Originally posted by beet1e

What you have to remember, jackall, is that "Texas" is a man-made geographical definition of a particular area. As such, its size is no more relevant than any other geographical entity, eg. "France and Spain".  

Speaking of being relevant I would like to point out that, once again, you are refering to two countries even when making non-relevant statements. The state of Texas is ONE, single state of the U.S. I know it baffles your mind seeing as you are used to experiencing things on a tiny scale. It`s really understandable due to the fact that Texas is Fricken Huge.
On a side note, if you could possibly give me some links to pictures of the men that dug the Rio Grande I would be much obliged. That must have been one monster of a project considering that Texas is a massive, Fricken Huge State.

(Note to the trainee in counter BBS, BS tactics. I point you to the use of the cleverly inserted, repetitive size comments designed to frustrate the foreign Ninja poster.)

You then stated, incorrectly, that I was "someone who`s "backyard" is the size of a postage stamp"

I can only relate to size in Texas terms. Do you realize how Fricken Huge postage stamps are in Texas? I was going to mail you a letter with detailed info about Texas. I was not able to due to your country stating they could not spare the freighter.

(Trainee note: Note phase one of the counter , meaningless ramblings manuever. Very usefull against the slightly trained BS artist.)

You really need to brush up on your history, jackall, and drag yourself out of the 16th century.

Speaking of the 16th century , I believe there were some places during that period who actualy stilll had Queens. Did you know that the knife that Jim Bowie chose to take to the Alamo would dwarf your average history book pertaining to England? A very wise choice to bring to Texas considering the massive size of the place, even at a time when those men had not completely settled on where they would magic marker the borders and such.

(Trainee note: Always counter a veiled, playground type mentality, insult with  a larger, more childish insult being sure to include an even more outlandish  line of fables that are unknown to the text warrior in question. This starts the process of revealing that you are well aware of the your opponent is untrained and made clear that he will pursue a line of attack designed to fill text space in an attempt to throw you off guard. The well trained and prepared BSer always has in his arsenal more meaningless drivel than his opponent. It helps immensely if you received your training in the art in the State of Texas. Texas is so Fricken Huge we have virtualy unlimited supplies of BS ammo and also have more professional BSers dating back to the very beginnings of the art.)

Did you ever hear of the 1957 Treaty of Rome, and why it was created?

Did you know? ........After World War II, a group of former service pilots took to the air as crop dusters in Texas' Lower Rio Grande Valley. A handful of them pooled their money in 1957 to purchase a P-51D Mustang, one of the few surplus airplanes that had survived the war. As the pilots searched for other aircraft from the war era, they discovered that most had been destroyed. They vowed to find and preserve more W.W.II aircraft for future generations, and the Confederate Air Force was born. Today, those pilots have amassed ore than 140 aircraft in what has become the nation's most complete collection of flyable W.W.II combat aircraft. In 1989, the state recognized their historic contribution by naming the Confederate Air Force the official Air Force of Texas.
Some pretty interesting history from Texas in the year 1957. Such history as this is viewed as very interesting to Texans and other citizens of the U.S.
When discussing the subject of Texas and it`s history and events of the year 1957 things of this nature are of relevance to the subject matter. That being Texas. Yes , there are some historic events that occured in 1957 from around the world, but as a rule, they do not pertain to Texas. I could have mentioned that Sputnik could be seen in the Texas sky in 1957, but Russian , ancient facts are not very interesting and bore most Texans when discussing Texas history. Most boring history facts from any year pertaining to boring locations around the world are overshadowed by the pure grandness of Texas history.
If you desire more interesting Texas history facts to rescue you from boredom...just ask. Texas, being so Fricken Huge is jam packed with interesting historical facts.

(Trainee note: Do not let yourself be lulled into the trap of boredom from a fact manuever designed to bore you to such extent you will either succumb to sleep or "blank stare" condition. Always counter this manuever with some brisk, interesting facts concerning the subject matter. This also serves the secondary purpose bringing your opponent out of a comatose like trance induced by his own boredom. Remember....a sluggish opponent is just too easy and dulls your BS skills)

t means? In a nutshell, it means any EU citizen (yes that's right, citizen - that's the C-word in my passport) has the legal right to live in any other member state. Thus, I am free to enter France, Spain, Portugal or any of the other member states.

