Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Actually, it's a commonly held opinion along with the other opinion that you're just a joke. And just like RManiac/ShelbyGT, you're just a loud mouth blowhard in the MA without a single ounce of skill to justify all the crap you spew and whine about in the MA. Which basically confirms that you're cut from the same cloth as RManiac and VOSS.
That’s just your Opinion. The difference lies in the fact that
1. I don't switch sides, handles, wife’s...ect with
the frequency of that of RM/Shelby and in fact a few others in AH.
2. I have been playing AW, WB, FB, TR, Ah for the last 10 years.
and quit frankly, I'v killed you enough time to know that you
have little talent and very unqualified to judge mine.
3. You, and about 3 others in the main, are like Ankle biting, Leg humping
dogs that harangue me constantly, with out end in disproportion to "little"
harmless trash talking I do. My "Stick" if you will, is about 10 years old
and it's part of what I do, if you don't like it, then you have two choices.
Deal with it and/or leave.
In closing, my very simple thought, to you Aka and the few other that may, and I mean may hold that same opinion as yourself is, simply, Eat S**t, and die.