Author Topic: DMax: Jug tips for you...  (Read 441 times)

Offline TexMurphy

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DMax: Jug tips for you...
« on: February 21, 2006, 05:39:17 PM »
First I have to say that I dont fly the N.

My jug fighter time is 75% in the D25 and 25% in the D11.

The D40 I use for JABO only.

But Id say that the following keys apply to all jugs.

*Bleed E
*Supprice element

To fly it well you need.


Here is how I combine them.

The one thing very few enemies expecet is Jugs comming at em agressivly. 80% of the pilots expect jugs to either be out to BnZ or to JABO. Very few expect a Jug to accept a E fight. If you supprice them they will not take you seriously and die very quickly.

When you go into a E fight you obviously have to use vertical manouvers. The jug isnt too fond of nose up manouvers but you HAVE TO push it. The key to be able to push it hard in the nose up situation is to know the envelope of the plane. You really wana push the envelope as much as you can horizontaly.

IF you push it high enough and use your flaps well, especially at the top of vertical manouvers, you will be able to get inside track on the enemy quite easily. You could say that he falls by his own grip. Pilots try to push it high against the jug. You follow them far enough through the vertical so that the rope is out of a question, deploy the flaps, use the roll and get the snapshot in the exit of the vertical manouver.

Even if you dont get the shot your nose down manouverability is so good that you will be able to out twist and turn virtually anyone in the nose down section of the manouvers.

Make sure to retract your flaps as soon as you are going downhill inorder to maximize the alt to speed conversion.

You have to be aware though that you are pushing a plane to its limmits inorder to keep up with a pilot who is underperforming due to not taking you seriously. This means that you HAVE TO be aware when he commits seriously and know your exit point.

You have the initial advantage but you will loose it gradually and you have to either kill the enemy or exist the fight as long as you still hold it.

When you have the six of an enemy, and can controll your speed so that you arnt going insanely much faster then him, you can kill anything. Given the fact how well the Jug bleeds E and how great its flaps are you can get a lead turn on anyone plane long enough to land your shots. Against some (Zekkes and the likes) you might have to combine it with a High YoYo.

Though this is something I really dont like doing since bleeding my E makes me very vulnable to other enemies. But if you have 6-7k to the deck and get the opportunity to ditch some E and get a great shot go for it. Just be prepared to extend and rebuild E once your done.

This leads me in to the patience part. Since both situations described above are VERY E consuming you always need to be building E if your not engaged. Go in agressive but dont stay too long, extend, build E. Always build E when you dont have anything better to do.

Since we have been talking supprice. What adds to that element is E masking. When you have your target selected convert your alt to speed so that he doesnt see the E advantage. People are alot more causius with hig Jugs then with co Alt jugs.

Mask the E do your merge and your vertical opening move but read the enemy and see how he opens. Be quick in your decission if you wana E fight, rope or zoom out.

Be very causious with Spit16s especially in a D25. What ever you do dont get your self caught in a situation where you have a E disadvantage on a Spit16. If you are in E disadvantage or co-E situation to "Spit"  (any spit since you dont know if its a 16 till its late) then make sure to get spearation and climb.

If your in a E advantage then do a quick agressive engagement but be very quick to disengage. I dont give my self more then 2 max 3 ACMs before I disengage a Spit16.

Always treat Spits as highest piro target. You have to engage them first to get them out of the situation.

Nikkies on the other hand are a feast. I divide the Nikkie pilots into three groups Dweebs, Argoant or Aces. Against the first two you gonna have a field day but the Aces you need to disengage very quickly.

You will learn over time how to spot a Arogant pilot from a Ace pilot. Both are good but the first one is gonna be flying with a half arsed commitment.

Well I really need to go to bed.


Offline Roscoroo

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DMax: Jug tips for you...
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2006, 10:32:11 PM »
Spit 16's and ki64's are the biggest threat  to a jug , go after those 1st also try to stay high and make them come up to you  .. you've ussually only got one shot at them .

Any more tricks ... you have to donate to "Silat's Victoria secret collection " so I  can borrow ... :D

I mostly high alt  and furball my jugs .. they dont pay me enough to carry ord.
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
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Offline bozon

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DMax: Jug tips for you...
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2006, 04:39:29 AM »
Originally posted by Roscoroo
I mostly high alt  and furball my jugs .. they dont pay me enough to carry ord.

Why strap bombs to a perfectly good Jug ?! :huh
It destoys all the beauty and grace of the plane.

Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline Balsy

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DMax: Jug tips for you...
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2006, 08:11:40 AM »
D11 is amazing with flaps deployed.  I have great luck against Hurris, Spits, 51s etc.. when your on the deck and being hunted.  Nothing like flying along the deck, and getting people to overshoot you in better turning planes, and then scissor inside them.

Right about then they about sheet themselves cuz they just saw a jug turn inside of them.  Their next move is to really pull hard into the next scizzors to get inside of you. Right about the time they do get inside of you you push that pretty 100mph ton of fun into a verticle "flop"and they fly right under you, cob the rudder the other way, snap roll the jug back nose down and wham.  You have one bewildered and dead pilot who will be a bit more wary next time they decide to "pop" a low flying Jug.


Offline Pooface

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DMax: Jug tips for you...
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2006, 10:06:38 AM »
yup, jugs are one of the best all round fighters in here. big guns, lots of ammo, turn abilty, hold e very well, very fast, and soaks up bullets like a sponge. its all just a matter of being used to the envelope. just practise with it for a bit in the TA, maybe an hour a day for a week, against experienced stick, and you should have most of it down

Offline Schatzi

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DMax: Jug tips for you...
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2006, 10:55:05 AM »
Originally posted by Pooface
yup, jugs are one of the best all round fighters in here. big guns, lots of ammo, turn abilty, hold e very well, very fast, and soaks up bullets like a sponge. its all just a matter of being used to the envelope. just practise with it for a bit in the TA, maybe an hour a day for a week, against experienced stick, and you should have most of it down

Yeah, Jugs are all easy mode turnfighter.
21 is only half the truth.

Offline Max

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DMax: Jug tips for you...
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2006, 11:52:35 AM »
Tex, you have my thanks. Great read  :aok

Offline dhaus

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DMax: Jug tips for you...
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2006, 07:20:39 PM »
Listen to Balsy.  He pwnd me in a Spit 8 until I figured it out.  Of couse, that may say more about my skills than Balsy's!  The only way I beat him was after he was low and slow, having already killed two knights (at least), and I refused to follow him low.  I stayed high to cherry pick him - he was probably suffering from a pilot wound as well, lol.  If you try and follow him low, like I did the first three or four times, he'll flip that 47 on a dime and you're staring into 8  50s pointing into your cockpit - then the tower.