Here in the great state of Texas we have the legal right remain in Texas and live our life free from boring, uncomparable locations. It`s a great state this Texas.
In all fairness, a comparison to your legal right to enter France, Spain, Portugal, etc. in Texas we have a legal right to hit ourselves in the foot with a claw hammer at any given time we desire. See? We also have legal rights that are undesirable.

(Trainee note: When your opponent clearly makes an attempt to see if you can be swayed to view the negative and undesirable as positive and much sought after, immediately respond with an example to show him, once again, that his boring manuever did not suceed. You can also gain ground in the battle by taking this opportunity to insert some meaningless and cunning BS tactics.)

I do not need permission to do this. I do not need an exit visa from Britain.

In Texas , we also do not have to seek permission to do such things as walk, talk, breathe, sleep and so on.
In comparison to your not needing a visa to exit Britain, we are allowed to make the choice of not  going to Britain. It really saves on paperwork and alleviates any sort of forced punishment for no reason.

( Trainee note: When you see your opponent forced to use such feable, pitifull attempts as the one above, show honor and mercy as a warrior and do not revert to LMAO Lame manuever at this point. He is clearly struggling and is about to dishonor himself in the field of battle. Allow him to honorably end his own misery. If the opponent respects your offer of honor keep your LMAO weapons holstered. If, on the other hand, your opponent chooses to continue his own dishonor , give him the treatment, both barrels, spare nothing. Use your LMAO, ROFLMAO and LAME attempt at full force)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 11:44:25 AM by Jackal1 »
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline RedTop

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Re: Texas Laws
« Reply #201 on: February 28, 2006, 11:43:13 AM »
Originally posted by Timofei
Just FYI, In Texas:

One must acknowledge a supreme being before being able to hold public office.

It is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing.

Up to a felony charge can be levied for promoting the use of, or owning more than six dildos.

The entire Encyclopedia Britannica is banned in Texas because it contains a formula for making beer at home.

It is illegal to idle or loiter anyplace within the corporate limits of the city for the purpose of flirting or mashing.

Wire cutters can not be carried in your pocket.

It's illegal to possess realistic dildos.

It is illegal to sell Limburger cheese on Sunday.Beer may not be purchased after midnight on a Sunday, but it may be purchased on Monday.

Lubbock County:
It is illegal to drive within an arm's length of alcohol - including alcohol in someone else's blood stream.

It is illegal for children to have unusual haircuts.

It is illegal to do "U Turns".It is now illegal to place a "for sale" sign on a car if it visible from the street.

San Antonio:
It is illegal to urinate on the Alamo.
It is illegal for both sexes to flirt or respond to flirtation using the eyes and/or hands.

Owners of horses may not ride them at night without tail lights.

"If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell."
  General Philip Sheridan

So your saying you won't be visiting our fine state. Darn...I'm all broke up about that.

Not !!!!!!!!!!!

Another so and so we here don't have to worry about.

This day is looking up every minute.
Original Member and Former C.O. 71 sqd. RAF Eagles

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #202 on: February 28, 2006, 11:43:28 AM »

QUOTE]I can buy property there and settle there if I so choose.[/QUOTE]

In Texas we can buy undesirable real estate at our own discretion also. We also have the right to "settle" there. Rarely do you see a family dwelling being erected at a refuse dump site, but we have the freedom to be as weird and tasteless as we desire on locations. The right is not used by the sane, but it is still our right as derogatory as it may seem.

(Trainee note: At this point it will come glaringly clear to you that your opponent has reached the point of dillusion. This will be indicated by his vague attempts to regain consciousness while making totaly simple and embarrasing comments. Remember to remain honorable even if to the point of near uncontrollable laughter. Remember, this opponent has only briefly visited Texas, so he can`t truly understand the comical nature of his comments.)

And, someone doing this would enjoy the freedom of being unshackled from the tax system of his home country, a privilege which is not accorded to US citizens if they live abroad.

