And this is news?
The Democrats are an entertaining bunch to watch. Especially Daschle....insists that Bush should work with HIM and not vice versa. And only New York would elect someone like Hilary to the Senate, and Massachussets a Kennedy....ole Ed will live forever, he's drank enough to not need any kind of embalming you know
Dont ask the Cape Coder's about his little accident a few years back. Man drives off a bridge, leaves a woman to die and leaves the scene for 10 hours. Whops.
Yup, Democrats want you to think that everyone is "owed" something from the government and my goodness, its not fair your neighbors make more than you, so we should tax them more...hell, they can afford it, right?
The party "off the children" didnt do them any favors while in power for 8 years. I found it HUGELY entertaining for Gore to say the country was in such sad shape during his campaign...yes, we agree, thanks for Mr Internet and his buddy running the country!
Oh my, but I've begun to rant...must stop...don't wanna use up all my good material.
Paul J. BusiereAces High Arena handle: BD5Pilot BD-5 "T" (TurboProp) 90% complete, first flight in 2001 (We hope!)