From a Texas standpoint if one of our native residents were to make  the decison to move and make his home in Cuba we would send him absolutely no tax bills. It is based on the principal that the self induced torture is a higher price to pay than any tax bills, anywhere. Also Texas uses a system known as 'common sense". This system would quickly define the fact that if a native Texan left and made his home in Cuba it would immediately become obvious he was no longer a resident of Texas. Pretty clever , huh? It`s really simple at it`s base. Texas = The Fricken Huge state easily located on a U.S. map. Cuba = that spot in the ocean on the map or the place that can be visibly tracked and located from Florida by the trail of it`s happy citizens taking pleasure cruises to the U.S. in battubs, car hoods, spare tires, etc.
Even though these provisions are made, they are a mute point, being more theoretical than actual. Anyone who has been a native of Texas, when left to their own choice and not forced against their will by forces not controlled by themselves, would not make the choice to leave and make their home in Cuba................or any other country as far as that goes. It`s not some secret to be unraveled and solved. If you are living in a wordly paradise such as Texas, you would certainly have no desire or need to move to any other country if the choice is left up to you. If at any time in Texas you decide you would like a totaly different set of circumstances , landscape or culture for the place to make your new home, you simply move to another location in Texas. You see, Texas is such a Fricken Huge state and has such diversity that you can find a location to fit any taste or desire.

(Trainee note: At this point , choice is left up to the individual text warrior. If you enjoy prolonging the torture, simply have a good laugh at your opponents obvious 180 turn on his own position and continue his agony.. On the other hand, if you are an aggresive style text Ninja you will go for the throat. This can easily done by snickering, laughing and other forms of humiliation while pointing out the fact to the opponent that he has obviously put in text a plan consisting of  possible destinations for his escape from the home that, up until this point he has proclaimed to the world is a piece of heaven accidently left on earth by the creator and only occupied by the chosen, elite and expert status on any subject,  such as himself.  If this is the path you choose, then the neon imposter, fraud and fake signs must be hung about the loathsome , soon to be, escapee. If your warrior clan resides in Texas you probably will want to take the opportunity to tell him your point has been glaringly amde by him. Restate the fact that Texans have no need of escape to find what they seek for total harmony and balnce. "Texas has it all" can now be smeared into the self defeated opponent.)

Thus, my favourite "back yard" of France and the Iberian Peninsular occupies an area greater than 400,000 square miles

I must admit to a mistake on this point. I did not know , up until this point, that you were using "my back yard" as a code word for escape route. My humble apologies for this shortcoming. Now that you have openly commited to your escape intent plans from drab world I wish you the best and most boring, uneventfull paths for your quest. Realizing that the great vastness and diversity of my Fricken Huge home state  of Texas intimidates you with it`s greatness, I will not offer this as a choice for your escape. One has to get accustomed to greatness or it will truly overpower you. I will however put forth an offer of assistance and guidance. Seeing the destinations that you have chosen , I will tell you that if for some reason your plans of escape are foiled, I`m pretty sure I can get you a good deal on real estate in Siberia.

( Trainee note: A little light hearted exchange at this point will allow your self defeated opponent to partialy recover from the expertly delivered blows and make his timely escape into the wildnerness.)

and I have as much right to be there as you have to be in Texas

If you make good your escape to the wilderness and don`t succumb to the many paths of boredom on your journey, then I offer no hindrance Grasshopper.
I am much appreciative of my status freely granted to me in Texas. Much more so after you revealed your tortuous position. I did not have to escape any place of boring detention for survival and journey to Texas to drink of its many wonders. It`s Fricken Huge glory. I was born into and dubbed Texan from the start.

(Trainee note: Ignore the Nana nana statement and simply expalin your regal status and heritage to this lost soul at this point. )

the only reason I brought that up is because certain people from a certain state seem unable to grasp the fact that we in Europe as well as you in texas are familiar with those long journeys which are being discussed in here.  

Grasshopper, the journey that you are traveling is one made to many lost lands. You speak of mystical paths to many destinations consisting of nothingness. You are measuring journeys to many different destinations of nothingness in terms of length. The shorter path to nowhere is much more desirable if that is your fate. So is the path of the truly lost and unenlightened.
The road to understanding , enlightenment and a whole lot of good ole Texas
fun can be measured with each mile one of wonderment and fullfillment. Some damn good bars here too. The destination at the end of the light is Texas. That is where all resides. We, of the tribe of regal Texans "have it all".
Fricken Huge place, this enlightment stuff.

The difference is that in general, we don't need to crow about it, and in any case the BBS rules prevent many from doing so in their mother tongue.

Wise choice you discovered after much enlightenment Grasshopper. A discovery you made too late. You have allready crowed till you have became hoarse for lack of an interested audience. You discovered that the rooster on the highest perch will neither awaken or impress those of an empty village.
Crowing, no matter how loudly, to noone about nothing lead you to nowhere.
If a message can`t be spoken in the tongue of one`s mother then you have strayed from your path and entered a foreign land. Well, you could have had one shot too many at happy hour down at Joe`s also.
The toungue spoken in Texas by Texans is recognized and understood by all but the most remote and unexplored regions of the earth. "Dang it Mary. Bring me a Bud" s pretty well understood at most backstreet bars and questionable establishments around the world.
In Texas the crowing is overpowered and drowned out by the mighty roar of the regal Texan proclaiming the greatness of this Fricken Huge state. So is the way to balance of all things wordly. The greatness of Texas must be heard across the land to beckon those in the wilderness, especialy the good looking chicks from other places.

(Trainee note: The very first and most simple tactic listed in the warrior`s training manual. Page one..and I quote.."Rule number one: Baffle them with your BS when all else fails or as a standard manuever.)

In my flying days, I could take off from home base and touch down in France an hour later.  

I understand. A craft with small fuel capacity that wouldn`t allow you to get to a desireable location.
Here in Texas , in my flying days, I could launch from the highest bar stool, arrive at destination, be retreived by local ground crew and start refueling in less than forty five seconds.

(Trainee note: Stress superiority.)

In the early days there was a bit of form filling (temporary export of an aircraft

In my early days of flying we had something similar. It usaly wasn`t filed till the morning after the flight. Here it was designated Bail Bond form.

flight plan (mandatory for crossing an international frontier,

We never filed a flight plan for this from Texas. It was usualy a spur of the moment, unplanned flight. We would cross, enter, and return from our visit with the friendly ladies in Acuna without ever showing on dar. It would not have been necessary any way. By the time we reached the border we were , without fail, invisible and sometimes bullet proof.

Unless of course I were to be carrying an American passenger

All were welcomed and provided passage on the Mothership.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline beet1e

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I Love Texas
« Reply #203 on: February 28, 2006, 12:13:01 PM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
Seeing the destinations that you have chosen , I will tell you that if for some reason your plans of escape are foiled, I`m pretty sure I can get you a good deal on real estate in Siberia.
LOL! Another meaningless wall, Jackall. There's no point in continuing your "character assassination" of Britain/Europe - you've NEVER been here, and therefore your opinions are worthless. By the way, am I supposed to be in awe of a land mass of a mere 268,000 sq miles? What proportion of the earth's surface is that - about 0.2%? No, it's not even that. Oh wow, wonder if I can find it on my illuminated globe. :lol
I will tell you that if for some reason your plans of escape are foiled, I`m pretty sure I can get you a good deal on real estate in Siberia.
LOL - what a dolt. :lol I said Iberia, not Siberia!!! It was not a typo.

Like I said, no point in continuing with a guy who doesn't have a clue about world geography.

The difference between Iberia and Siberia? maybe the *thermostat* setting! :rofl

Offline Timofei

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Re: Re: Texas Laws
« Reply #204 on: February 28, 2006, 12:18:46 PM »
Originally posted by RedTop
So your saying you won't be visiting our fine state. Darn...I'm all broke up about that.

I have already. The laws i posted were taken from

These laws raise some interesting legal questions though:

1. If you take 3 beers while standing and then sit down, can you then stand up and take 3 more ? Or take 2 and sit down , stand up and take 3 ? Or do you have to go out, come back and the counter is reset ?

2. If you have 6 dildos and lose one, do you have legal right to buy one more  ?

3. What will exactly happen if I somebody sells me Limburger cheese in Houston on Sunday ? Other cheeses are legal ?

4. How can you take a pee in Alamo ?

5. Do the horses tail lights in Texarkana  have to be from Cadillac or will Toyota tail lights be OK ? And where do  you put the brake pedal ?
Proverbs 15:17 "Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred herewith."

Offline indy007

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« Reply #205 on: February 28, 2006, 12:32:34 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
Travelling from home to central Spain, I would encounter four different languages - English, French, Spanish and Catalan. Total round trip mileage ~2400.

Travelling from home to Hobby airport last weekend, with 2 stops at gas stations, and a quick detour for breakfast, I encountered English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, Indian (couldn't tell you if it was Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali or what), and Ebonics. That was on the way to the airport. At the airport, I encountered more Ebonics, English, Spanish, Indian, and on the aircraft, I sat next to a Houston native that can fluently speak Klingon.

Total 1 way trip - 35 miles.

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #206 on: February 28, 2006, 01:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
LOL! Another meaningless wall, Jackall.

Yes Grasshopper. I am a more than honorable text warrior. I give you nothing but the best and honor you enough to use your style. Those of us trained in the honorable art ot Ninja text warrior in the Fricken Huge state of Texas understand that sometimes the untrained and unaware of the art, such as yourself have trouble relating to things unless offered in their style and lingo.
Even at this , the lost warriors seeking escape from boredom fail to recognize that one cannot always reply and make a statement using the exact words of the lost, such as yourself. Sometimes words have similar sounds, but are, in fact , totaly different. (Patience Grasshopper. I will enlighten you and give you an example shortly.)

LOL - what a dolt

 I agree totaly, but I don`t hold that against you. I will however show you the path to enlightment below.

I said Iberia, not Siberia!!!

Well done Grasshopper. You make me proud. You are correct. You did say Iberia. I was the one who said Siberia when offering to locate you a good deal on real estate there. Now that you understand what you said, I will show honor and explain to you that I read your listed, possible escape routes and destinations. I will offer again . This time, after you have fully recognized and understood what you said. If for some reason  you are foiled in your journey to escape boredom and are unable to achieve any of your destinations, I will get you a good deal on real estate in Siberia. Honorable are those warriors from the Fricken Huge state of Texas. ( Now you are enlightened on how words can sound similar, but be totaly different as I promised above. From this point forward on your journey to achieve enlightenment you should be able to take these teachings and easily note what you said without expalnation from Master Ninja text warriors from the Fricken Huge state of Texas)

It was not a typo

Correct again Grasshopper. You are making good progress. In due time you may attempt to take the frijole from my hand or at the very least master the art of pulling my finger. This will not require recognition of your own statements.

Like I said, no point in continuing with a guy who doesn't have a clue about world geography.

Don`t give up so easily Grasshopper. An easily defeated opponent dishonors the fine art. I will honor you by enlightening you on the great vastness of Texas and it`s geography. I will not abandon you just because you struggle discerning the difference between Iberia and Siberia. You need to take small steps Grasshopper. We will start your training slow with the vastness of Texas, but I will allow you to study only one small section of this vast land. I realize that the simple Fricken Huge size of the great state of Texas is beyond your comprehension.

the difference between Iberia and Siberia?  

This has been explaiined to you in your previous enlightenment Grasshopper.  Try this ,Oh yet to be enlightened one. Concentrate on learning the differences in the words alone to the point where you can tell the difference between  what you said and what I said at a glance. At that time I will advance you the stage of actualy recognizing that the two are different in more ways than spelling. For one who is so distraught and concerned with master escape plans it is understandable your lack of concentration. Not all text warriors can be expected to deal with vastness. It is a gift of those who reside in the Fricken Huge state known as Texas.


I enjoy my travels. I'm free to do it because I have the wherewithal and the time - and you don't.

One on a journey to total confusion will eventualy arrive with, exactly that, total confusion.
If I had anymore time I would have to rent it out to those who did not for the longed after exploration of the great state of Texas.
I have traveled more than the average. I totaly enjoy my travels. This is due to the fact that I travel to places that interest me and that are enjoyable. I do not frivilously travel to destinations that I have no desire to go to just to say "I`ve been there". There is much to be seen and experienced of interest to waste the interesting on the uninteresting.
I will give you an example that you can relate to. Just remember it was me who said this, not you, and even you will understand. I was offered and given an all expense, extended trip to.........(guess where?)....England at one time. I flatly turned it down due to the fact that England holds absolutely no iinterest to me. If at some time , someone can point out something there that would interest me to the point of considering a trip there, I would do just that, consider it. This has been explained to you on many occasions Grasshopper, but you still do not comprehend this. On an interest level I would rate it on the same level as sitting in front of the TV without turning on the power.

And... you're doing it again - comparing England with Texas.

You are struggling with the recognition of who is saying and doing what.
Let me put this in simple terms. If you have to, save it and study it from time to time until it comes clear of it`s meaning.
For me there is absolutely no way to campare England and Texas.
Texas = Very interesting and varied. An exciting and varied state with near virtual opportunities for travel, excitement and interest.
England= Of absolutely no interest to me. Positively  cannot be compared to great state of Texas. Small, drab and boring. No comaparison to Texas at any level.
Try to remember this.

"We have everything we need right here"?

A close proximty to what I stated, but not in the form of a question as stated by me. We have it all would some it up. For further enjoyment I might add that Texas is a Fricken Huge state.

You're not talking about oil are you?

Well at least you are trying to retain the difference between what I said and what you said. Great progress Grasshopper. Now that you have reached that point you can quickly discern what I am ,and am not talking about.

I shall think of that next week during my visit to the Middle East

That will ease the questions that should be going through your mind, such as  why anyone would wish to travel to the ME at this time if they did not have to.

I've already made abundantly clear that my "back yard" extends far beyond England.

You actualy are not going to be able to define the boundaries of a yard until you make your escape, establish residence and deal with the fact that you don`t know the difference between the front yard, back yard or outhouse.

But it's funny that you should post such a "know-it-all" wall of text about England/Europe when you've never even been here

It probably would be "funny" if I had done such, but I have not. Once again you are struggling with what you said and what I said. It is your wall of texts who have dealt with the knowlege, or lack thereof, concerning England.
My lengthy teachings to enlighten you have dealt with Texas and it`s vastness and diversity for the most part.
Refresher: I have absolutely no interest in England. It`s not a hard concept to grasp, even for one so confused.
My knowledge of England: Boring to the point of , once again, absolutely no interest. Drab, dull, boring. Three things does not a wall of text make.
I will add to the knowledge base just to refresh you. There is absolutely no possible way to compare Engalnd to Texas. Texas is interesting, exciting and......Fricken Huge.
I will repeat. I have not now , nor in the past, held any interest whatsoever in going to England. Simple enough?
If , for example, I had ever had the misfortune to vist England I can assure you I would not profess to be an instant expert on the vastness of it`s boredom. The fact is I do not have to make that trip to know it holds no interest to me .
You, on the other hand are proclaiming your knowledge of Texas to be very extensive based on your "tour" excursion. You have even went so far as to proclaim knowledge of the varied diversities and culture, languages spoken here , etc.   What you witnessed of Texas is on the scale of a one liner headline about Texas in a foreign paper. In other words, nothing. Texas , in no way can be defined or understood by you. You just can`t grasp the grandness Grasshopper.

I personally believe that Europe is much more culturally diverse than... texas, which is 268,000 sq. miles of people speaking the same language, and there is much uniformity to other aspects of life there.

A perfect example of how screwed up your comprehension of Texas is as described above.

No need to labour this point, as Jackall has already made it for me - , especially if you never leave your own "back yard", or... you live in texas

You can`t "labour" over this point,because you have no workable knowledge of it. You are the only one who does not realize this.
I beleive it is you that is having the personal conflict with yourself trying to define "your back yard".
I am the one that lives in the Fricken Huge state of Texas.

...all of which makes me scratch my head in the search for any sort of point that jackall might have. Thus far, his ramblings have been devoid of one.

The answers are there for you Grasshopper. Your struggle for understanding is being blocked due to the false notion that you have a working knowledge of the subject matter. That being Texas.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 03:13:09 PM by Jackal1 »
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Wolf14

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« Reply #207 on: February 28, 2006, 06:28:45 PM »
Jackel, you are having to  much fun my friend.

Note to the World:
Dont tick Texans off. We tend to get a little mean at times. There was a reason Patton said that he could win a battle with west point grads and he could win the war with Aggies.

Offline fartwinkle

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« Reply #208 on: February 28, 2006, 11:25:40 PM »
Originally posted by Airscrew
I think you are slightly off the mark with this comment.  Texas is very culturely diverse,  Texas was settled by Germans, Cechs, Polish, Irish, English, Spanish, Mexicans and others that I'm forgetting,  and they have greatly influenced how Texas has grown.   Also those languages are still spoken today, many communities in Texas still celebrate their customs from the 'Old World'  
I personally belong to a German club in Austin Saengerrunde.
I don't sing (i barely remember any of the german I learned when I was in Germany) but I joined the club and bowl in the small bowling alley behind Schultz's Garden.

Dont forget the original owners of TX the American Indian.

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #209 on: February 28, 2006, 11:26:49 PM »
Originally posted by fartwinkle
Dont forget the original owners of TX the American Indian.

That's "Native American" you insensitive clod. ;)